Daily life of slaying demons in the government

Chapter 417 Zhou Zhong's Trouble

Chapter 417 Zhou Zhong's Trouble


The sound of rapid breathing came from deep in a cave, as if someone was gasping for breath inside.

The cave is very deep. The entrance is from behind a big tree. After walking two or three feet forward along the ground, the entrance starts to turn straight down. First there is a steep drop, then it tilts and twists and turns, and it goes more than a hundred feet underground before reaching the bottom.

The wheezing sound came from the bottom of the cave, and it could not be heard clearly from the entrance of the cave. Only a faint whistling sound could be heard.

The bottom of the cave is very humid. There should be an underground river on the side, and there is also a stream running randomly on the ground.

This place is nameless and is about 160 to 170 miles away from the capital of Shuangqing Prefecture.

Zhou Zhong, whom Yang Qian was looking for and had already found a little bit of his trace, was at the bottom of this cave. He had indeed been to Shuangqing Prefecture and was led to this cave. He stayed there for more than two months.

At this time, there was no light at the bottom of the cave, and there was a strong smell of earth and mold in the darkness and dampness.

Zhou Zhong was dressed in filth, with disheveled hair and a face covered in dirt, and his complexion was ridiculously pale.

What was strange was that Zhou Zhong was sitting in a puddle of water in a kneeling position, his hands tightly grasping his thighs, his knuckles turning white from the force, and he even scratched his trouser legs, his nails digging into the flesh, and streams of blood were dripping down his hands. But when it dripped into the puddle of water beneath his body, the blood seemed to be pulled by some force, and gathered in one direction like a thread.

Following the direction of the blood, one can see a long red crystal the size of a little finger suspended in the air, absorbing every bit of Zhou Zhong's blood like smoking a cigarette.

Where does this long red crystal come from?

Isn’t it exactly the same as the one that emerged from Xiao Cangyu’s body and flew away after his death?

However, Zhou Zhong didn’t know the origin of this red crystal, and he was now troubled by it.

In the darkness, red threads as thin as hair were seen emerging from one end of Hong Jing and piercing into Zhou Zhong's entire head like needles, densely covering his face, back of the head, and top of the head.

This scene was so bizarre just by looking at it. Zhou Zhong had never imagined that the world could be so bizarre after experiencing it himself.

Two months ago, Zhou Zhong suddenly felt something was happening, so he left his place of practice without thinking and followed his "intuition" to the prefecture capital. After arriving here, Zhou Zhong briefly had a moment of doubt, and he didn't understand what the "intuitive" "desire" in his heart was all about.

But this self-doubt did not last long. Zhou Zhong did not even have time to wish his "believers" safety before he set off again. After leaving the provincial capital, he walked more than a hundred miles before reaching the cave.

The cave is not only hidden, but also because the yin energy naturally gathers at the bottom of the cave. When the yin is strong, living things avoid it. However, it is different from the evil spirits. For Zhou Zhong, it is truly a suitable place for cultivation.

But the deeper Zhou Zhong got into the cave, the more conflicted he felt.

On the one hand, when Zhou Zhong arrived at the cave, he felt that the source he had been chasing all the way was within reach, and he felt inexplicably excited. On the other hand, he himself did not know why a sense of crisis surged in his heart, as if there was something deadly in the cave, and subconsciously told him to get away immediately.

This is very contradictory. Zhou Zhong hesitated for a long time outside the cave, but in the end he couldn't help the excitement and desire in his heart. It seemed that there was some great opportunity waiting for him in the cave. Finally, when he went down to the cave, he felt a blood connection more and more clearly. It was because of this that Zhou Zhong's anxiety was suppressed, because at this time it seemed that there was indeed an opportunity guiding him here, not danger.

Too sloppy? Too casual?

How could Zhou Zhong not know this? He was such a meticulous person who liked to plan before he acted, but now he had completely lost his usual caution. He was so weird that he even ignored his own personality.

It was not until he reached the bottom of the cave that Zhou Zhong understood the origin of his inexplicable "intuition".

An unusual-looking red crystal was standing at the bottom of the cave. When Zhou Zhong approached, it actually emitted a terrifying aura.

But Zhou Zhong was very much fooled by this. Before he felt fear or horror in his heart, his body was the first to cower and he knelt down directly, even kneeling in a pool of water in the cave. The water was three or four inches deep and immediately soaked Zhou Zhong's lower body.

Maybe it was the shock from the water wetting his body, but Zhou Zhong suddenly realized something was wrong.

What had he done along the way? Why did he come here so desperately, without asking for the reason or the danger? This was totally different from what he was used to.

And what exactly is this red crystal? Why do I have an instinctive fear of it? Even a feeling of blood connection?

None of this is normal!
Zhou Zhong's intelligence immediately realized the problem after a brief moment of clarity, and he was ready to leave immediately. However, just like when he passed by the prefecture capital before, this clarity was very short and not enough for Zhou Zhong to react as he should. His body was still kneeling on the ground out of his control, and he looked up, as if facing the red crystal and waiting for something.

Zhou Zhong's mind was not completely lost. He was in a state similar to that of someone who had drunk too much and could not control his body.

At first Zhou Zhong felt that he was in trouble. He immediately realized that his behavior, which was completely irrational and contrary to his original wishes, must be related to the method he was practicing.

Zhou Zhongxiu's "Cult Classic" follows the path of the evil god Jiang Yuhe. Evil thoughts gather in his body, and the end point of his practice is not longevity but immortality!

You can tell how wild these methods sound. Zhou Zhong understood from the first day that no matter whether he succeeded in cultivation or not, he would be inseparable from killing in this life, and he would probably have nothing to do with the word "human" anymore.

With such awareness, Zhou Zhong never thought that what he was repairing was a safe thing, and he was mentally prepared for mistakes and even fatal consequences.

For example, now, Zhou Zhong immediately understood that he was brought here by evil thoughts and it was not his original intention.

What is red crystal?
After two months, Zhou Zhong finally understood this problem: this red crystal was transforming his body, or in other words, it was infusing streams of essence and blood into his body, allowing his body to slowly change from a "monk" to an unknown direction.

For some reason, whenever Zhou Zhong thought of the word "change", a statue would appear in his mind. It was the image of the evil god with wings on his back, horns on his head, vertical eyes, and a human body and a beast's head.
After two months, Zhou Zhong not only felt that his body was constantly being transformed, but he also discovered that there seemed to be a "black area" in his sea of ​​consciousness that he could not explore.

A cloud of gloom rose in Zhou Zhong's heart, making him realize that his path might not really be one he walked alone as he thought.

(End of this chapter)

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