Chapter 45 Thoughts
Yakou, the full name is: government office counter.

It not only accepts reported cases, but also assigns cases internally, and has the power to monitor the completion of cases and various handling results.

It is a place that the people in the police station cannot leave, but they have always disliked it.

The person in charge of the yamen was called "Langguan", who was divided into three levels: left, middle and right. The left was the most respected, the right was the second most respected, and the middle was in between.

Yang Qian arrived at the public housing at the yamen early in the morning and waited outside the official's office. It was almost half an hour after the starting time when the other party arrived.

"Captain Yang? What can I do for you?"

"Greetings, Officer Li. I'm here to trouble you for help with something." Yang Qian said politely with a smile while stating the purpose of his visit today.

After a while, when Yang Qian finished speaking, a look of surprise flashed across the face of the left official of the yamen named Li.

"Captain Yang, all the cases in the yamen are numbered. Although only the cases that have been closed have complete case files, there are general summaries of the pending cases and backlog cases, mainly to facilitate subsequent supervision and urging.

However, Captain Yang must be aware of the reality. Your police station has always been short-staffed, and the number of cases has never decreased, so the backlog and unsolved cases will only increase.

Nowadays, let alone cleaning it up, we only come to review it once or twice a year or month.

Captain Yang has recently taken charge of the C-class and cleared a lot of backlogs and unsolved cases, but there are still many left. Why not continue to clear the snow in front of his own door, but check the cases on hand of other squads?

Hehe, Captain Yang, don't mind me, I'm just curious, if it's inconvenient to talk about it, then forget it."

Yang Qian smiled and said, "What are you talking about, Mr. Li? What's inconvenient about this? The chief constable wanted to have an idea of ​​the situation. Seeing that I was clearing up the backlog and unsolved cases in the C squad, he asked me to collect the status of the cases in the hands of the various squads in the police station.

How the details will be arranged or considered later is beyond my knowledge."

Not saying anything would seem awkward, so Yang Qian chose to mix the truth with lies. It was indeed Wang Hai who asked him to investigate, but he was not unaware of the arrangements behind it, he just played it safe and let the other party guess.

"Oh? Captain Wang is going to make a big move?"

"Mr. Li is going to ask Captain Wang now. I don't have any information at all."

After chatting for a few more words, Yang Qian took the warrant given to him by the other party, left the public housing at the yamen, and went to the document library at the back.

Compared to the case library of the police station, the case library at the yamen was much larger. It was a four-story courtyard with two floors above and one floor underground! The number of files inside was definitely over 100,000 volumes.

This is in accordance with government rules. Files older than fifty years will be selected and destroyed. Otherwise, it would not be surprising if the number doubled.

After entering, Yang Qian quickly found a separate small room with a small sign hanging on the door frame: The list of backlog cases and unsolved cases is listed separately.

Yang Qian sat there for most of the day as soon as he entered.

There were a few more pages of excerpts in my hand, filled with case numbers, names and other relevant information. After I finished writing, I folded them up and put them in my arms.

After coming out of the yamen, Yang Qian's mind was still filled with the lists of backlog and unsolved cases that he had been looking through for most of the day.

Although he didn't count them carefully, Yang Qian felt that at the very least, there were at least hundreds of unsolved and backlogged cases on the heads of the various squads. Some were from a long time ago, while others were concentrated in the last ten years.

There are all kinds of cases. Murder, roving crimes, unsolved cases, arson, poisoning, disappearances. All the cases you can think of are in the catalog.

Even a police chief like Yang Qian, who works in the government and makes a living by solving cases, feels ashamed when he sees so many backlogs and unsolved cases, not to mention that if the people outside knew about it, there would probably be trouble.

Yang Qian felt embarrassed as he searched for his target from the long list of names.

Pick out those involved with thieves, bandits and evil spirits first.

Then, among these cases involving thieves and evil spirits, look for cases that clearly involve the garrison. For example, all such cases that occur in the city can be blamed on the garrison.

There were also cases involving robbery of carriages and horses, massacres of farmers outside the city, and massacres in villages and towns, etc.

After that, we need to make further judgments from the two screened cases and conduct the final round of screening.

Yang Qian also chose a simple and crude method for the final screening: the amount of money and property involved. Even if it was a demon killing people, they would not kill for fun, they all had a purpose.

What purpose is most direct?

Naturalness is the benefit!

For demons, blood is a benefit, and so is money. But for thieves, risking their lives to lick blood is just to make a quick buck!

As for the "garrison system" that Wang Hai almost explicitly mentioned this time, there is no benefit without getting up early.

Therefore, in Yang Qian's opinion, the more money and property involved in the case, the more likely it is that Wei Shu is behind it. Similarly, the more people died, the more likely it is that Wei Shu is behind it.

However, even after such a selection, Yang Qian still selected a total of seventeen cases and left the yamen.

This shows how serious the backlog of cases and unsolved cases are.

"Let's study it carefully after we go back. The most important thing in this matter is the beginning. There must be no mistakes, otherwise it will be difficult to turn around later." Yang Qian reminded himself secretly.

As soon as he reached the street, Yang Qian saw a figure squatting on the side of the street. When he saw Yang Qian looking at him, he immediately stood up and trotted towards him with a smile.

"Why are you here?"

"Hey, Master Yang, I heard that you went to the yamen at noon, so I thought I would wait for you to come out and treat you to a couple of drinks."

"It's already evening, have you been waiting here?"

"It's okay. Master Yang is so busy, it's only natural for me to wait for him!"

"Okay, let's go to Lao Liu's house for the臊子面. We can each order two taels of wine."

"Ah? How about we go to the flower house to eat?"

"Li Mazi, are you still going to the brothel? Don't go back and let Shen Linghong break your legs! Let's go, some臊子面 will do. You treat me."

"Master Yang, you can't be so mean! My word is final in the family. If I say east, she dare not go west."

Yang Qian curled his lips. Li Mazi seemed to be guilty of his boasting. He looked around as if he was worried that Shen Linghong would rush out from the side.

You still think your words are as good as gold? You are kidding me!

However, Yang Qian did not point it out and walked in front. The two of them walked all the way to a small noodle restaurant not far away.

Li Mazi prepared two bowls of sauerkraut noodles and poured half a catty of wine, which he divided and sent to Yang Qian. The two of them sat opposite each other at the small table and began to eat.

Yang Qian had been busy all day, and Li Mazi had been waiting all day. They were both extremely hungry, and at first they just focused on eating noodles and didn't bother to talk.

After finishing half a bowl of noodles, Li Mazi picked up the wine and walked away with Yang Qian, then he asked tentatively: "Master Yang, do you think that in this world, the more money the better?"

"What's the matter? Your woman has only been the shopkeeper for less than two months and you're already complaining that she's making money too slowly?"

"Oh, Master Yang, please don't misunderstand me. I'm just asking."

"Okay, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. If you have something to say, just say it. If not, finish your noodles and get out. I have to go home and practice my sword skills."

Li Mazi was not afraid either, he had known Yang Qian's temper for a long time, he chuckled and said: "Actually it was Linghong who asked me to speak in a roundabout way, I told her that it was not necessary.

To put it bluntly, it's still about money. There is a way to make a lot of money. In the past, the government offices in the three cities used it as a major source of income, but it was cut off later.

I wonder if Master Yang is interested?"

(End of this chapter)

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