Chapter 447 Stone Forest
Seven-story tower?
Yang Qian is now very sure in his heart that this should be the Zhao family's Dharma tower that the black-robed remnant had taught him.

Pagodas are rare and have special meanings. In an unusual place like the Wanli Bamboo Sea, it is unlikely that there will be more than one.

The relief on the tower surprised him. It seemed to confirm that the Zhao family and the master of the Sky-Bearing Demon Master were of the same origin?
If this is true, then this Zhao family is very extraordinary!

You should know that the story expressed in the relief carving on the coffin of the Sky-Bearing Demon Master that Yang Qian saw before ended with the master opening the gate of heaven and taking the Sky-Bearing Demon Master into heaven. In other words, he became an immortal.

How powerful should a tribe that has produced immortals be?
How many miraculous and precious treasures are there in the Dharma tower left behind by this ethnic group?
Yang Qian couldn't help but feel excited just thinking about this.

In the words of Heipao Cannian, the Zhao family is good at martial arts. If he can find the rest of "Qiantian Ba ​​Ti" here, Yang Qian thinks that he can try to break through to the next great realm?

Perhaps this is the variable that exists here?

As for the white color on the stone outside the tower, the so-called evaluation. This was completely natural in Yang Qian's view. After all, strictly speaking, his skills were inseparable from the Zhao family, and it was completely okay to say that he was half a disciple of the Zhao family.

Wouldn’t it be more friendly if our own people came?
"Why are there so many stones? Are they all used to test affinity?" Yang Qian withdrew his hand, but looked at the other stones of different sizes curiously and asked Yang Ding.

"That's not the case. The stones here are not only used to see affinity, but also to manifest magic arrays. They were originally used to protect this seven-story tower. Later, for some reason, they were severely damaged, and Zhu Hongchan and I worked together to break them. Now they are left here, with only the base of the magic array left, so they no longer have the power they once had."

Zhu Hongchan also smiled and said, "Lord Yang may not know how dangerous this place was when we first discovered it. Just these magic array bases you see now killed thousands of disciples from our two families back then. This is when they were already severely damaged. If they were intact, I think we might not be able to open this place now."

"Yes, the place where immortals appear is full of dangers. It is a blessing to be able to open it." As if recalling something that happened a long time ago, Yang Ding couldn't help but sighed.

Yang Qian became interested. He was curious about how Yang Ding and Zhu Hongchan determined that this place was related to immortals.

Zhu Hongchan smiled and said, "Lord Yang is asking this only now. Your concentration is indeed rare. But as for how we know this place is related to immortals, you will understand when you break the destiny and step into the ranks of semi-immortals."

This was confusing, but Yang Qian still understood it.

That is to say, there is some kind of mutual induction between the semi-immortal and the immortal. It is also because of this that Zhu Hongchan and Yang Ding are sure that this place was left by the immortal.

"Master Yang, do you remember that I talked to you before about the immortals who stayed in the lower world after the war in the immortal world? If we can find a way through this place, we should be able to understand how those immortals left us and returned to the immortal world."

Zhu Hongchan and Yang Ding couldn't stop yearning when they talked about this. Both the man and the demon had been semi-immortals for many years, and there was still hope for the future. Naturally, they wanted to know more about becoming immortals, and it would be even better if they had some experience and tips.

The seven-story tower in front of them was the place where they thought they were most likely to get these things.

"Let's go in first. Lord Yang may need to familiarize himself with the situation inside." Zhu Hongchan urged.

So Yang Qian followed Yang Ding and Zhu Hongchan all the way to the entrance of the seven-story tower. He watched Yang Ding take the lead in pushing open the redwood tower door and walking in.

"Remember, help me get what I want, the White Jade Eyes. Otherwise, even if you open the door that Yang Ding mentioned, you will not survive. Only I will save you!" Before entering the door, Zhu Hongchan spoke again behind Yang Qian.

This time Yang Qian responded and nodded. Zhu Hongchan immediately smiled. As for why Zhu Hongchan was so confident in Yang Qian, she naturally had her reasons.

Pushing the door and stepping into the first floor of the tower, Yang Qian saw not the dimly lit stone room he had thought, but a vast stone forest! Thousands of feet in radius!

All I could see were black stone bars stuck in the ground. They were of different lengths and sizes, but all were square in shape, and it was obvious that they were inserted into the ground by humans.

"Master Yang, the stone pillars here are all opportunities. They may contain magic weapons or skills. It all depends on each person's opportunity.

But if you want to get what's inside the stone pillar, you need to accept the test. There are dangers in it. "

"Haha, this stone forest was not like this when we opened the first door and came in. It was full of dangers and it took a lot of effort to clear it out. Sir Yang, you can get familiar with the way in the seven-story tower first. After you are familiar with it, we will continue to go up."

"Pay attention to those stone pillars glowing with black light. Those stone pillars are special cases and are still sealed. They are extremely dangerous. Sir Yang must be more careful if he wants to try."

Zhu Hongchan and Yang Ding both followed Yang Qian, introducing him and observing secretly.

The reason why they stopped at the first level to let Yang Qian adapt to the environment and things to do here is because the first level is the simplest. Even if something unexpected happens, Zhu Hongchan and Yang Ding can easily save it with their current cultivation level and avoid a disaster.

Yang Qian first tried a nearby stone pillar. When he put his hand on it, he could indeed feel an intention to block it, but it was already very broken and could not stop Yang Qian at all, and it did not pose any threat.

In addition, Yang Qian could also feel a destroyed internal space appearing in his mind. However, it was empty and the space also felt damaged, which should have been left after being violently broken open.

There must have been something here before. A magic weapon?

Later, Yang Qian tried the next stone pillar, and this time he did encounter a test. But it was fleeting, and before Yang Qian could experience anything, it disappeared.

It’s not that Yang Qian passed the test instantly, but the experience panel directly helped him stop it.

It seems that as long as it involves things like Taoist techniques, all the fancy things can't make any waves in front of the experience panel.

[This is a method of tempering the body, which is different from your method. You sighed and felt it was a pity, but still gave up.]

Yang Qian was stunned. Why is there so much drama in this hint?!
To put it bluntly, isn't it that he looks down on the skills contained in this stone pillar?
With these two experiences, Yang Qian's actions became faster and faster. All the stone pillars related to magic weapons were empty. However, the stone pillars related to the skills were directly denied by the experience panel.

Either "the approach is different" or "you already know it", or "you have no idea what it is talking about" so just skip it.

Until the last five stone pillars were left untouched.

(End of this chapter)

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