Daily life of slaying demons in the government

Chapter 584: Spiritual Purification Formation

Chapter 584: Spiritual Purification Formation

Yang Shanwu had a new toy, a small knife made of iron, unsharpened and just the right size for him to hold.

Unlike other toys, Yang Shanwu took a fancy to this small knife at first sight. At first, he couldn't pick it up, so he could only hold it and chew it. Finally, he got tired and fell asleep with the knife as a pillow, drooling.

After ten days or so, the little guy finally picked up the knife and never let it go. Sometimes he would even dance with it.

This seemingly dangerous action would definitely be stopped by Fang Yuan and Xu Ying before. But now the two could only watch from the sidelines with concern, not daring to intervene easily. Because Yang Qian said that Yang Shanwu would practice swordsmanship in the future, and the sooner he got familiar with it, the less sweat he would have to sweat in the future.

Of course, with Yang Qian watching, Yang Shanwu would not get into trouble. Besides, the knife seemed to be useless, but in fact, it was full of magic patterns. Once Yang Shanwu wanted to hurt others or himself, the knife would be "out of control".

Yang Qian had a clear idea of ​​Yang Shanwu's path. He began to practice Qi at the age of three, and was sent to the sword domain at the age of five to experience the path of the Dao of Intention. At the age of eight, he went to Huimu Pass to follow the killing and see blood. At the age of ten, he should go to the mountain where there are many monsters and try his skills.

As for future achievements, Yang Qian felt that at least he should be a Nascent Soul cultivator, right?

"Qian'er, I plan to go back to Sandao City in two months. Your brother also needs to be looked after, so please find time to take me there." Xu Ying happily put Yang Shanwu back on the crawling mat and told Yang Qian about his plan.

"Okay, mother. Haha, I heard that Yang Xun's eldest son is also a son. This time I go back, I can take a look and feel his bones. If he is suitable, I can send him to Shuangqing Mansion to train with Shanwu in the future."

"You can handle these matters on your own. You will have the final say in the Yang family from now on. It's time for an old lady like me to have some free time."

"Mom, you can't be idle. You will have to take care of the children's marriages. I will take care of your body. You can live to be a hundred or eighty years old."

"Hahaha, you! You're not a god, how can you help me prolong my life? Okay, go and tinker with those little paintings of yours. I think you're busy enough all day."

The "small painting" that Xu Ying mentioned is Yang Qian's magic array diagram.

After replacing the various magic arrays at home, Yang Qian has been writing and drawing on the sand in the backyard. Sometimes he would gather sand into shape, constructing the magic array patterns into a strange hollow shape in three dimensions and constantly changing it.

This is the "Purifying Spirit Formation" created by Yang Qian, and the name was given by him. As the name suggests, it is used to remove the poisonous part of the surrounding spiritual energy.

Although the progress is not fast, there are no major lags and it can be considered as steady progress. After a month, it has reached the final stage.

Six days later, Yang Qian finally got the structure of the Qingling Formation right. He had experimented dozens of times and made more than a dozen major changes. Now it can be said that it has met Yang Qian's minimum requirements for this formation, which is to be able to filter out the poisonous part of the spiritual energy.

And it was screened out very cleanly, and the effect was exactly the same as that near the Zhao family's Dharma Tower.

But the disadvantage is that the coverage area is not large. Currently it can only cover Yang Qian’s Marquis’ Mansion, and it will not work for areas further away.

This is because Yang Qian has not yet connected the ground veins under the state capital to the Qingling formation. This is not a simple "adapt to local conditions" formation method, it involves more complex and different formation methods.

Yang Qian's idea was to use it this way first. After further research, he should be able to further expand the scope of the Qingling Formation.

Yang Qian felt that it was enough to cover the size of the city. He would not have to cultivate to the Jindan realm and then be eroded and fall back. It is estimated that the people in Zhenshan Camp would be the most excited about this formation. Yang Qian sometimes wondered, if he used the Qingling formation to cover the entire Shuangqing Mansion, including the Wanli Bamboo Sea, would he be able to completely change the problem of poisonous spiritual energy in Shuangqing Mansion?
After thinking about it, Yang Qian also laughed at himself. This idea was good, but it was unrealistic. Such a large area of ​​land had so many complicated veins. Even if he wanted to, he didn't have the ability to do it.

Moreover, according to Master Huang Jitian, the poisonous spiritual energy in Shuangqing Mansion was not naturally formed by heaven and earth, but the remnant of the great calamity of destiny. Yang Qian was also worried that if he provoked the earth here, the great calamity of destiny would appear faster.

On this day, Yang Qian was teasing Yang Shanwu, who had just tried to stand up and walk unsteadily, in the backyard when the housekeeper came to report that Hu An, the deputy commander of Zhenshan Camp, was looking for him.

"My Lord, Donglin Prefecture is in danger! The lives of 300,000 soldiers are hanging by a thread!"

Yang Qian curled his lips after hearing this, and was too weak to complain about the war in the east of Hongwu Dynasty. Not only had the good situation at the beginning been ruined, but even after adding more troops, they still couldn't win.

A month ago, I heard that Xue Tianbao's flank was cut off. Hundreds of thousands of troops are now in a dilemma, and it has become extremely troublesome to get reinforcements. If they are not careful, they will only get deeper and deeper into trouble.

Two words: incompetent!

Before, I heard Zhao Ting talk about how Xue Tianbao was a man of both military and literary talents, but now it seems that he is just a fool who only knows how to talk big but not big enough.

The most bizarre one was the Hongwu Emperor Zhou Tai. Yang Qian had met him once and he seemed to be a brave and respectable emperor, not a fool. But in the war with Yi Dynasty, he was extremely slow to react. Especially when he repeatedly believed in Xue Tianbao, a fool.

In a war, if you can't win, just change people! Can you fight to the death over something like this?

As a result, his hesitation led to the trapping of hundreds of thousands of soldiers from Donglin Prefecture.

It is said that incompetent generals can tire out the army. It is outrageous that the Hongwu Dynasty had an emperor on top of incompetent generals.

Therefore, Yang Qian is not surprised at all by the current situation.

Hu An came over in a hurry, and the order he handed over contained a handwritten letter from Emperor Zhou Tai, and the content inside was exactly what Yang Qian had agreed upon when he made a deal with Zhou Tai. When the war in Donglin Prefecture was about to get out of hand, Yang Qian needed to help the Hongwu Dynasty stabilize the situation.

Not only must we ensure stability within the Hongwu Dynasty, but we must also try our best to avoid the loss of soldiers in Donglin Prefecture.

Because the war was urgent, Yang Qian would not break his promise after receiving Zhou Tai's favor. After telling his family, Yang Qian took Juan and moved away directly.

After entering Donglin Mansion, use the cloud-flying technique to let Juan Zhilu fly to the front line.

Juan sat slumped on the cloud, his mind still in a daze. With his shallow cultivation, he couldn't stand the torture of being moved. Even with Yang Qian's protection, he still felt uncomfortable with his brain being churned.

"Is that the mountain in front of us?"

"Well, my lord, walk eastward along the mountain range. When you see a city, you have arrived. That is Sanxie City. You just need to display your magic there. When Xue Tianbao sees you, he will know that you have arrived and can proceed according to the plan."

(End of this chapter)

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