Chapter 47: The Wind is Rising
Early in the morning, Yang Qian had just arrived at the police station and hadn't even sat down when he saw a familiar face walk in.

"Master Liu! Why are you here? If you need anything, just tell someone to call me and I'll be there!" Yang Qian quickly stood up and went to greet him.

Liu Fu's coming over surprised Yang Qian a little.

"Hahaha, come and see you. Okay, stop being so polite. You and I are on the same level now. Why do you need to pour tea yourself?"

"No, you are my guide, I dare not be on an equal footing with you!"

Although he knew it was just empty words and courtesy, Yang Qian's words combined with his actions and tone really made Liu Fu feel comfortable. He thought to himself that he had done nothing wrong in giving Yang Qian a push. At least Yang Qian seemed to still remember his kindness.

The two sat down and chatted for a while over tea before Liu Fu told them his intention.

"As soon as you arrived at Class C, this place immediately became the hottest place in the entire police station. Your reputation was everywhere. A few days ago, I invited the chief constable to a drink, and he mentioned you several times, praising you endlessly!
I knew you were a capable and capable person! Sure enough! Being a police chief will give you more freedom to show your abilities. "

"Master Liu, you are too kind. This is all because of your good teaching and the good leadership of the Chief Constable. I just put in some rough effort."

"Okay, stop being so modest with me. But tell me the truth, after you brought up the issue of clearing up the backlog of cases and unsolved cases, did the chief constable tell you anything?"

"Master Liu, what do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb with me! Didn't you spend most of the day in the yamen's case library yesterday? Don't say you haven't heard of what kind of person Li Ying, the left official of the yamen, is. Yesterday afternoon, the news that you checked the pending and backlog cases hanging over the heads of the various squads spread throughout the police station. At least all the police chiefs got the news."

Yang Qian thought to himself that it was true, and said with a smile, "Master Liu is also worried about this matter? I remember that most of the unsolved and backlogged cases in Class B were left over before you were promoted, right? What are you afraid of?"

Yang Qian had worked in Class B for more than half a year, so he had a good understanding of Liu Fu. Liu Fu, like him, was from a grassroots background, and he became a police chief by luck and his ability to handle cases.

Therefore, there were not many cases in the B squad that Liu Fu was unable to handle and were put on hold. Most of them were left over by Liu Fu's predecessor.

Liu Fu smiled complacently and said, "I'm not afraid. But Yang Qian, people like us who have no roots need to be cautious. This matter cannot stand scrutiny! I won't feel at ease until I figure it out!"

"Master Liu, be careful. These are the skills I need to learn! But..." Yang Qian paused and said in a low voice, "But I'm not sure what the chief constable is thinking behind this matter. But the chief constable did mention that we can try to change the atmosphere of the police station like the C-class."

"Oh? It seems the chief constable has some big ideas!" Liu Fu's eyes lit up when he heard that.

A loud drum does not require a heavy hammer. Liu Fu had already understood from Yang Qian's words.

In other words, Yang Qian's words were revealing a message: the chief constable is likely to make great efforts to rectify the unsolved and backlog cases in the police station.

It doesn't have to be completely eliminated, but a part of it must be eliminated, 30% or 40%? Or half?
This is no ordinary matter, it means a big test for each squad. And who wouldn't feel a headache when thinking about those old cases?

"As long as Master Liu leaves this house, I won't know anything about this matter," Yang Qian added with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'll accept the face you give me, but I'll keep it in my heart when I leave!" Liu Fu also stood up and expressed his opinion, then chatted for a few more words before leaving the service room of Class C.

But not long after, Captain Xie from Squad A came again, and then Captain Xie from Squad D also came.

But apart from Liu Fu, Yang Qian didn't say a word about the others. Firstly, their friendship was not that deep.

Secondly, the case numbers that Yang Qian had extracted from the government office were all unsolved and backlog cases from Class A and Class D, and all of them were within the past five years.

This is very interesting. Could it be true that, as Wang Hai said, those unclean people in the police station are among these two squads?

So even though there were rumors outside, Yang Qian didn't want to let the two squad members know the exact situation from him. He at least had to leave himself some time to come up with a proposal.

Even the message Yang Qian gave to Liu Fu could be considered a smokescreen.

It was not until noon that Yang Qian's room became quiet. He asked Wang Shigui and Chen Dong to go to the canteen of the police station to get food, and the three of them closed the door in the room and talked about things while eating.

"The chief constable has instructed us to help several other squads to clear up some long-standing unsolved and backlogged cases. What do you think?" Yang Qian got straight to the point while eating the vegetables and rice in his bowl.

"Ah?! Master Yang, aren't we overstepping our boundaries by doing this?" Wang Shigui forgot to chew the food in his mouth and muttered in surprise.

Chen Dong was almost the same, but he knew that since Yang Qian had told them about this matter, it must be a done deal. So he asked, "Master Yang, are you going to do it right away?"

"Well, the chief constable's job is not to discuss. You two are the most trustworthy people I have right now, so the three of us should discuss and sort out the clues of this matter first.

The investigation direction is to investigate cases involving demons and bandits that may be related to the garrison. I picked these out from the list of backlogs and unsolved cases at the government office yesterday. You can take a look first."

Yang Qian handed the list of more than a dozen cases he had selected and the general situation to Wang Shigui and Chen Dong, and continued: "This matter cannot be investigated directly, there must be a cover. Then investigate secretly. So when selecting, you can think about how to find a cover so as not to appear abrupt. This can also be given priority."

Chen Dong and Wang Shigui had no time to eat anymore. They looked at each other, and then Chen Dong subconsciously asked in a low voice, "Master Yang, are you going to attack the Song family? Are you going to pick out the bugs in our arrest room as well?"

Yang Qian didn't say anything, but simply nodded.

"Now tell me what you think."

After a moment of silence, Wang Shigui said, "Master Yang, I think we shouldn't start from scratch to cover up. It's best to just cover up what our C-class is doing. They are all cases from Sandao City, and we can always find some similar cases by rambling on.

If we go out with the excuse of clearing up the backlog and unsolved cases in Class C, we should be able to investigate other cases secretly without anyone noticing."

Chen Dong continued, "Wang Shigui and I both graduated from Class A, and we are quite familiar with the situation of Class A. Can we choose Class A for the cases that need to be solved?"

Yang Qian shook his head at this time and said, "Class A can choose a case as a breakthrough, but there cannot be only one case as a breakthrough. You two can each choose one to start investigating, and then I will gradually assign you personnel according to your progress.

We can take our time with this matter, but I remind you again that you must not let any news leak out!"

Chen Dong and Wang Shigui quickly stood up and bowed to accept the order.

(End of this chapter)

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