Chapter 598 Everyone says his own thing
Yang Qian had heard of the word "Heavenly Demon". It was also mentioned in the "Ten Yuan Strange Tales" that he was most familiar with, but it was only mentioned in very little detail.

There is only one sentence: The Heavenly Demon is an evil demon from outside the domain. He commits evil deeds that destroy the world and is the enemy of all living beings!

This is a sentence from the "Imagination of the Fairyland" in "Ten Yuan Yi Zhi", and it has never appeared again since then.

In addition, in the Jade Disc of the Sword Sect, there are also some descriptions about the Heavenly Demon. It is said that the Immortal Realm sent immortals to patrol the lower world. That is, to patrol whether there are Heavenly Demons roaming in the Northern Xuan Realm. Their appearance is very similar to the half-human state of the demon cultivators.

Isn't this the same guy in front of us who was dismembered and nailed into a stone pillar?
"Are you the devil?"

"You are so rude, kid. The Heavenly Demons were a random name given by those bastards in the Heavenly Palace. The correct name should be the Void Spirit Clan."

The Void Spirit Clan? Yang Qian narrowed his eyes and did not comment. This is just like every thief will not admit that he is a thief, and they all say that they are outlaws.

"The thing in the middle should be a magical device, right? Although it looks a little damaged, it can still hold these magic arrays for a long time.

If someone could find a way to reinforce the cracks on its surface to prevent them from getting deeper, perhaps with the power of the magic weapon, these damages could be slowly healed by absorbing spiritual energy.

Coincidentally, I am also a weapon refiner, and my formation skills are also pretty good.

I think if we just patch up this magical artifact, we should be able to give it a try. I don't want to restore it to its original state, but at least I can prevent it from further decaying."

Yang Qian's words seemed to be just his own words, but they made the guy who claimed to be from the Xu Ling clan furious.

"What do you mean, little doll? Are you threatening me?"

"I'm just stating the truth. I've seen demons in books. That book hasn't been wrong so far, so wouldn't it be a shame to see you escape? On the contrary, it's actually a good thing to keep you locked up here."

As Yang Qian spoke, he was carefully observing the patterns of the magic circle on the wooden staff in the middle, as well as the direction of the cracks. He was not kidding.

No matter how this demon tried to persuade him, Yang Qian would not let him out easily. He would first show him some tricks to make him see how powerful he was, and then he could ask for help.

At first, the demon didn't care about Yang Qian's words, thinking it was just bluffing. Although it was imprisoned here, from the changes in the cage and the fact that no one came to patrol later, it could guess that there must be a huge change outside.

And after Yang Qian came in, he actually knew nothing about it.

The demon's mind was aroused. At least in its opinion, Yang Qian, with his meager cultivation, wanted to repair the immortal weapon? Isn't this nonsense?
But when he saw that Yang Qian was really getting familiar with it little by little, and after several failed attempts, he was able to achieve the positive effect of repairing the magic circle, the demon panicked.

They haven't even started repairing the immortal weapon, the staff of punishment in the middle, so why are they repairing the magic circle first?

"Little kid, stop for a moment. We can talk about this. It will take a while to fix this formation. Why are you in such a hurry?
Come on, let's talk first. Don't you humans believe in using courtesy before force? We have no grudges against each other, so why do you have to add insult to injury?

Don't think that the word "Heavenly Palace" is a place of refuge for the immortals of your race. Hey, let me tell you, for you, the Heavenly Palace is the place where all the evil deeds are committed!"

Yang Qian was still fiddling with the magic circle in his hand, seemingly turning a deaf ear to the other party's words. But in fact, a large part of his attention had already shifted to the other party's words. As an enemy of the fairy world, the demon must be evenly matched to be worthy of being called an enemy. And this demon named Yin Xiao was still sealed here, so he should not be an ordinary demon. Even if the words of this kind of character are not all true, at least we can understand the general idea, right?
Isn't this much better than Yang Qian's blind search on his own?

So Yang Qian was doing two things at once. He was amazed at the exquisiteness of the magic array on these stone pillars, which was far beyond his attainments in magic array. He knew in his heart that this must be the true method of the immortals. He carefully took note of it, carefully pondered it, and tested it bit by bit. For the time being, there was some progress.

At the same time, the voice of the demon Yin Xiao also came slowly, adding fuel to the fire and color to the picture of the fairyland in Yang Qian's mind.

In the mouth of the demon Yin Xiao, there is no such thing as fairyland, but the term "Heavenly Palace" is used instead.

Yin Xiao also claims that the "Heavenly Palace" controls the path for all creatures in the lower world to ascend to heaven, and even deliberately amplifies or reduces the power of the heavenly tribulation in order to select those who ascend to heaven.

"In the eyes of the Heavenly Palace, the lower realms are just pastures. They can extract resources and provide the most urgently needed consumables for lower-level True Immortals. Hehe, you don't think that all the immortals in the Heavenly Palace have the same status, do you?

Tsk, it's the same everywhere. The Tiangong was also scattered at the beginning, and then someone put it together to form the Tiangong, and then they began to greedily occupy all the resources.

We, the Xuling clan, are the earliest intelligent life in the world. We clean up the stubborn diseases of the world and ensure the normal operation of the world. Naturally, we are against the Tiangong who keeps asking for things from the world and never gives back.

Yang Qian continued to listen, and at the same time, he completed the first seal method of repairing the magic circle in his hand. At least it looked good.

"Little kid, why are you still messing around with that weird formation? Stop it. You don't have the seal of the Heavenly Palace, so you don't dare to enter these six pillars. You can't directly repair this torture staff. At most, you can fix the formation, but it still can't change the fundamental problem of this prison gradually collapsing."

Yang Qian smiled and did not answer, but gently brushed his hand across the magic circle structure outside the six pillars, and a special magic seal overflowed from the six pillars and then rushed into the wooden stick in the middle.

Although it was troublesome, as long as Yang Qian understood the framework of the formation, he would be able to perform some simple magic seal transmission through the connection status of the formation.

The effect of this seal on the wooden stick is not very strong, but the problem is that once there is a first time, there will be a second time. By grinding it like this, the cracks on the wooden stick can be repaired slowly!
"Okay, little kid, I admit defeat. What do you want? Don't scare me like that anymore."

Only then did Yang Qian raise his head and look squarely at the demon.

"How is this prison controlled? It can't be maintained entirely by the formation. Don't try to lie to me. When I was repairing the formation just now, I felt that there must be a loophole in it. You must know it best since you are in it."

"What do you want to do?"

"Control this prison. This way I can talk to you without worry. Otherwise, in your eyes, I will always be just an ant and there is no reason for me to talk to you properly.

You should understand this, right?"


(End of this chapter)

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