Daily life of slaying demons in the government

Chapter 362 The Police Station Wants Me to Talk

Chapter 362 The Police Station Wants Me to Talk
Chen Xing had tried his best to resist, but he was still unable to stop the pressure that was increasing bit by bit and finally forced him to his knees on the ground.

Even after he knelt on the ground, the pressure did not dissipate, but continued to increase in strength. The blue bricks under Chen Xing's knees broke with a crackling sound, and his knees were pressed into the ground. His bones were crackling all over, and even his internal organs began to feel a tingling pain as if they were being crushed.

"Sir, I admit my mistake and have something to say." He spoke out word by word, with big beads of sweat dripping down Chen Xing's forehead. He felt the danger approaching and even felt that Yang Qian wanted to kill him.

The pressure alone was enough to crush him, and Chen Xing's fear of Yang Qian was beyond words. At the same time, he was also sighing at his bad luck.

"Then tell me, why haven't those people in the charity hall been investigated for their deaths? Why haven't they even filed a case file?"

"Sir, the deaths of those people are so confusing that there is no clue to investigate. In addition, there are so many cases in the city and other places, so I postponed those cases."

Yang Qian raised his lips and interrupted, "Chen Xing, I'll give you one more chance. Tell me why those bodies in the charity hall died. Do you really not know anything?"

Chen Xing felt that the pressure on him disappeared at this moment. But after hearing Yang Qian's next words, the psychological pressure increased.

How did those people die? Chen Xing really didn't know?
How could he not know? But Chen Xing really didn't dare to say it. His face was hesitant and uneasy, but he still blamed himself loudly, apologized loudly, and said that he would thoroughly investigate those cases and give Yang Qian an explanation.

Yang Qian was somewhat disappointed, but not too surprised. Chen Xing's stubbornness could only indicate two reasons:
One reason is that Chen Xing felt that Yang Qian would not dare to make a big move in the provincial government. After all, the provincial government was under the supervision of Xiao Cangyu, who was nominally Yang Qian's chief officer.

Another problem was that Yang Qian's deterrent power was far from enough for Chen Xing. It was impossible to force him to submit with words alone.

So Yang Qian didn't waste any words. With a thought, a bolt of lightning wrapped around Chen Xing's body like a whip rope, not only tying Chen Xing up, but also binding Chen Xing's mouth. The burning and tightening of the lightning not only brought Chen Xing great fear and pain, but also made him unable to move or utter a word.

Yang Qian used Thunder to lead Chen Xing, or rather drag him, on the ground like a dead dog.

They came out of the government office and dragged Chen Xing to the drill ground behind the police station.

"Beat the drum and call everyone over."

Juan, who had rushed over after hearing the news, immediately turned around and ran away after hearing Yang Qian's words. Soon, bursts of dull drum sounds resounded throughout the entire police station, and even people on several nearby streets could hear these urgent drum sounds.

Soon, constables and yamen runners gathered in the parade ground in groups of three or four, including the constables of the remaining four banners.

Yang Qian waited for an incense stick of time. During this time, no one greeted him, but he did not answer. He just pulled Chen Xing, who was bound by the thunder in his hand.

After a stick of incense had passed, Yang Qian did not check whether everyone had arrived or not. This was not the point. As long as more than half of the people heard the drum sound and came, it would be enough.

"Chen Xing neglected his duties during his tenure and ignored murder cases in his jurisdiction. This situation has continued for many years. According to the law, he should be dismissed from all positions and exiled to a border town to do hard labor or be flogged ten to thirty times as punishment, depending on the circumstances.

However, Shuangqing Prefecture was already a border town of the imperial court, so Chen Xing's crime was no longer punishable by exile to a border town. The only thing left was ten to thirty lashes of cane.

With the approval of this official, Chen Xing was executed with a total of fifteen lashes to serve as a warning to others.

I hope everyone present here will take this as a warning. If you have similar mistakes, please come to me and confess. If you have not made such mistakes, then you can encourage each other to do better. "

Yang Qian's voice was not loud, but it was enough for everyone in the training ground to hear it clearly.

Then, as soon as he finished speaking, Yang Qian kicked Chen Xing with such force that his robe was instantly shattered, and he was pressed naked on the hard ground of the training ground, unable to move.

"Sir, I know I was wrong. I know I was wrong. Ah!" Crack!

A whip crack? But it sounded like thunder!

I saw that the whip in Yang Qian's hand was not an ordinary leather whip, but the long thunder whip that he had just used to restrain Chen Xing.

After one whip hit Chen Xing's back, it felt like it was severely burned by a wire. The flesh was burnt, and it also had an effect similar to a whip on the flesh, with the skin and flesh torn apart.

In just a moment, Chen Xing's voice of begging for mercy and admitting his fault suddenly stopped. The severe pain made his screams short, his muscles were cramped, and he opened his mouth wide but could not make any sound, and could only shake violently.


After the second whip, Chen Xing's back was bruised beyond repair and he fainted.

"Sir, Chen Xing can't bear it anymore!"

"Please show mercy, sir!"

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Yang Qian was not punishing Chen Xing, but was trying to take his life. Fifteen lashes of whipping, and Chen Xing fainted and was barely breathing after only two. If he really continued to beat him, Chen Xing would probably be dead after one or two more lashes.

Not to mention his colleagues, if Chen Xing died alone, who among the police chiefs present would be safe? Naturally, they would try their best to help save his life. Otherwise, this kind of thing would most likely fall on them.

Yang Qian's reaction was also very simple. He directly released his aura, without even using all his strength to exert his pressure. This little bit of aura was enough to cover the entire training ground and force everyone on the training ground to kneel on the ground.

Plead for Chen Xing?
You can't even utter a word under the pressure, how can you beg for mercy?

Then the thunder whip in his hand kept moving.

By the third time, Chen Xing's internal organs could be seen under the bones. By the fourth time, Chen Xing's upper body was split in two.

It was a miserable death.

Chen Xing died, but Yang Qian's pressure was not withdrawn. He still suppressed everyone in the training ground.

"Chen Xing was unlucky and died because he could not withstand the flogging. You must remember what happened today and take it as a warning. If you make similar mistakes, you must correct them immediately. I will wait for you in the government office. If you are lucky, then Chen Xing's today will be your tomorrow. Don't make mistakes!
Finally, to make it clear to everyone, the police station is my territory, Yang Qian. I am under the order of the emperor, and I have the responsibility to investigate and correct mistakes, and I have the right to execute first and report later.

My words have the final say here. No one else can do anything about it!"

After saying that, Yang Qian waved his hand, removed the oppressive aura in the scene, and then turned and left, leaving behind the police station, big and small, looking at each other with gloomy faces.

What is a show of force? This is it.

Now everyone knows that Yang Qian is not only arrogant outside. He dared to slaughter people in Baiguling and Thirty-three Caves outside, and he dared to kill disobedient people in the capital city. And he killed them legitimately.

(End of this chapter)

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