Daily life of slaying demons in the government

Chapter 358 Eyes in the Charity Hall

Chapter 358 Eyes in the Charity Hall
The clinic is not big, but the charity hall is unexpectedly large.

The bodies were placed on simple bamboo beds. There were no less than thirty bodies in the morgue of the charity hall.

The smell was terrible, a mixture of rottenness, mold and the pungent smell of lime.

"Why aren't so many bodies buried?" Yang Qian asked.

"Sir, these bodies are all of orphans without any relatives. There is no one to collect the bodies after they die, so they can only stay in the charity hall and wait until there is more manpower available to take them to the mass grave outside."

“Are you short-staffed?”

"Yes, sir. There is a shortage of people in all aspects of the city. There are even fewer people willing to bury the dead, so there are so many dead bodies. This is the case in all the charity halls in the city now."

"How did these people die?"

Yang Qian lifted the white cloth, and inside were all young-looking people. Although their causes of death varied, none of them were over 40 years old.

"To answer your Excellency's question. They were all murders or deaths for no reason."

The so-called "death without reason" simply means: dying without knowing why.

Needless to say, these cases must fall within the jurisdiction of the police station. However, Yang Qian just read the report submitted by the five flags police chief at noon, and there was no mention of these murders and unexplained deaths.

It's the same old saying. Dead people can't speak. Besides, the people here are all young and strong, and most of them are "laborers" sent from other cities. Few people know they are dead.

So when it comes to the waiter's mouth, the capital city becomes "Taiping".

It is totally inconsistent with the actual situation.

As for how these people died, the doctor said it was due to trauma and suffocation. But in Yang Qian's opinion, these bodies had obvious signs of having their souls torn out by someone else. Anyone who has worked as a coroner in the police station for a few years would be very familiar with this kind of death.

But the doctors in the city knew nothing about it.

"Where did the doctor practice before coming to the provincial capital?" Yang Qian asked casually.

"Sir, I learned medicine after I came to the city. My master was a fairy master in the government office. Later, I also accepted apprentices here. After all, other places are also short of doctors, so the doctors in the city are trained by themselves."

Yang Qian couldn't help but curse Xiao Cangyu in his heart when he heard this. This was simply plugging almost all the loopholes as much as possible, and saying one thing in front of others and another behind their backs.

It is said that the people in Pingcheng are being raised like pigs, and the people in Fucheng are not much better.

Pingcheng created a Baishan Mountain God and asked the people to volunteer to serve him as snacks. Fucheng treated the people as fools, from "insect plague" to "doctors" to "staff replacement", almost cutting off the possibility of leaving after coming here.

A profession like a doctor might live to old age. The average person would probably live to be in their early forties.

Otherwise, why are there so many corpses in this charity hall, all of whom are around 40 years old?
But Yang Qian was already somewhat numb to this discovery, which should have made him furious. He was no longer surprised by all the strangeness and dirtiness in Shuangqing Mansion.

If there is rat shit in the soup, you will feel disgusted, but if there is rat shit in the cesspool, you will not be surprised. That's the feeling.

As he spoke, he followed the doctor into the depths of the charity hall's morgue.

Soon Yang Qian saw the "mummies" that had been left by the doctors for more than a year. There were three in total, two men and one woman, covered with black cloth.

"That's all, sir. They are like dry firewood now. I have been studying with several doctors for more than a year, and all I have obtained are weird things, but no effective treatment methods have been found. Alas, it is really stupid and useless!" Yang Qian saw the compassion and self-blame on the doctor's face, and the numb anger in his heart suddenly emerged. He took a breath and comforted him: "You have done very well. Sometimes the mistake is not in the present, but in the beginning."

"Your Excellency's words make me confused."

Yang Qian shook his head without explaining. Instead, he lifted the black cloth covering the body, revealing a mummified corpse with obvious signs of dissection.

There was no need to look closely at all; with just one glance, Yang Qian could determine the cause of death of these corpses.

They all died because their blood and energy were drained and their souls were taken away.

Their appearance was exactly the same as the deaths of the tens of thousands of people who died in the Jizhou disaster at that time.

The purpose of coming here is to finally confirm whether it is as he thought. The so-called insect plague is actually a cover created by the Huashen Sect's method of devouring people.

Now we can confirm that our guess is correct. We also unexpectedly discovered that the disgusting confinement in the city is different from other cities, but it is still the same.

Especially when he saw the doctor's heartfelt remorse and compassion, Yang Qian really wanted to kill everyone without hesitation.

"Sir?" The doctor saw that Yang Qian only looked at him for a few times before covering him with a black cloth. He remained silent. So he asked curiously. You can't just stand here stupidly, right?
Yang Qian looked around abnormally, then said to the doctor: "I need to study these corpses further. You can go first. You don't need to stay here with me."

"Then I'll take my leave. If you have anything else, you can come to the clinic to find me at any time. I'm always here."


Yang Qian watched the doctor leave, then reached out and touched the chest of a mummy in front of him.

The touch was like touching a piece of dried wood. He felt along the incision made on his chest during the autopsy, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face.

When Yang Qian pulled his hand back, there was something new in his palm, or rather a living creature, a spider.

It was the size of a child's palm, completely black, with four pairs of eyes moving on its torso, and a pair of venomous fangs biting Yang Qian's fingers fiercely, but it could not hurt Yang Qian at all. The protective energy of the body could not be broken by a small spider.

"Little thing, where are you from?"

This spider looked like just an ordinary poisonous creature hidden in the corpse, but the reason why Yang Qian asked the doctor to leave and stayed to catch the spider himself was because he felt a slight fluctuation of the soul in the spider. It was very subtle, and even if it was so close, this feeling would have been missed if it weren't for Yang Qian's sensitivity in martial arts.

And now that Yang Qian was holding the spider, he could more clearly feel the aura of a human soul on it.

The smile on Yang Qian's face soon disappeared. He heard fine rustling sounds coming from all directions.

Spiders of different sizes and even species swarmed from cracks in the ground, from windows, from the mouths of corpses, and from beams.
In a moment, countless spiders surrounded Yang Qian and gathered to form a human figure as tall as Yang Qian.

"Little kid, where are you from?"

These words came out from the mouth of the humanoid figure surrounded by spiders. Their voice was hoarse, but it was filled with a soul-stirring awe.

And it seemed to be responding to what Yang Qian had asked when he caught the first spider. The "little thing" in his eyes, but now he was a "little kid" in the other's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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