Daily life of slaying demons in the government

Chapter 394: Autumn wind sweeps away fallen leaves

Chapter 394: Autumn wind sweeps away fallen leaves
The nine yamen masters, two guards, and all the officials and officers who came to the city settled in the official residence behind the government office. This was Xiao Cangyu's residence before, and it was temporarily converted into a guest room for reception.

The conditions are good and it is convenient to watch these people.

It was not until three days later that Yang Qian had a general idea of ​​the connections of all those who came to report on their work.

The possibility that these people were wolves in sheep's clothing was temporarily ruled out. At least they were not on the same boat with Xiao Cangyu, and their words and actions were all trying to draw a clear line. Even their own master would sell him out at any time, and they would report anyone who had the slightest connection with Xiao Cangyu without hesitation.

It's not that these people are big-talkers, but they know that if they don't take sides completely at this time, it is equivalent to not taking sides at all, and the only outcome is death, and they will have no room for choice.

So the strategy was quickly finalized, with General Zhao Ting in charge of the attack plan, and then the three guards who had been sorted out in the city were mainly drawn, and then they would go to Xiangyao City along the way, and then gather the scattered soldiers who would inevitably appear in various places on the way, and advance together. The purpose was not to attack the city, but to cut off all the food and grass.

Then, when the remnants of Xiangyao City escape, Yang Qian and the remaining guards drawn from Huimu Pass will intercept and kill them. The ultimate goal is to wipe out all the remaining enemies.

Once the plan was set, it was implemented immediately. Zhao Ting immediately began to take over the affairs of the military office in the prefectural city. It went surprisingly smoothly.

Firstly, Zhao Ting was familiar with all the intricacies of the military, so it was effortless for him; secondly, after the departure of Xiao Cangyu and Sun Kuan, he was the most prestigious general in the Shuangqing Prefecture army, and had a reputation for being invincible. Naturally, he would be able to convince the people when he took over the Three Guards.

The first factor in judging a general's ability in the army is whether he can win the support of the people. If he cannot do any of these, then there is no hope for the army's combat effectiveness.

Even with Zhao Ting leading the army, it would still be difficult to intimidate and kill the remnants of the Five Guards in Xiangyao City with the Four Guards. It would not be difficult to defeat them, but it would be almost impossible to annihilate them completely.

Therefore, Yang Qian is the highlight of this military strategy.

Just as Zhao Ting led his army to march, Li Yifu and other people who came to report were all left in the city. Yang Qian did not tell them why they could leave, and these people were very tactful and did not ask. Because everyone knew that Yang Qian was just in case, and they could only go back after the situation in the cities in Shuangqing Prefecture was roughly stable and Yang Qian had a firm grasp of the overall situation.

It is even hard to say whether Li Yifu and others are still the masters of the yamen by that time.

More than half a month after Zhao Ting set out, Yang Qian also set out.

He first went to the ambush point that Zhao Ting had planned, and then went to Xiangyao City to throw a thunderstorm to test the power of his newly refined double-headed trident. The range of the thunderstorm alone was expanded by 40% to 50% compared to before.

After the thunderstorm, Yang Qian left Xiangyao City and seemed to be gone.

More than half of the people in the city were killed or injured in the thunderstorm. The reason why they were not killed was that Yang Qian had to take the ordinary people in the city into consideration and did not use all his strength to smash the thunder.

There were almost two guards left, and they rushed out like crazy from the city gate that had been deliberately left missing and not surrounded, and fled in a panic all the way to the vast bamboo sea.

At this moment, these fools who chose to fight to the end regretted so much that they almost cried. If they had known this would happen, they should have abandoned everything in Shuangqing Prefecture and ran away as soon as possible like some of their accomplices who had made a decisive decision. They could have gone to the Wanli Bamboo Sea to be dogs, or directly to the Dashun Dynasty to save their lives.

Staying in Xiangyao City now means death. But now it is clear that we are surrounded and one man is missing. Can we still run away? We are all veterans in the military. If we can't understand this, what good are we doing?

But there was no choice! There was no room to run in another direction, and I could only dive into the vast sea of ​​bamboo. Because running to other places would still be like being trapped in a jar, and death would be a matter of time.

All I can pray for now is that I can run fast enough. As long as I force others to run faster, I still have a chance to survive.

So the bandits who had vowed to fight to the death together were now completely defeated. They were all in a swarm, and there was no formation at all. The fate of such a rout was naturally imaginable.

Yang Qian only needed to stand on the cloud and follow, watching these defeated soldiers being surrounded and killed by Zhao Ting and other 1,000 ambush troops guarding the road ahead.

If there are one or two fish that slip through the net, Yang Qian will strike them with a bolt of lightning, cutting off all their chances of survival.

At this time, don't mention wearing military uniforms but claiming that you are innocent because you were forced to do so. You have become a bandit army, so you deserve it no matter how innocent you are.

In just half an hour, the bandit army, which had originally made Yang Qian somewhat worried about being too powerful to be eliminated, was completely eliminated.

As a result, almost half of the people in Xiangyao City were killed by these bandit troops.

So although Yang Qian had solved a problem that was bothering him, he was not happy at all. The price he paid was indeed not small.

Then Zhao Ting led the victorious guards to circle around Shuangqing Prefecture, visiting every city and town, and directly destroyed any demons or bandits. If they couldn't handle it, they would use the talisman to send Yang Qian to clean it up.

After Yang Qian returned to the prefecture, he was busy for more than a month. He finally sorted out the situation in Shuangqing Prefecture. And the person he had been waiting for finally arrived.

In the side hall of the government office, Yang Qian saw Cui Mingsheng, who looked haggard and tired but somewhat excited.

"The criminal Cui Mingsheng greets Lord Yang!" Cui Mingsheng knelt down with a trembling voice, put his hands on the ground and was about to kowtow to Yang Qian.

But Yang Qianxu raised his hand to hold it.

"Master Cui, you don't have to be so polite. Yang Qian will never forget the kindness of Sandao City." Yang Qian helped Cui Mingsheng up with a serious face. Cui Mingsheng came here to rely on him, so he should show the right attitude. Yang Qian has been in the officialdom for so long that he has seen it all.

Especially for an unlucky guy like Cui Mingsheng, the more Yang Qian showed his loyalty, the more grateful Cui Mingsheng would be, and the less ashamed he would feel. After all, his former subordinates were now the ones who controlled his life and death, and this change in mentality would not be smooth.

Sure enough, although Cui Mingsheng was helped up, his face still showed guilt.

While bowing, Cui Mingsheng said, "Master Yang, I feel ashamed in front of you!"

"Why did Lord Cui say that? I heard about Lord Cui's story, and there must be something fishy. And His Majesty also knows that Lord Cui must have been framed, otherwise he would not have sent him to me.

To be honest, you can rest assured when you come to me. It is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. There is no need to rush for immediate gains and losses."

Cui Mingsheng said gratefully: "I would like to thank you for taking me in! If you have any other orders, I will do my best and live up to your trust!"

"Hahaha, Lord Cui's words finally put my mind at ease. Come on, let's eat first and talk while we eat. I do have a lot to ask Lord Cui."

(End of this chapter)

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