Chapter 520 Sword Gate
Yang Qian discovered that the white-robed remnant of the twelfth peak was actually laughing when he chopped off its head, and his laughter made him feel quite creepy.

What does it mean?
Yang Qian didn't understand, and didn't even know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing for him.

Before, the white-robed remnant said some incomprehensible words in the fog. Yang Qian felt that there seemed to be a lot of story in it, and it seemed to involve many things, not only the origin of this sword domain, but also some past events in this world?
Out of curiosity, Yang Qian also remembered what White Robe Cannian said, that as long as they climbed up the low hill in the middle, all their questions would be explained.

And you can see "him" on the hillside in the middle. As for who this "him" is? Is he a human or a ghost? No one knows.

Yang Qian even looked at his fate carefully after coming down from the twelfth peak. There was indeed a branch in his fate, indicating that many changes would occur in his fate once he approached the last peak.

But the direction of change and the final result are completely unknown.

The only thing we know is that the last peak is not simple. Otherwise, there would not be so many possibilities that could affect Yang Qian's fate. You have to know that he is now a half-immortal in the middle stage of the fusion realm, and ordinary people and things should not be able to affect him.

Feeling the sword intent of this last journey suddenly surged a lot again, Yang Qian was even almost entangled by the sword intent inside when he stepped into the first "trap" here. It took some effort to guide it into the sea of ​​consciousness and comprehend it.

When he reached the low hillside, Yang Qian spent more than twice as much time to cover the same distance, and he was in a rather awkward position.

Finally, he adjusted his breathing for a while at the foot of the hillside and took two pills before he recovered.

Looking up, the height of the hillside was no more than two hundred feet, and there was a sword and a knife inserted into the mountain on the hillside. And in the end, the hilt of the knife and the hilt of the sword became higher than the top of the hillside.

Originally, when Yang Qian was at the Twelve Peaks, he looked far away. Although he couldn't see clearly, he could see the general outline of the sword inserted into the mountain. He thought it should be something similar to a stone sculpture, but it was too big, so he was surprised.

But when Yang Qian stood at the foot of the hillside and looked up, he realized how wrong he was.

It is not a stone carving, but a real sword or magic weapon!
The unique luster of the magic weapon and the fluctuations of magic power emanating from it all show that this sword and knife are not only magic weapons but also living magic weapons.

However, such a huge sword was not what surprised Yang Qian the most. The most surprising thing was the low hill itself.

Stone tablets stood on the hillside, with words on them, but Yang Qian didn't recognize any of them. These tablets and words glowed, sometimes bright and sometimes dark, forming a clear force that firmly locked the knife and sword stuck in the mountain.

Is this a seal?

The more Yang Qian looked, the more curious he became, and at the same time, he was even more curious about what was in the mountain.

But strangely, Yang Qian was not forcibly pulled into an illusion like he was around the Twelve Sword Peaks before. He walked up the stone path up the mountain without feeling any illusion that was trying to drag him down, and even the "traps" that had accompanied him all the way disappeared.

This last mountain was indeed very different from all the previous ones.

After walking for about a cup of tea, Yang Qian saw a mountain gate archway.

There is a plaque on each side of the archway.

It says: There is no dazzling sword light at Tianmen, and no cold sword is seen in the Divine Palace.

There are three more words in the middle: Sword and Blade Gate.

When Yang Qian saw these three words, he secretly said "Sure enough". Jiang Yuhe was right, the Sky Slashing Technique and Soul Slashing Technique all came from the Sword Sect, including this secret realm filled with the One Path of Intention.

But when Yang Qian walked to the front of the archway, he suddenly felt that the words on the archway seemed to be moving, like twisting fish? So Yang Qian subconsciously stopped to watch.

It wasn't a big deal to see it, it almost cost me my life.

In just a moment, Yang Qian took a breath of cold air, and then found that his consciousness had a strange resonance with the "swimming" words in front of him. It was like... meeting a fellow human?
As a result, the attraction between similar things caused the words "swimming fish" from the archway to sink into Yang Qian's sea of ​​consciousness.

This entry was like a great white shark suddenly appearing in a small pond. One swing of its tail could break the edge of the pond, and a few more flaps of its wings would risk the pond being torn apart.

Yang Qian spat out a mouthful of golden old blood.

Is this the intention of a knife? Or the intention of a sword?!
It’s so fierce and sharp!
Yang Qian had always felt that his sword intent was very strong. The high-level sword intent rating given by the experience panel was definitely not a joke. Looking at the cultivation world, it should be in the first echelon.

But now, the sword intent contained in the words on the archway alone almost crushed Yang Qian's sword intent, which just proved the saying: There are mountains beyond mountains and people beyond people.

It took Yang Qian a lot of effort to drive away the power of the mind that invaded his sea of ​​consciousness. He was obviously hurt by his soul and felt dizzy for a while. He took two tranquilizing pills and meditated for a full hour before he recovered.

But when he looked up, he was surprised to see a man standing on the steps more than ten feet in front of him, a handsome man who looked no more than thirty years old. His eyes were like knives, and just looking at him made him feel nervous and painful like a knife scraping his face.

Moreover, Yang Qian was very familiar with this man's appearance. He looked exactly like the black and white robed remnant that he had fought against before.

However, what this person was wearing was neither a black robe nor a white robe, but a purple martial arts robe.

In terms of temperament, the one in purple robe is a hundred blocks ahead of the one in white robe and the one in black robe.

Is this the “he” that the white-robed Cannian mentioned?
"His spirit is quite solid. He was not destroyed by the meaning of the words. He does have some abilities.

Now that you are here, follow me."

The man turned and walked away, took two steps and then stopped, turned around and asked, "What's your name?"

"Junior Yang Qian. May I know what your name is, senior?"

"You can call me Huangjitian."

After climbing all the way up the mountain, Yang Qian finally saw a flat plain on the top of the mountain. On the plain was a stone table and two stone benches. There was nothing else.

"Please sit down. Ask whatever you want to ask. After that, I will pass on the last move of "No Sword" to you, and also transfer a destiny to you. You'd better ask carefully."

Yang Qian was caught off guard by this opening line. Was it so direct right away? And what was this fate? Why did it make people feel a sense of crisis?

However, having survived so many life-and-death situations, there was no reason for Yang Qian to turn around and leave just by hearing some rumors.

So he asked, "Where are the people from the Sword Sect? Where are they now?"

(End of this chapter)

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