Daily life of slaying demons in the government

Chapter 421: Relying on Magical Weapons to Do Things in Disarray

Chapter 421: Relying on Magical Weapons to Do Things in Disarray
At a distance of more than ten feet, Yang Qian looked at the other person, a man who looked very evil.

He has narrow eyes, red spots on his cheeks, a sunken nose, no eyebrows, loose hair, and holds a black and red oil-paper umbrella in his hand.

As for his cultivation, judging from the fluctuations of mana Yang Qian felt from this man, he was much higher than him, but he was still clearly in the same realm as him. He was probably in the late stage of the Out-of-Body Realm.

As long as the opponent is not someone with the cultivation level of breaking destiny and is a little higher than himself, Yang Qian really doesn’t care now.

However, Yang Qian was somewhat fearful of the black and red umbrella in the opponent's hand. He keenly discovered that there was an abnormal slight distortion in the space around the umbrella.

"How dare you! Yang Qian, you killed my junior sister. Do you dare to fight me today?"

Yang Qian did not answer, nor did he intend to ridicule or provoke the other party.

In matters of life and death, victory or defeat is determined by the hands, and the mouth cannot kill people. It is not necessarily a good thing to anger the opponent. It is better to save your mind and focus on killing.

As soon as Yang Qian took out his giant blade from the storage bag, all the words describing aggressiveness such as fierce, violent, brutal, sharp, aggressive, etc. could be used to describe him.

Even though the giant blade was without a sheath, when Yang Qian held it in his hand, invisible sword intent spread out, as if the giant blade was complaining, complaining that Yang Qian had not let it drink blood and fight for a long time.

The sword intent scattered in all directions, affecting everything within a radius of several feet, especially the bamboo forest below. A huge hemispherical depression suddenly appeared with a tearing sound. The depressed part was directly crushed into pieces by the sword intent scattered by the giant blade.

Yang Qian drew his knife, and the man in black robe did not just stand there and watch. The attitude he displayed was definitely as if he was facing a formidable enemy. He was not careless at all because of the chaotic aura on Yang Qian's body and he could not detect his specific realm. He clearly understood how powerful Yang Qian was.

So when he saw Yang Qian showing off the giant blade, he hurriedly opened the black and red paper umbrella in his hand, and raised it, hanging above his head like a canopy, and slowly turning.

Yang Qian instantly felt that after he had this umbrella, the other person's body suddenly disappeared from his perception and mind? !
But one could clearly see that the other party was still hovering in the air with his flying weapon, and he took out two short spears from his storage bag and held them in his left and right hands respectively.

I can see him but my spiritual energy cannot be locked onto him. Even if I close my eyes, I cannot sense his presence at all!
Such a strange thing must be the power of the black and red paper umbrella.

Just by looking at the fluctuations of mana emanating from the paper umbrella and the effects it displayed, Yang Qian, with his level of refining, could tell at a glance that this umbrella was not a magic weapon, but a magical treasure. And although Yang Qian could not understand the colorful magic array patterns on it, he could be sure that it was a space-type magic treasure!
It's a space type rather than a simple defense type!
The reason why Yang Qian was so sure was because the power generated by this magic weapon seemed to mysteriously and invisibly block all traces of the opponent's existence except for vision. In fact, it was not achieved by a concealing magic array or some secret technique, but by space!

This umbrella folded the space where the opponent was, stretching it first and then folding it, hiding the opponent's true self, including the paper umbrella itself, in the interlayer after folding!

With space as a barrier, no matter how powerful you are, as long as you cannot penetrate the space barrier, it will be impossible to sense where his real body is.

Space cannot block vision, so the divine consciousness is blocked and cannot perceive, but the sight is not affected too much, which leads to this strange situation.

If another cultivator of the Out-of-Body Realm came over, he would definitely not be able to discover the mystery of the paper umbrella as quickly as Yang Qian. Even if he discovered it, he would not be able to do anything to the other party. Making use of space is not a defensive measure, but it is better than a defensive measure.

"Yang Qian, give me your life!"

He shouted with hatred. At the same time, the short spears in his hands emitted dark green poisonous mist, and then he stepped on a flying shuttle and rushed towards Yang Qian.

He actually used close combat?
This kind of fighting method is rare among weapon cultivators, most of whom usually use flying swords and take the path of long-range attack. Even demon cultivators, whose physical strength far exceeds that of human cultivators, usually use close combat to maximize their advantages after revealing their true form.

Right from the start, use human form, hold a spear, and engage in close combat?
The key target is Yang Qian, who is an outlier who likes to fight at close range after showing off his giant blade. What is he doing?
Does this mean you want to bully people with that umbrella?

After all, although the naked eye can see the opponent, that is only possible when the opponent is not moving very fast. Once the flying shuttle is used, the speed cannot be accurately captured by the naked eye, and the mind needs to lock the opponent's aura to clearly determine the opponent's position.

Now, relying on the umbrella, Yang Qian could only stare blankly, totally unable to cope with the rapid attack.

This kind of fighting style is naturally best achieved through close combat to inflict maximum damage and prevent escape.

Yang Qian curled his lips, not taking it seriously. Instead, he slightly retracted the giant blade in his hand and twisted his waist, allowing the giant blade to rotate back and forth and be placed on his left side. The whole person was in a spiral posture.

Just as the other party thought, with the help of the paper umbrella, Yang Qian really had no way to resist or counterattack the extremely fast attack without being able to lock the Qi with his mind. Even the eyesight and physical reaction of a martial artist could not do this.

However, being unable to resist does not mean sitting there and waiting to die, nor does it mean that Yang Qian has no means to deal with or crack it.

The power of the paper umbrella lies in the fact that ordinary monks cannot touch the spatial level at all, let alone break the partition of space. It is equivalent to providing a layer of "invincible barrier".

But most things in the world are difficult for those who don't know how to do them, but easy for those who do. For people who can touch the space, the space folding barrier created by this magic weapon appears very thin.

In Yang Qian's eyes, the opponent was coming towards him with two spears and was in front of him in the blink of an eye. He swung out with the giant blade in his hand at the same time. The huge cutting range and the violent sword intent on the giant blade formed a fan shape and swung out.

But the moment the sword intent was slashed out, it impacted the space within the reach of the blade, splashing a shock wave, and then the sword intent hid behind the ripple, passing by in an instant at a terrifying speed that far exceeded the word "extreme speed"!

Air-cutting technique!
Both are tricks targeting space. The paper umbrella involves twisting and folding, while the air-cutting technique involves shaking and utilizing space. There is not much difference in essence, but the latter is followed by a blade light and is more brute force!

In just a moment, the folded space was broken by the vibration of the Air Cutting Technique, and the aura that was originally concealed tightly suddenly revealed a gap.

Then Yang Qian's giant blade made a huge knife flower, and stabbed, still using the air-cutting technique, and cut vertically into the chest of the black-robed demon cultivator who was still shocked that his magic weapon had been broken.
(End of this chapter)

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