Daily life of slaying demons in the government

Chapter 69 It feels like it, but it doesn’t seem like it

Chapter 69 It feels like it, but it doesn’t seem like it

Song Qixun's face looked cold and expressionless, but the surging aura in his body and the murderous intent in his eyes showed that he was extremely angry at the moment, but he was just suppressing it and not exploding.

"Yang Qian, I have met you before. When we searched the Liu family, you were the one who killed a captain and a dozen armed soldiers I sent over."

"Yes, General Song Ya has a good memory."

"The one who died on the bed was my youngest son. You know him, he's Song Yuan, who had a feud with you. The one on the ground is the guard I arranged. Nothing in this room, including the body, has been touched. Look carefully and see who killed my son."

In just a few sentences, every word was like a knife stabbing at Yang Qian, coupled with the surging momentum pressing down on him. Not to mention Yang Qian, who was bearing the pressure face to face, Wang Shigui and Chen Dong who were standing behind him felt like a thorn in their backs and broke out in cold sweats.

"General Song, rest assured. Yang Qian will definitely give General Song an explanation for Song Yuan's death. I'm sorry to be neglecting General Song. I won't call you because the case is urgent."

Song Qixun nodded slightly, his eyes fixed on Yang Qian, not caring about anyone else.

Yang Qian carefully checked all the conditions at the scene and asked the survivors, including the two singing girls and the last guard of Song Yuan.

"So you didn't see the murderer's face?"

"Yes, officer. The man was wearing black clothes and black pants, and had a black cloth mask on his face. Apart from his eyes, his face was not visible at all."

"What shape is it?"


Yang Qian smiled, pointed at himself and said, "How does it compare to my figure?"

As soon as these words came out, murderous intent flashed in Song Qixun's eyes, and veins bulged on his palms placed on his knees.

The singer knew nothing about it. She just thought that the head constable was guiding her to identify the murderer's features. So she recalled carefully and said, "The murderer's body shape is very similar to yours, but his belly is a circle bigger than yours."

"Oh? That means he's about the same height as me, but fatter than me, right?"


Big belly? Yang Qian secretly laughed in his heart. It was nice to stimulate Song Qixun in front of him, but he couldn't really reveal the truth, so he tied a circle of clothes around his waist so that it would not affect his movements and could not be seen clearly under the cover of the outer robe.

Look, Yang Qian could clearly feel the rise and fall of Song Qixun's murderous intent. Isn't that more interesting?
"The last time you came in should have been very close to the time the murderer jumped out the window and left. It could be said that you were right before and after him. Why didn't you chase him?"

".There is poison in the house. I am poisoned."

The guard was naturally interrogated by Yang Qian. Before speaking, he glanced at Song Qixun and saw Song Qixun nodded slightly, then he told the truth.

"Poisoned? What poison? What are the signs?"

"I don't know what kind of poison it is, but it made my whole body's Qi dead and hard to mobilize. So I lost my body skills and couldn't chase the murderer."

Yang Qian touched his chin and pretended to think for a while before asking, "Do you still smell a faint fragrance? Like the fragrance of some flowers?"


Yang Qian suddenly understood what was going on. He turned to look at Song Qixun at the table and asked, "General Song, have you ever heard of a poisonous fog called "Drunk Breeze"? "

There was a strange look in Song Qixun's eyes. When he heard Yang Qian's question, he shook his head but did not speak.

Yang Qian didn't mind Song Qixun's reaction at all, and continued to talk to himself: "I was attacked at home the day before yesterday by three stupid black-haired monkey monsters. Before they attacked, they also used a poisonous smoke that smelled like flowers. The poison was also so toxic that it could not be mobilized in a short period of time. So it seems that the murderer who attacked Mr. Song this time is likely to be a demon.

After all, the demons dared to attack and kill a government official like me before, so they would naturally dare to retaliate against the family of Yajiang. It is estimated that Yajiang killed too many of them in the past, so they came to kill your son to vent their anger!"

"Oh? There is such a strange poison in the world? I wonder if Captain Yang has seized any. If so, we can take it out and try it out to see if it is as you said."

Yang Qian shook his head. There wasn't much poison left, and he had already used it all up. And even if there was any left, he wouldn't be able to take it out.

So Yang Qian shook his head and said, "It's a pity that the three black-haired monkey monsters didn't have this kind of poison for me to seize, otherwise I could have directly determined the nature of the case."

After a pause, Yang Qian continued, “The current crime scene appears to be a premeditated attack, with poisonous smoke used as a cover. It is initially suspected to be an act of revenge by evil spirits entering the city.

We will then sort out the relevant personnel in Honglinfang, including tonight's prostitutes, singing girls, pimps, madams, etc. to see if there are any other discoveries. If there are, we will notify General Song Ya as soon as possible.

Finally, Song Ya will express his condolences. "

Song Qixun looked at Yang Qian sinisterly, and after a while he spoke: "Captain Yang is indeed worthy of being a famous detective in Sandao City. He has analyzed the case clearly in such a short time.

But the evil spirits might be hard to catch, right? "

"It's really hard to catch him. But please trust us, General Song Ya. We will do our best!"

"What a great idea! I will also do my best to cooperate with Captain Yang. No matter who dares to kill my son, I will cut him into pieces!" When Song Qixun said the last sentence, he stared at Yang Qian, as if he wanted to see something from him.

Unfortunately, Yang Qian's eyes were calm, without any panic, and even had a slight smile.

"Thank you General Song for your understanding. In addition, Mr. Song's body can be taken back and there is no need to go to the charity hall for further examination. However, the guard who died in the line of duty still needs to go to the charity hall, otherwise there will be omissions in the documents."

During the conversation, Song Qixun said nothing, at most nodding his head from time to time, but his eyes never left Yang Qian from beginning to end.

It was not until half an hour later, when Yang Qian was about to take over Honglinfang, that Wang Hai arrived with a large group of detectives and yamen runners, and Song Qixun took his eyes off Yang Qian.

As soon as Wang Hai arrived, Song Qixun did not stay any longer. He left like the wind, carrying Song Yuan's body and a group of soldiers.


But before leaving, he glanced at Yang Qian, who bowed to him and said goodbye, and the malice and murderous intent in his eyes were almost undisguised.

"What? He wants to blame you for his son's death?"

Wang Hai also saw the look in Song Qixun's eyes before he left. He frowned, thinking that Song Qixun was just venting his anger. After all, he had asked the people in the police station when he came out. Yang Qian had been in the room last night and had not come out. The night patrol officers had seen the candles and the shadow of the lamp in his room many times.

So even if Yang Qian had a grudge against Song Qixun, he was not the murderer in this case.

"Don't worry, Chief Constable. He can't deny it even if he wants to. This matter involves Zui Qingfeng's poisonous smoke, and it is very likely the work of evil spirits."

"That's strange. Why did the evil spirit want to kill Song Qixun's son?"

"I can't guess that."

Wang Hai nodded and said nothing more. Since the garrison had left, there was no need for him to stay here. He could leave the rest to Yang Qian. He had to report the news to the yamen master immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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