Daily life of slaying demons in the government

Chapter 81 One Step Left to Zhou Tian

Chapter 81 One step left to Zhou Tian

In the past, Yang Qian always felt that the efficiency of the government offices in Sandao City was very slow. The police station was like this, and the various offices of the government offices were even more severely affected. Sometimes, it was not uncommon for a simple matter to be delayed for five or six days.

But this time, the efficiency of the government was so swift that the order for a large search came down before even a day was over.

And this time, because of Song Qixun's special status, the search order also had the signature of Bai Jingwen, the chief clerk of the prefecture's military office. Whether in terms of rules or laws, there was no problem with this search order.

"Since the government has issued the order, let's get started. Keep people and things separate. Gather documents and letters together, and don't look through them randomly. The government or the prefecture will definitely send someone over when the time comes.

As for the financial goods, find the Song family's accounts, and the accountant, and check according to the accounts."

After hearing Yang Qian's last sentence, Wang Shigui and Chen Dong's eyes lit up and they quickly responded.

Account books? Ordinary families have the habit of hiding their private money, let alone a family like the Song family that makes a living on both the black and white sides? There must be several account books.

Check by account? Which account?
Isn't it the one who investigates who has the final say?
Wang Shigui understood that this time the people in their Class C would definitely get the first chance to make money.

Of course, these things don't need to be explained so clearly. Just know the situation in your mind, and when you have investigated to a certain extent, you can let Yang Qian make the decision.

After receiving the order, Wang Shigui and Chen Dong hurried down to work. Yang Qian was left alone. He brought a chair to the Song family courtyard, sat down and closed his eyes to rest. It was not his turn to search for things yet.

Do it yourself and hide it in your pocket?
This time was different from the last time at the Liu family. There were too many people watching, so it was not convenient for Yang Qian to do so. At least he should check out the Song family's financial situation first.

And now, with his eyes closed, Yang Qian finally had the chance to focus on his experience panel.

After a busy day of killing people and slaying demons, what he gained was not only the capture of Song Qixun, the big cancer entrenched in the three cities, but also the shining "usable experience" on the panel.

"Triple Strength of Waves": Great Success 154/240
"Wind-Catching Step": Great Mastery 0/160
Perfect martial arts: "Rough Bull Power" and "Eight Styles of Oxtail Knife"

Available Experience: 225
This was so obvious in Yang Qian's mind that he was overjoyed. And Yang Qian didn't need to worry too much about how to use this experience.

The "Triple Strength of Waves" must be maxed out first. This is related to the last level of the dark force of this method, which is an extremely important combat power improvement for Yang Qian. If it weren't for the advantage of multiple dark forces today, it would not be so easy to kill Lin Kuizhong, let alone quickly capture Song Qixun alive.

So as soon as Yang Ke thought about it, the values ​​on the experience panel changed immediately.

The value of "Triple Strength of Waves" changed instantly, from "Great Success 154/240" to "Perfect 240/240".

[Congratulations! After your hard work and practice throughout the year, you have completed the "Triple Strength of Waves" without any regrets! Your physical strength has been enhanced! Your true energy has been greatly increased! ]

[You have comprehended the third level of dark power! ]

[When you have perfected the "Triple Strength of Waves", you will find that the Qi in your body begins to undergo some magical changes. It begins to slowly change from "qi" to "atomization", greatly increasing the power of your Qi! ]

Every time a technique is practiced to perfection, something will appear. After the Eight Styles of the Ox Tail Knife is perfected, the sword technique-related [spiritual light] will appear. After the Wild Bull Strength is perfected, the Dantian and meridians will change.

Now the perfection of "Triple Strength of Overlapping Waves" is actually the change of true Qi, which is beyond Yang Qian's expectations.

From "air" to "fog"?
The literal meaning is not very clear. But when the prompt appears on the experience panel, the changes in his body are synchronized. All the power appears out of thin air, but it is very strange and does not seem abrupt. It is as if the "hard study and practice throughout the year" mentioned in the prompt of the experience panel really happened, but it was just edited out.

If you experience it carefully, you will find that the changes in the true Qi in the meridians are much simpler than the literal transformation of "Qi" into "fog".

"Is this actually compressed by the Dantian? Originally it was gas, but now the mist should be a state between becoming a "liquid"?
Or has it actually turned into liquid, but it's just not enough to condense into water?"

Yang Qian naturally used his previous knowledge of another world to understand it, and felt that this understanding was consistent with the state of his meridians and dantian that he sensed.

"In other words, if we continue to practice the inner cultivation method, we will eventually be able to transform our Qi from gaseous to liquid? Is this the inevitable trend of inner cultivation?"

Yang Qian couldn't help but have some guesses in his mind. He also felt that the dense Qi mist in his Dantian would undergo further changes.

As for the "Zhou Tian" mentioned in "Ten Yuan Yi Zhi", Yang Qian is now more convinced of the truth of this statement. Because when his "Die Lang San Chong Jin" is perfected, his meridians are only one joint away from forming a large Zhou Tian cycle.

The perineum point has been pierced, and now only the Dazhui point remains.

After adding experience points, Yang Qian did not add all the remaining experience points to his physical skills, but kept them.

It's not that the "Wind-Chasing Step" is not useful and he doesn't want to complete it. It's that he wants to prepare for the future. This time the Song family was overthrown, and he made great contributions. Wang Hai promised him before that he could ask Cui Mingsheng to ask the state government to give him a special reward. The focus of the request was the advanced swordsmanship of the "Oxtail Knife Eight Styles".

Keep some experience in your hands, otherwise it will be embarrassing when new skills are released and you have no experience to use.

Therefore, Yang Qian’s experience panel now becomes:
"Wind-Catching Step": Great Mastery 0/160
Perfect martial arts: "Rough Bull Power", "Eight Styles of Oxtail Knife", "Triple Wave Power"

Available Experience: 139
Yang Qian's "little trick" of adding experience points, which he thought was ordinary, looked extraordinary to outsiders. Even Chen Dong, who originally wanted to ask for instructions on something, was so scared that he dared not get close and could only wait on the side.

Yang Qian himself did not find the increase in strength brought about by the perfection of his inner cultivation technique and the huge changes in his true qi strange, after all, his experience panel was amazing enough. However, others would feel horrified by Yang Qian's change.

In Chen Dong's opinion, his chief constable seemed to be practicing just now. The aura on his body surged out in an instant, making the surrounding area within a radius of ten feet like a restricted area. If you got a little closer, you would feel as if a thousand pounds were pressing down on your body and your bones were trembling.

Fortunately, this state did not last long. After about half an incense stick of time, it suddenly disappeared.

Yang Qian finished his training, opened his eyes, and saw Chen Dong standing not far away.

"What? What's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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