Chapter 551 Shaky
The thunder was still roaring on the top of Thunder Mountain, and the mountain protection formation was still standing. Even though it was much weaker than before, it still hadn't been broken.

The foundation stones of the extended array have basically been completely destroyed, and the power of the earth that the array can draw on has become very limited. This will bring a huge burden to the cultivator who presides over the array, and will also affect the structure of the array, causing its strength to decrease.

Yu Hao looked at the gradually dimming light curtain of the formation, sighed, and said, "It's a pity that there is no way to repair the foundation of the extension."

"Deacon Yu, you can't talk now! Be careful of your wound bursting!"

Yu Hao smiled and subconsciously held his neck. There was a hole on his neck, broken from the front and from the side.

Fortunately, the flying sword was exhausted, otherwise the entire neck would have been crushed and my life would have been in danger. Yu Hao thought to himself that he was lucky. At the same time, he sighed, it was a pity that not everyone was as lucky as me.

Yu Hao had been in charge of leading people out of the formation to repair the damaged foundation stone of the outer formation. He almost lost his life several times, but he survived in the end. A few days ago, when he rushed out for the last time, he encountered an ambush. Everyone who followed him died, and he himself ran back with a sword in the neck.

Since then, the mountain no longer sent people out to risk repairing the outer foundation stone, because almost all areas outside the mountain have been controlled by disciples of the Heyun, Tongyun, and Mingyang sects. Going out again would only lead to death, which is totally not worth the loss.

What's more, Yu Hao knew that there were not many low-level disciples left in the Immortal Sect. If they continued to waste their manpower, the Five Thunder Palace would be wiped out.

The doctor next to him changed Yu Hao's medicine and left in a hurry. He still had many injured people to treat.

"Lao Yu? You're not dead yet?"

Yu Hao curled his lips at the sound. He knew who the person was without even looking at him. Feng Qingyi, a fellow deacon from the outer sect. He was also a fellow sect member with whom he had a fairly good relationship.

Yu Hao pointed to his neck, smiled but said nothing.

Feng Qingyi nodded upon seeing this, sat down next to Yu Hao, and slapped a black porcelain bottle into Yu Hao's hand without leaving a trace.

"Qingliu Pill, you should know how to use it. This is my own portion. Tsk, the jade bottle is gone, so I can only use a black porcelain bottle. You can keep it just in case."

Qingliu Pills are good for healing. They are also the most scarce pill in the mountain gate now. Yu Hao hasn't seen them for a long time. He quickly took them and nodded to Feng Qingyi to express his gratitude.

"No need to thank me. I'm just an alchemist. I can only make some ordinary pills. I'm not like you guys who fight in front of me. This thing is more useful in your hands than in mine.

By the way, I heard that the situation outside has completely stopped, right?"

Yu Hao nodded. He understood what Feng Qingyi meant by "stop".

After nearly a month of attack, the offensive of the Heyun, Tongyun, and Mingyang sects finally eased. But they did not withdraw and continued to surround Leiming Mountain. The two masters of Piaomiao Peak did not attack the top of the mountain as fiercely as they did at the beginning, but took turns to hit it from time to time.

"It looks like they want to drag us to death!" Feng Qingyi's face was solemn. "Have you noticed that the thunder on the top of the mountain is much quieter than before?"

This sentence made the atmosphere between the two of them suddenly gloomy. Yu Hao unconsciously raised his head and looked towards the top of the mountain, with an obvious look of worry on his face.

Leiming Mountain was able to hold out until now, even though the disciples below fought desperately. But the truly crucial thing was that the mountaintop leader actually blocked the continuous bombardment of two Piaomiao Peak masters, and blocked it for nearly a month!

Even a Five Thunder Palace disciple like Yu Hao thought this was a miracle. At the same time, it was precisely because of the sect leader's perseverance and the fact that he stood up to the enemy without losing the upper hand that gave confidence to everyone in the Immortal Sect.

As long as the sect leader is still here, the Wu Lei Palace will not fall!
This is the most firm belief of the Five Thunder Palace. But everyone is worried, because the reason is very simple, just five words: human power is limited.

After a month of intense attacks, how long can the sect leader hold out?
In the hall on the top of the mountain, Xu Hai's current condition is actually much more serious than Feng Qingyi and Yu Hao worried about.

There were two people in the hall, Xu Hai and the great elder Zheng Jing.

"Master, why are you doing this?" Zheng Jing was also in the Fusion Realm, so he could clearly see how serious Xu Hai's current situation was. A trace of sadness appeared on his face.

Xu Hai didn't look depressed at all. Instead, he smiled naturally and said to Zheng Jing, "Fate is determined by heaven and cannot be overcome by human power. You and I had expected that the Five Thunder Palace would have such a disaster. Now that we have come to this point, it has actually exceeded our expectations. What's so sad about it?"

Okay, Great Elder, don't look so sad. Is there anything that you and I can't see clearly at our age?"

Zheng Jing bowed and sat down again without any sadness on his face. He said self-deprecatingly, "I am older than you, but I don't see things as clearly as you do. Indeed, the current situation of the Five Thunder Palace has actually exceeded our previous expectations.

Sect leader, you should take 70% of the credit for this!"

Although there were many disagreements, whether it was the dispute over the position of the sect leader in the past, or the disagreement on the strategy for the development of the Five Thunder Palace later, and even secretly there was a similar factional competition, but those were all internal affairs, and now these things seemed like a joke.

If the Five Thunder Palace is gone, what's the point of arguing so much?
"To be honest, Sect Leader, I used to have a prejudice against you, but this time I really admire you." Zheng Jing said from the bottom of his heart.

"Hahaha, you said that as if you were encouraging me. Yes, it is indeed appropriate at this time. But do you know why I called you here?"

Zheng Jing shook his head. He had been busy these days, and all he had in mind was killing. He was the only one in the Fusion Realm to keep the situation under control in the battles on the mountainside and at the foot of the mountain. He was already exhausted from running around, so how could he have the energy to think about other things?

Xu Hai said, "You can already see my condition. My soul is severely cracked, many of my meridians are broken, my sea of ​​consciousness is churning, and my dantian is a mess."

As he spoke, Xu Hai let down the bun on his head, and suddenly wisps of hair fell off.

"Hey, your body and hair are also beginning to age rapidly. Death is approaching!"

Zheng Jing's face tensed when he heard this. He saw all of this. He understood that this was the result of Xu Hai fighting for the Five Thunder Palace and burning himself.

Is the Thunder Whip something that can be used for a long time?

The imitations in Zheng Jing's hand made him tremble with fear, let alone the real ones in Xu Hai's hand?
Just as Xu Hai himself said, he was about to die under the ravages of the Thunder Whip.

"So before I die, I want to give you an important task. You must listen carefully."

Zheng Jing quickly calmed down and responded, "Master, please give me your orders. I will do my best to complete them!"

"Come closer and listen."

(End of this chapter)

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