Daily life of slaying demons in the government

Chapter 89: Hemp Rope Lane Changes Ownership

Chapter 89: Hemp Rope Lane Changes Ownership

Dong Hu had just finished his meal and was about to go to the backyard to practice swordplay. Although he was the boss of Masheng Lane, he never relaxed his martial arts. He knew that in his line of work, the sword in his hand was the most reliable thing.

Dong Hu was quite worried some time ago, mainly because the Song family disappeared without a trace, and he was not mentally prepared and was also hesitant whether he needed to flee in panic.

But in fact, it turned out that the affairs of the Song family did not seem to involve him.

Everything became peaceful after the Song family was escorted to Jizhou Prefecture. Dong Hu secretly sighed that he was lucky enough to escape the disaster.

Dong Hu had just practiced sword techniques three times in the backyard, with a thin layer of sweat on his body, when he saw his family's steward coming over.

"Master Tiger, Zhou Quan is here and wants to see you for something."

"Zhou Quan? What is he doing here?"

"He also came with a servant carrying a long box that looked quite heavy."

Dong Hu thought about it and figured it out. He thought Zhou Quan was probably here to help his disciple Li Mazi. Li Mazi had been very active recently and wanted to start his own business, but he had always held him back.

It’s not that Li Mazi is not qualified, but that Li Mazi has been slow to show his loyalty to him and has been sticking to Zhou Quan, which makes him very uncomfortable.

"Let him wait."


After half an hour, Dong Hu wiped his sweat and went to the main room with his upper body naked. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Zhou Quan sitting on a chair drinking tea, with a black-clothed servant standing behind him with his head lowered.

"Master Tiger!"

"Well, sit down and talk. What are you doing here?"

"It's like this. Recently, one of our disciples brought back a good knife, and brought it here specially to honor Lord Tiger." Zhou Quan said as he motioned the black-clothed servant behind him to come forward with the wooden box.

"Knife?" Dong Hu immediately became interested and thought he would take a look first.

As the servant came closer, Dong Hu felt that he had an upright figure and a strong aura. He thought that Zhou Quan did have some experts under his command.

When the servant opened the wooden box in his hand, a oxtail knife that was much thicker than the ordinary standard ones appeared in front of Dong Hu.

"Oxtail knife? Zhou Quan, how dare you do that?"

Feeling surprised, Dong Hu turned his head to look at Zhou Quan who was sitting next to him, only to find that the boy in front of him suddenly grabbed the oxtail knife in the box and chopped directly at his neck!

Dong Hu's reaction was not slow either. He reached across his waist and took out a dagger that was always hidden in his belt. He thrust it upwards and stabbed the servant's arm holding the knife fiercely!

It must be said that Dong Hu is very experienced. If it were someone else, he might have withdrawn his knife because he didn't want to lose an arm in exchange for his life, giving him a chance to adjust and counterattack.

Unfortunately, the servant didn't stop swinging the knife at all!


In a flash, the dagger and the oxtail knife hit the target at the same time.

The Oxtail Knife's force was so strong and its trajectory was so tricky that it completely blocked Dong Hu's possibility of dodging. In addition, Dong Hu was in a sitting position, so he could only watch as the long knife cut through his flesh and severed his bones, leaving a patch of blood and an eternal darkness after his vision spun for a moment.

The last thought in Dong Hu's mind was not that he was unwilling to die, but: How come this man's hand can't be pierced? !

A head with bulging eyes fell to the ground and rolled to the center of the hall. Zhou Quan beside him trembled all over and quickly stood up, but asked the black-clothed servant with concern: "Master Yang, are you okay?"

When he rolled up his sleeves, there was a tear on his forearm clothes, but the skin on his arm was not broken except for a white mark. "It's okay, Dong Hu's dagger seems to be completely rusted."

As he spoke, Yang Qian took a step forward and stepped directly on the dagger that had fallen to the ground, actually crushing the blade with one foot!
Zhou Quan's eyes twitched as he watched.

[Kill Dong Hu, the boss of Masheng Lane]

【Gain 75 experience】

"Now that Dong Hu is dead, you can let your people take action. I have already told the brothers in the police station to cooperate with your actions. I hope you can do as you said and take down the top spot in Masheng Lane within five days."

"Don't worry, Master Yang! I will never let you down!" At this time, Zhou Quan's wrinkled face was glowing red, as if an old tree was sprouting new buds.

Soon, bursts of sounds of hacking and killing were heard from Dong Hu's mansion.

Zhou Quan came prepared. He had few men, but they were all strong and capable, and they brought lime powder and net bags. He planned without intention, and no one in Dong Hu's house, young or old, could escape.

Yang Qian did not leave in a hurry. He sat in the main hall of Dong Hu's house and drank tea.

I also saw what the brutal cleansing in Masheng Lane was like. Compared to the government's confiscation of property and extermination of the family, the killing in Masheng Lane was much more direct.

There is no need for trial, no need to talk about laws, and no need to take into account the old and the young.

If you kill, kill thoroughly.

The point here is that if you don't remove the roots, they will grow again in the spring breeze. Are you afraid of retaliation? Then kill them all. The more you kill, the less likely you are to be retaliated, right?
As for why Yang Qian did not follow the police station's investigation process, but chose to use Masheng Lane's own strength, it was because of the private candy business. He did not want to leave any signs of opposition in Masheng Lane. Otherwise, it would be too troublesome to waste energy in the future.

In this way, the head of Masheng Lane can be replaced through killing within the group, which will also make it easier to "legitimate" with the future and will not bring any hidden dangers to Li Mazi.

Of course, the most important point is Dong Hu’s wealth.

Yang Qian didn't want to share this "unknown" piece of fat meat with Dong Hu.

It was not until the night when Yang Qian, sitting in the main room, saw the large and small boxes of wealth being delivered, as well as a list of items presented by Zhou Quan, who was sweating profusely.

Unlike the previous Song family, although Dong Hu was also well-known in Sandao City, he was not well-known and could not be seen in public. The wealth he had was far less than that of the Song family. Even compared to the previous Liu Chengkun family, it was somewhat inferior.

Dong Hu's house doesn't have any antiques or bric-a-brac. A rough man doesn't play with those fancy things. Even if he has a few, he will give them away.

Dong Hu's assets mainly consisted of land deeds and gold and silver.

This style is so down to earth.

"You take 30% of the items on the list, and convert the remaining 70% into gold pieces and send them to me tomorrow."

"Okay, Master Yang. Thank you very much, Master Yang!" Zhou Quan felt greatly relieved.

Dong Hu was killed by Yang Qian, so it was no problem for Yang Qian to take 70%. Zhou Quan would not be surprised if he took all of it.

Now Yang Qian only took 70%, and left a loophole for Zhou Quan to pay money to exchange for those fancy things like land deeds. This was to save Zhou Quan's face, so Zhou Quan wanted to say thank you.

"If there's any trouble later, you can ask Li Deng to come to me."

"Okay, Master Yang. I will definitely pack up within five days. Then I will hand over the previous stall to Li Deng. Please rest assured, Master Yang."

Yang Qian nodded, patted Zhou Quan on the shoulder, and then disappeared into the Masheng Alley in the night.

(End of this chapter)

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