Chapter 397 Letter
After going through all the small secret realms in Shuangqing Mansion, Yang Qian gained a great opportunity, but he couldn't help but wonder, the wordless steles in the small secret realms are already a great opportunity, what about the wordless steles in the big secret realms?
Or maybe there is more than just the inscriptionless stele in the great secret realm, and there are other opportunities waiting for Yang Qian to discover and pick up bargains?

In addition, Yang Qian also had a question in his mind: Why are there so many secret realms in Shuangqing Prefecture? But other places, such as Jizhou Prefecture, don't even have a secret realm?
It's definitely not that the people in Jizhou Prefecture are not as smart as the people in Shuangqing Prefecture, so they can't find it. If people are stupid, there can't be a secret realm hidden under the Immortal Gate's Sky-Surveying Eyes, right?
There can only be one reason: Shuangqing Prefecture has a special geographical location, and due to some unknown reasons, many secret realms have emerged here.

This is just a small secret realm, there must be a big secret realm! And there must be a big secret realm that has not been explored yet, it should be in the mysterious bamboo sea.

Yang Qian even thought that this might be the reason why Chansi Cave and Feiyun Valley stayed in the Wanli Bamboo Sea and would not come out easily. Guarding one or more great secret realms, they naturally did not want to share them with others, and sealing off the Wanli Bamboo Sea was also a way to keep the secret.

Moreover, many of the great secret realms have opening times, just like the Tianmu Secret Realm where Yang Qian helped the Five Thunder Palace to grab a spot in Fengbo City. It is not enough to have a token of admission, but you must be within the opening time of the secret realm. Therefore, Chansi Cave and Feiyun Valley must guard the secret realm even more.

Then a new question arises. With so many secret realms, small secret realms, and large secret realms so densely packed together, why doesn't the Immortal Alliance even take a look? Not only does it not set up a patrol eye here, but even the disciples of the Immortal Alliance rarely come to Shuangqing Prefecture.

It feels like the Immortal Alliance deliberately avoided Shuangqing Prefecture, including the area where the Wanli Bamboo Sea is located.

With gains and new questions, Yang Qian ended his journey of finding bargains and returned to the provincial capital.

After returning, Zhao Ting's troops completed the cleanup of various cities in Shuangqing Prefecture and returned to the camp outside the prefecture, while handing over orders to Yang Qian.

Cui Mingsheng also completed the exploitation of several cities, and gradually the yamen masters who were left behind in the provincial capital began to return to their own jurisdictions.

Yang Qian simply understood these situations and did not care about them. There were many things to do in the provincial government, and he was busy just dealing with some documents. Only after Yang Qian slowly rebuilt the system of the master's advisor, he had some free time.

"My Lord, this is a letter that arrived the day before yesterday."

The guards outside the government office brought in a few letters and placed them on Yang Qian's desk, then bowed and retreated.

There were three letters in total. Two of them looked normal, and were signed by his younger brother Yang Xun and Yang Qian's old friend Jiang Yun.

The only letter that looked unusual was that it was too thick. It looked like a thick stack, with probably more than a dozen pages of letter paper.

Look at the signature on this thick envelope, a beautiful handwriting: Yuan.

At one word, Yang Qian burst into laughter. He was so busy that he had no time to spare for a moment. He really couldn't think about the woman in Jizhou Prefecture who he had a good impression of and wanted to be with.

Fang Yuan, how is this young lady doing in Jizhou Prefecture?

It should be fine, otherwise if there was something urgent, I would have crushed the talisman long ago. Now I choose to write a letter, probably to scold him for not hearing from him for so long, right?
Yang Qian smiled and opened the thick letter first.

Sure enough, the letter was signed by Fang Yuan.

The way Fang Yuan addressed Yang Qian in the letter made him laugh.

"Yang Lang", this should be the most intimate name Fang Yuan could think of, right? After all, she is a woman who has studied etiquette and has been through ideological changes. Her courage alone is many times stronger than that of ordinary women.

After unfolding the letter, the smile on Yang Qian's face gradually changed, and even took on a sour smell of longing.

Surprisingly, there was no question in the letter as to why Yang Qian had not written back to Fang Yuan for so long. Instead, it showed genuine concern and worry. It was obvious that the letter was not written in one go.

At the beginning, I was still talking about some trivial matters in Jizhou Prefecture, such as how the refugees that the academy helped to evacuate were later resettled, and how Fang Yuan was learning how to sew clothes, and she had already learned how to sew simple short jackets, etc.

What followed was a bunch of nagging messages, such as hearing that Shuangqing Mansion was full of dangers and worrying that something might happen to Yang Qian there.

On the last two pages, you can even see several obvious water marks on the letter paper, as if Fang Yuan shed a lot of tears while writing this letter.

The last sentence caused great waves in Yang Qian's heart.

Fang Yuan wrote at the end of the letter: Yang Lang, please be careful, I will wait for you to come back!
Yang Qian closed the letter and did not rush to reply. He calmed down the rare emotions in the letter.

After reading the other two letters, Yang Qian began to write his reply.

The letter to Fang Yuan did not contain any nagging words. He simply introduced his recent situation in Shuangqing Prefecture, without mentioning the danger, but only talking about the progress made. He also indicated that Shuangqing Prefecture would be able to sort things out completely soon, and then he would return to Jizhou Prefecture to find Fang Yuan.

Finish writing a package.

He began to write back to his younger brother Yang Xun.

Yang Xun mentioned two things in his letter. One was that his mother Xu Ying was in good health, so Yang Qian didn't need to worry about her. But Xu Ying couldn't rest, and now she dug up the small garden in the backyard that Yang Qian liked, and turned it into a vegetable garden, where she planted a lot of vegetables, and sometimes she would harvest some and give some to the people she knew in Jizhou Prefecture.

The second thing is the business in Yang Xun’s hands.

Yang Xun's business is now unstoppable in the entire Jizhou Prefecture. But he encountered problems when trying to sell it.

It's not the problem of Yang Xun's high-quality products, but the problem of sales. It is said that there are connections in the imperial city who are deliberately suppressing Yang Xun's shop. He wrote to ask his eldest brother whether he should not rush out of the business and choose to give in, or whether Yang Qian can find a way to resolve the trouble.

Yang Qian's reply was also very simple. He told Yang Xun not to be reckless. The people in the imperial city who were bullying him were quite powerful. He would deal with everything later.

Even without Yang Xun's letter, Yang Qian would not have forgotten that the noble families in the imperial city had come to the Xingsheng League to kill him. They could settle the accounts together at that time.

The last letter was from Jiang Yun, which surprised Yang Qian. After all, Jiang Yun had been recovering from his injuries in Jizhou Prefecture, but before he recovered, he encountered the disaster in Jizhou Prefecture again. He was injured again, and it would take him one or two years to recover.

But after reading Jiang Yun's letter, Yang Qian realized that Jiang Yun's injury had healed. Jiang Yun did not say in the letter how he had recovered so quickly.

But the purpose of Jiang Yun's letter was to tell Yang Qian that he would come to Shuangqing Mansion and inform Yang Qian in advance.

So there was no need to reply to Jiang Yun's letter. Calculating the time, after this letter reached Yang Qian, it would not take long for Jiang Yun to arrive.

(End of this chapter)

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