Daily life of slaying demons in the government

Chapter 468 Is this the powerful and wealthy?

Chapter 468 Is this the powerful and wealthy?

Three cities.

The lights and decorations had been put up since noon yesterday, with teams of government servants and officials busying around. Even many soldiers from the military office were helping to set up the decorations, busying around and working very enthusiastically.

Passersby on the road were all curious, when did these officials start to do such trivial things themselves? In the past, even during festivals, they would hire people to do it.

It was not until these lights and decorations were set up all the way to the entrance of a mansion that people in the city realized whose house this was.

Yang family? What big event? Such a big event.

That afternoon, the servants of the Yang family got busy. Under the command of the ritual officers sent by several government offices, they prepared a lot of offerings of fruits and melons, and placed the emperor's longevity tablet and the tablet of their deceased master.

Even the white wall outside the door was hung with big red lanterns.

The two newly delivered stone beasts at the door were particularly eye-catching, with red silk tied around them to cover their appearance.

Some elderly scholars came over to take a look out of curiosity. When a gust of wind blew up the red silk, revealing the stone beast underneath, they shuddered and widened their eyes in horror.

It wasn't a guard animal, but a gift animal! Ordinary people, even wealthy families, were not qualified to put a gift animal at the door! It was a taboo! If you were unlucky, you would be imprisoned and beaten.

Now the government has placed a ceremonial beast at the door of the Yang family. What does this mean?
There is only one possibility, that is, the Yang family has been granted a title!

Only nobles can place ceremonial animals at the door of their homes to show their noble status. And according to the different titles of the nobles, the specifications of the ceremonial animals that can be placed are also different.

According to the rules for the ritual beasts at the entrance of the Yang family, only the earl is qualified to place them?!
The next day, a ceremonial cavalry team entered Sandao City in a mighty manner, and then, under the leadership of Liu Chuan, the lord of the provincial government, together with the main officials of Sandao City, they went to Yang Mansion.

The head of the Yang family, Xu Ying, was waiting at the door with his second son, Yang Xun.

"Yang Qian, the head of the Yang family, has made great contributions to the country. He has suppressed the evil bandits with his military power and pacified the people with his wisdom. This achievement has moved the emperor and the people! According to the rules of the country, Yang Qian's merits have been approved and the following special grants have been made."

The ceremonial officer was naturally called in to support the occasion. Fang Ce read out the canonization order in a fluent and rhythmic manner, right outside the gate of the Yang family, and his voice was so loud that people on half the street could hear it clearly.

The flowery words in the beginning are not important, ordinary people just need to know that Lord Yang is very powerful outside. The key is the canonization in the end.

First-class viscount, third-class earl, third-class earl imperial edict. A fiefdom ten miles within the imperial city!

Every word of these words was like the beating of a drum, making people tremble with fear.

Some time ago, there was a saying of "Yang Family of Jizhou Prefecture". This was the recognition of the Yang Family by the upper class circles of Jizhou Prefecture, and also awe of Yang Qian's power.

Now, the Yang family has quietly distanced themselves from these so-called upper-class circles.

Upper class bullshit! I am now a noble, the real upper class! Who are you?
Undoubtedly, in a world where successive emperors have been busy reducing and collecting noble titles, a new noble, especially one with a fiefdom, is naturally extraordinary. He is much more noble than those self-proclaimed upper-class people in Jizhou Prefecture.

The busy schedule lasted until the evening. The Yang family hosted a banquet for Liu Chuan and his party.

The dishes cooked by Xu Ying herself were not exquisite, nor could they be called delicacies, but they were definitely delicious and definitely gave her enough face. She was a third-class earl's wife who cooked for him personally, and even Liu Chuan would be proud of it if she told others about it.

The next day, Fang Ce, who had stayed for a day, did not return to the city with Liu Chuan and others, but visited again. He and Xu Ying discussed intensively in Yang's house for half a day. Finally, Fang Ce left Yang's house with a smile on his face.

While helping to sort out the visiting cards that were sent to the Yang family like snowflakes after the enthronement, Yang Xun joked with his mother, "Mom, after my eldest brother gets married, is it my turn? How many years have I been delayed by my brother? Can I marry a few more wives?"

"Marry, marry, marry! You can marry as many wives as you want, but I have to choose your wife. Also, your wife has to be the head of your family in the future, and you can't do whatever you want." Xu Ying looked at her imperial edict and the jade tablet of enthronement with reluctance. The corners of her mouth never relaxed. Even after two days, she was still grinning from ear to ear.

"Hehe, don't worry, mother. I will definitely listen to you! But are you really going to reject the marriage proposal from the emperor? I always feel that you should listen to what the emperor says before making a decision."

Without even turning his head, Xu Ying said, "It would be strange if your elder brother agreed to the emperor's marriage. How good is the daughter of the Fang family? If the opportunity had not come, your elder brother would not have wanted her. Not to mention the ladies in the royal family! You don't need to ask your elder brother about this, I know what he would do.

Okay, now that you are here today, you have a good idea of ​​how to arrange your elder brother's marriage, so don't try to avoid it. We are all counting on you to run around."

"Mom, don't worry! My eldest brother is a first-class viscount, and there are etiquette and rules for his wedding. When the time comes, we can ask the etiquette officer from the government office to help.

Should we set a time first to give Big Brother some free time?"

"I've told Master Fang that it's tentatively scheduled for the middle of three months from now. We'll have to wait and see the exact date. Three months is enough time for the arrangements, right?"

"It's definitely enough!" Yang Xun was already thinking about buying a new house for his eldest brother in Jizhou City. The old house his eldest brother had was still too small and not suitable for the status of a viscount.

Just as Xu Ying and Fang Ce judged, Yang Qian's enthronement ceremony had just been held in Sandao City when another Feiyu letter traveled all the way to Shuangqing Prefecture and was personally delivered to Yang Qian by Hu An.

After Yang Qian finished reading it, he recalled the news about the talisman that Fang Yuan had just sent him a few days ago, and a wry smile appeared on his face.

These people really guessed it right, the emperor really intended to grant the marriage.

However, the emperor was much more cautious than anyone thought, and respected Yang Qian's ideas very much. He did not go directly to Yang Qian's mother Xu Ying without going through Yang Qian. He did not use normal information channels, but used the secret channels of the Imperial City Guard to pass on the news.

The purpose was to find out Yang Qian's wishes in advance. If Yang Qian was willing, then the marriage would be granted. If Yang Qian was not willing, then it would be abandoned.

Would Yang Qian be willing?

Of course not.

So he immediately wrote a personal reply to the emperor, also asking Juan to arrange for the message to be delivered through the imperial guards.

But the wedding date I set is a bit tight.

Three months. Yang Qian was not sure whether he could solve the problems regarding Feiyun Valley and Chansi Cave within three months.

During this period of time, the more Yang Qian sorted out his thoughts, the more he realized how much he had changed since he entered the fusion realm. He dug deeper and deeper, but he still hadn't found the bottom. His strength was increasing rapidly day by day.
(End of this chapter)

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