Chapter 42 Evil and Desire

Yang Qian sat at the edge of the training ground behind the police station, sipping a pot of sake from time to time.

The case was closed, and Wang Shigui and his colleagues were busy completing the case files in the squad room. He had nothing to do and couldn't sleep, so he came here to get some peace and quiet.

I have handled quite a few cases in the past, but not many cases like this one.

In the past, good and evil were clearly distinguished, and it was easy to selectively lead people to the side of good and then execute justice, and one would even feel a sense of pride in one’s heart.

But this time, the line between good and evil is blurred, and even when the truth is finally revealed, it is hard to tell right from wrong. The only thing I feel is that the two children died unjustly.

In the past, what Yang Qian hated the most were the evil bugs in the world that treated humans as food, so they should be killed as soon as possible.

But now, Yang Qian discovered that it was not only the evil insects that should be killed, but also those who were thinking of evil means.

Who is to blame for the Yao family tragedy?

Blame Yao Fang for killing his wife and children?

Did Guai Xunyi kill someone to get the treasure? Did he instigate his wife to kill her husband, which resulted in tragedy?

Or should we blame Wu Qing for knowing that the Five Zombie Beasts Sculpture was an evil thing but still deliberately selling it to Yao Fang?
These people are all evil, and they all deserve to die. In fact, they all deserve to die, whether it is beheading or slow slicing.

But these people are not the source of evil.

The source of all this can only be attributed to the person who made that set of Five Zombie Beast Sculptures.

Immortal Sect? Although these people practice Taoism, they should be considered as evil, right? Their evil is so great that in Yang Qian's opinion, it is even worse than demons.

After all, demons are themselves alien species, and the killing between alien species is far less evil than the killing between the same species.

Isn't the purpose of the people who created the Five Funeral Beasts Sculpture to "eat people"? This is a way to infinitely magnify the evil thoughts and greed in people's hearts. It would be strange if there is a good result. The harm is far greater than that of demons.

But facing these evil ways, Yang Qian seemed much more powerless than when facing the evil bugs.

Don’t even mention you, a mere captain of the police. Those immortal sects have not been able to wipe out all the evil in this world. They can only form a certain degree of confrontation. Why do you worry about it?

There was a box at his feet, inside of which was the Five Zombie Beast Sculptures confiscated from Xunyi's residence. It was an important piece of evidence in this case, and also a set of rare and evil magical tools.

Now Yang Qian was a little curious about who was buried in the tomb where this set of wood carvings was unearthed. How could such a weird and depressing thing be buried with him? Was it to curse him to have no descendants while showing his evil identity in his lifetime?

Xun Yi did not hide anything, at least it seemed that he did tell everything. He not only laid out the whole story of the case, but also explained how to use the Five Funeral Beasts Sculpture.

Therefore, Yang Qian did not dare to leave the Five Zombie Beasts Sculpture in the warehouse of the police station.

What if someone could not resist the temptation and stole the wood carvings? He could only take Yang Qian with him to feel at ease.

As for Yang Qian himself, he is not stupid. He has the experience panel, a miraculous plug-in, on him. There is no way he would be aroused by such a weird thing as the Five Zombie Beast Sculptures.

Being used to eating delicious food, how could Yang Qian drool at a piece of bean cake? That was definitely impossible.

A pot of wine weighed less than half a pound. Yang Qian drank it in small sips for half an hour. By then, the sky was beginning to brighten slightly.

After breakfast, Yang Qian arrived outside Wang Hai's office early with the case files he had sorted out overnight and the set of five-animal sculptures he had confiscated. "Huh? So early?"

"Greetings, Chief Constable! I came here early because I was anxious." Yang Qian saluted and followed Wang Hai into the house.

"You are carrying a lot of bags and documents. Is there something going on?" Wang Hai sat down on the chair and asked with a smile as he looked at Yang Qian who was making tea for him.

"Captain, there is something. You see, this is a cold case from Class C. It has been under investigation recently and the result came out yesterday. However, it involves some evil ways, so I would like to ask you to make the decision."

Yang Qian brewed some hot tea for Wang Hai and placed it in a convenient place. Then he placed the documents he brought on the table and opened the box containing the five funeral beasts and placed it aside.

Wang Hai first glanced at the five-animal sculpture in the box, which didn't look strange, and then flipped through the documents in his hand. His brows slowly frowned.

“Is this the set of wood carvings?”


"Have you ever tried to see if it's really that weird?" Wang Hai put down the documents he had just read, picked up the box, took out the five wood carvings inside, placed them on the table and examined them carefully.

Yang Qian said truthfully, "To answer the Chief Constable's words, I personally saw the strange performances of these wood carvings when I captured Xun Yi, and there is no doubt about it. However, because they are too strange, none of my subordinates dare to try them themselves, so we can only let those who know the business make the judgment."

Wang Hai thought about it and it made sense. This thing was hard to test no matter whether it was real or not. Not only would it give people a chance to talk nonsense, but it was also hard to find someone to test it. Who would be willing to let you eat their blood and soul as a snack?

"If it involves evil objects, we have to report it to the yamen master, then to the provincial government office, and finally ask the immortal master from the immortal sect to come and check it out." Wang Hai gave the most orderly way to deal with it.

"But you have handled this case very well. The investigation process is very strict, one link after another. Even if there are some flaws in the Five Funeral Beasts Sculpture, it will not affect the closure of the case.

Well done! "

Yang Qian quickly bowed and said, "It's all thanks to the chief constable's encouragement and the brothers below who have fought for their lives. Yang Qian doesn't dare to take all the credit."

"Alright, alright, I know you're good at talking. I've seen everything you've done since you came to Class C.

The C-class has been working hard on the backlog and unsolved cases recently. The Yamen has told me three times that the C-class has been stimulated and their ability to handle cases has improved so much.

In my opinion, isn't it all thanks to you, the head of the C-class? The C-class wasn't like this when Old Zheng was here. I asked you to change the atmosphere, and you improved so quickly. You are really a capable and capable person!

The yamen master praised you highly at the beginning, which was indeed a good vision!"

After a pause, Wang Hai continued, "Since you have stirred up this storm, then keep up the good work. Your C-class will not have to take on new cases from the yamen for the time being. Instead, focus on investigating the backlog and unsolved cases for a while."

Not only do you need to investigate the cases of Class C, but you can also investigate the backlog and pending cases of other classes. Specifically, we will focus on major cases, important cases, and cases involving demons, thieves and bandits.

How about it? Are you confident enough to take on this responsibility? "

Although Wang Hai did not finish his words, Yang Qian was already moved by what he said and understood what he meant.

Each squad has its own cases, and if they can't handle them, they'll just leave them unsolved or pile them up. There's no precedent for handing them over to other squads for investigation.

Are they trying to push Class C out to be a catfish?
(End of this chapter)

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