Chapter 428: Passing Three Peaks
"Soul Slashing Power": Entry 0/2200 (Comprehension state)
The first moment he logged into the experience panel, Yang Qian pushed the experience points onto it without thinking.

Just like the previous "Air Cutting Technique", "Soul Cutting Power" can only reach the minor success level and cannot go any further.

"Soul Slashing Force": Minor Success 2200/—— (Comprehension State)
Yang Qian originally thought that the sword domain was full of sword intent, that is, the path of the Dao of Intention, and he was ready to come in to continue to pick up sword intent and continue to comprehend the "Air Cutting Technique". But in the end, he got a sword force.

That’s right, after Yang Qian logged into the “Soul Slashing Style”, he realized that although this method seemed strange and bizarre, it was indeed a sword style, and was essentially the same as those sword styles he had practiced before.

The only difference is that the strength of "Soul Slashing Force" is much higher than the sword moves that Yang Qian had practiced before.

In the past, Yang Qian practiced and used the sword, and now his sword moves are mainly a mixture of "Evil Wind" and "Drinking Snow", and he also uses the will of wind he comprehended from his body movements to form his unique fighting style.

Originally, this fighting style was not bad. At least, so far, this fighting style has brought Yang Qian a good killing advantage in most cases. Especially when combined with the sword intent, once he gets close to him, this sword force can make the opponent's five senses blocked, and finally die under his sword.

But now that "Soul Slashing Force" has been released, "Evil Wind" and "Drinking Snow" have all stepped aside and are not even qualified to carry shoes!

It's not that Yang Qian is fickle, but the approaches of "Drinking Snow" and "Evil Magic" still bear the obvious characteristics of warriors and weapon cultivators. No matter how mysterious the changes are, they cannot escape this logic.

But the path of Soul Slashing Force is completely different. Although it is a sword force, it follows the path of the rules of heaven and earth. It uses the cutting rules of sword intent and the rules of space, as well as the combination of soul power, to condense into shape. Its mystery is directly a qualitative change.

It can be said that the strength of Yang Qian's sword intent is utilized to the extreme.

“You are weird.” The man in black robe frowned. Feeling Yang Qian’s sword skills suddenly becoming more powerful, he looked Yang Qian up and down with scrutiny.

“Nothing in the world can be accomplished overnight; even genius can only shorten the process.

But you, although you seemed to have some difficulty in comprehending the "Soul-Slashing Style" just now, now you have mastered this sword style in the blink of an eye, and even the most difficult technique of dividing the soul power and hiding it in the vibration of space is so skillful and there is no sign of awkwardness in it.

Were you pretending during the process of understanding you just had?
That's too much of a disregard for me!"

"Please calm down, senior. I have no intention of looking down on you. I just found it easy after I understood the trick. Perhaps this sword style is just a little more difficult for me to get started."

What can Yang Qian say? Say he is a cheater, who was a wimp before cheating but is extremely powerful after cheating?

No matter how he understood this regret, Yang Qian insisted that he was not pretending to look down on others, but there might be a deviation in his understanding, so it was difficult to get started, but everything went smoothly after getting started.

".You will definitely die if you try to be sneaky here. No matter what you think, you should just do it yourself. Okay, now try to see if you can beat me!"

After a fierce battle, Yang Qian relied on the sharpness of the giant blade in his hand to stir up more space vibrations, gradually suppressing the remnant of the black robe, and finally forcing the opponent to reveal a flaw, seizing the opportunity to chop off his head with one knife.

This test of dozens of lives and deaths finally came to an end.

Coming out of the illusion, Yang Qian wiped the sweat off his face, bent his legs and sat on the ground. Looking up at the second sword peak, he felt a sense of accomplishment after all the hard work.

"But it's so damn tiring!"

Yang Qian breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he was not simply tired, but exhausted from the dozens of "deaths" of his soul in the illusion. He sat cross-legged and meditated for a long time, then took a break and climbed the second sword peak. He also saw a stone tablet on the top of the mountain, with a special pattern engraved on it: a series of messy lines, with the outline of a man holding a knife in the middle.

It is quite appropriate to use it to represent the "Soul-Slashing Power".

After passing the second peak, Yang Qian did not leave the Sword Domain this time, but chose to continue exploring forward.

He stopped and walked along the way, continuing to pick up the sword intent while restoring his own spiritual state.

We reached the third peak a few days later.

When Yang Qian entered the illusion again and saw the black-robed remnant again, this mysterious being stared at him for more than ten breaths without being able to speak. The unfathomable expression was gone, leaving only shock and confusion.

"I admit that I have never seen someone as strange as you. Your methods are simply incomprehensible with common sense. It's only been a few days, and you appear in front of me again, Third Peak. Are you sure you are ready?
Forget it, you have already triggered the illusion, you can only get out by defeating me. Let's see how long it will take you to comprehend this time."

What could Yang Qian say but to smile awkwardly, then draw his sword and prepare for battle.

As a result, Yang Qian was pleasantly surprised to find that there were no new methods this time, but the "Air Cutting Technique" that he was very familiar with, but the changes were more mysterious, involving deeper techniques about the interaction between the way of mind and space.

If the new "Air Cutting Technique" is used to face the "Soul Cutting Force" of the same level that Yang Qian encountered on the second peak, it will not be easy to be interfered with or disrupted the attack path.

But no matter what, "Zhankong Jue" is "Zhankong Jue", and even if it is more mysterious, it will not deviate from its own logic. So after Yang Qian "died" five times, he found the trick, and then triggered the login conditions of the experience panel.

[You have comprehended the new content of "Zhankongshu", do you want to log in? ]

"Log in!"

Available experience: -13000
《Sky Slashing Technique》: Mastery 13000/—— (Comprehension state)
Previously, it took 6500 to achieve minor success in the "Sky Slashing Technique" after the first peak, and now after the third peak, the triggering conditions have been raised to a higher level. After that, it is once again in a state of lack of upgrade conditions.

When he defeated the black-robed remnant soul, Yang Qian could see the disbelief in the other party's eyes "before death".

Perhaps it was because this time Yang Qian completed the test so quickly, which was very different from the previous two times.

Anyway, Yang Qian didn't put in much effort on the third peak.

Then continue forward, aiming for the fourth peak.

The fourth peak was also a route that Yang Qian was familiar with, but this time it was the turn of the "Soul-Slashing Force".

"Forget it, let's get started." The black-robed remnant soul glared at Yang Qian, wanting to say something, but finally just sighed. Then a new round of killing test began.

However, Yang Qian still quickly triggered the login prompt of the experience panel, and then all kinds of unreasonable things happened.
(End of this chapter)

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