Chapter 483 Conflict
Yang Qian could feel that Jiang Yuhe had no ability to resist his sword at this moment. Since their cultivation levels were similar, there was no difference between the evil thoughts and the martial artist's mysterious energy and sword intent, and they fought each other.

But the sword intent could easily cause harm to Jiang Yuhe, but the evil thoughts had little effect on Yang Qian.

Yang Qian's body protection energy also inherited the inspiration and changes from the previous killing in the extremely yin land, and it has a good resistance effect against evil thoughts. And now Yang Qian's physical strength is much stronger than before. Even if Jiang Yuhe is also improving madly, the strength of evil thoughts will not be as great as Yang Qian's physical body.

After this back and forth, even if the evil thoughts penetrated Yang Qian's body-protecting energy, it could only leave small burn-like pits of varying depths on Yang Qian's skin, and would no longer cause serious damage to Yang Qian's body.

After trying several methods, Jiang Yuhe found that he could not break Yang Qian's sword force at all, and his heart suddenly fell to the bottom.

Jiang Yuhe was completely unable to understand the monster in front of him.

Although his cultivation was only at the initial stage of the fusion realm, his skills were ridiculously proficient. Whether it was the air-slashing technique, the "no sword", or the soul-slashing technique, they were all at least at the great success level, and it was not surprising that they were even perfect.

In Jiang Yuhe's opinion, even the people from the Sword and Blade Sect would never be able to practice this method to this level in the Fusion Realm. It would at least require the cultivation level of the Profound Passage Realm to be reasonable.

After all, it would take an inordinate amount of time just to comprehend the most profound and abstruse power in the world, the Dao of Will. On this basis, one also needs to comprehend various means based on the Dao of Will, and it also involves the rules of space.

Just listening to these things that require contemplation is enough to make one's scalp tingle, let alone putting them into practice?
Jiang Yuhe couldn't figure out how Yang Qian in front of him did it. He was only about 30 years old, but he not only passed the tribulation and entered the fusion realm and was called a semi-immortal, but also had time to comprehend the sword intent and the difficult methods of the sword sects to such a level. This was beyond his cognition.

Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west. In just a blink of an eye, Jiang Yuhe felt like he was following in the footsteps of Yang Ding and Zhu Hongchan. Just as he had controlled a man and a demon, he was now controlled by Yang Qian.

Fight on? Fight till the end?
Jiang Yuhe would never bet his life 50-50 with someone else if he had a choice, not to mention that now it was basically 30-70, Yang Qian 70% and he 30%.

He had to sigh that he was really respected by the heaven and earth. In this life, they actually arranged such an outrageous person to come to him. He was much stronger than the sword cultivator in the previous life. What's more, he had been following him closely when he was still not strong enough. He was like a ghost that would not leave him.

The best thing to do now is to run first.

Jiang Yuhe knew very well that no matter if he had to cut off his own arm or something else, he had to escape from this monster. Otherwise, he would be killed by it one cut at a time.

After he had the idea of ​​retreating, Jiang Yuhe started to move vigorously. But he didn't act timidly or as if he was going to run away. Instead, he attacked fiercely, as if he wanted to drag Yang Qian down with him.

Yang Qian immediately felt the pressure surge.

The situation that had been going smoothly before, with each knife being covered and sharpened, became difficult to control as Jiang Yuhe suddenly attacked.

Vertical eyes with bloodshot light!
In addition, the scarlet evil thoughts shattered into hair-sized fragments, and then mixed into the space stirred by the surrounding sword intent. As Yang Qian moved, they began to attach to Yang Qian's body little by little.

Whether it was the protective energy or the weapons in his hands, they were all quickly covered with a layer.

Yang Qian had seen pupil skills before and had been carefully avoiding them. His method was simple and direct, which was to dodge and use his attacks to keep Jiang Yuhe's body within a range of movement he had defined, thus limiting the range of the pupil skills performed by the vertical eye on his head. He could then avoid them more easily.

But suddenly, these tiny evil thoughts attached to Yang Qian's protective energy and weapons brought about changes.

With a muffled sound, the thick layer of evil thoughts attached to Yang Qian suddenly exploded. The intensity and ferocity of the explosion was beyond Yang Qian's expectations. There was even a self-detonation of vitality and soul energy mixed in this explosion!

The scarlet power was like a huge blooming flower of death spreading its petals, tearing everything around it to pieces.

In an instant, the area within a radius of more than ten miles centered on Yang Qian was flattened by the violent explosion. All the stones and bamboos disappeared, leaving only the soil under the feet that was shaken out from the deep layer.

Self-destruction of vitality and soul? !

Yang Qian secretly thought that he was careless. He knew clearly that Jiang Yuhe had the means to create a clone, mix souls in it and then self-destruct. With the addition of the evil thoughts to boost his power, the power of the explosion would naturally double.

The direct result was that all of Yang Qian's protective energy was cleared out at once, and his true body hidden in the Soul-Slashing Force was forced to reveal itself. At the same time, the violent explosion also caused the space to distort. Yang Qian was temporarily unable to continue to perform the "First Sword" or the Air-Slashing Technique under such a strong change in space.

In other words, Jiang Yuhe, who had been suppressed, finally gained a window for himself by using this unexpected method after sacrificing part of his vitality and soul.

In fact, Jiang Yuhe could also take the opportunity to fight back, but he thought the effect would not be very good. At most, it would cause some trouble to Yang Qian, and then he would still be suppressed again, and would have to go back to being targeted and held hostage before.

That would be a waste of the window of opportunity that he had finally gotten at such a high price.

However, at this time, the space was severely distorted by the explosion, and teleportation and escape techniques were no longer realistic. One needed to use a flying tool or other means to move.

If the shuttle was not fast enough for Jiang Yuhe to escape, he would definitely not be able to escape the 10-mile explosion range before Yang Qian could react.

Then a pair of wings stretched out from Jiang Yuhe's back.

The scarlet, membranous wings are more than ten feet in size on each side when unfolded!

With a wave of his hand, dust and sand flew everywhere. He was several times faster than an arrow, almost as fast as an ordinary flying sword!

The distance is ten miles. At this speed, Jiang Yuhe feels that he can rush out in twenty breaths at most, and then move away. He doesn't believe that Yang Qian can catch up with him with his current cultivation level.

At this point, Jiang Yuhe's plan was already half successful. As long as he could get rid of Yang Qian, it would be completely successful.

It was so fast and silent that the explosion sound could hardly be heard. It was almost out of sight in the blink of an eye.

But at this moment, a space shock came up from behind Jiang Yuhe without warning, and behind the shock was Yang Qian holding a huge blade.

"Want to run?"

(End of this chapter)

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