I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 102 Liu Guangqi ran away

Chapter 102 Liu Guangqi ran away
"Hey, what you said is true. I am a small team leader now and I have to take care of everything. If being a director is really tiring, then I will reject our deputy director in charge of logistics and I don't care if I am not a director."

"What do you mean? Your deputy director asked you to be the director?"

When Sha Zhu said this, Liu Yue became a little curious.

"Well, he just contacted me a few days ago and told me that our old director is going to retire. He asked me to behave well and be ready to take over. The factory committee will issue a document to announce it in a few days. This news came quite suddenly. I don't know why they wanted me to be the director. Obviously, Mr. Zhou from the cafeteria has more experience and stronger ability than me. All employees will subconsciously think that he is a qualified candidate for director."

"Fuck, is your deputy factory director's surname Li?"

Wang Luo knew who it was as soon as he thought about it, so he asked casually.

"Hey, Xiao Luo, how do you know that our deputy director in charge of logistics is named Li? Do you know him?"

"I've heard of this guy. He's very shrewd. He won't show his hand until he sees the rabbit. He probably saw that you're married and have a bunch of uncles and aunts supporting you. He wants to win you over, or to get on the good side of the uncles and aunts. I forgot who mentioned it a few days ago, but he doesn't get along with your Director Yang and wants to replace him. You're a chef, just make the meals. Don't worry about other things, whether they're good or bad. Play dumb and don't get involved in their affairs, or you'll end up being a nobody."

Even though the management of a steel mill is under pressure, the competition is fierce. Deputy Director Li relies on his father-in-law's background and keeps climbing up the ladder. He doesn't look like a good guy. But Director Yang in the TV series is a good guy. Haha, he is not a good guy either. He keeps taking advantage of various conveniences to flatter his direct superior and asks Sha Zhu to cook to consolidate this relationship.

Don't talk about the eldest brother, don't talk about the second brother, no one should talk about anyone else, none of them are good people, they are all after profit, there is no benefit in getting involved, Shazhu's brain may be sold out and he will have to count money for others.

"Then I will refuse him. To be honest, our Deputy Director Li is a smiling tiger. He seems to be nice to people, but he is not a good person. Let's talk about it secretly. He has an affair with a female helper in our cafeteria. He still eats and drinks well. The country is in a difficult situation now, but he still treats us to dinner. Basically, he invites three or four guests in our small cafeteria every week. In comparison, our Director Yang is much better than him. He is a decent person and does not eat and drink lavishly. He eats the same meals as the workers every day. Everyone admires him very much."

Come on, see, Shazhu has a really simple mind. He always looks at the surface of people and doesn’t understand the inside story. Now he has to start taking sides.

"You know nothing. Listen to what Xiao Luo said. We can't outsmart this brat even if we use our brains. I don't know what he's thinking all day long. He's full of tricks and doesn't look like a martial artist."

Liu Yue was so angry that he slapped Sha Zhu, and Sha Zhu immediately stopped talking.

"Remember one thing, brother-in-law. There is no difference between good and bad people in this world. There are only differences in interests. As long as the interests are enough, good people will become bad people, and bad people will become good people. Let's not talk about the distant past. Take Yi Zhonghai for example. Before you knew that he was withholding your and Yu Shui's living expenses, didn't you always think of him as a good person? That time when we were talking about me and Yu Shui, I criticized Yi Zhonghai, and you even said I was wrong. If you compare it, it's actually exactly the same as what happened to your factory director."

"Now that you mention it, it's true. Okay, from now on I will just be a cook and hone my cooking skills. I won't worry about anything else."

Sha Zhu thought about it and realized that it was indeed as Wang Luo said.

"You're smart. Our family is different now. In the past, it was just you and Yu Shui, but now, we have a lot of connections behind us. You have to consider the connections behind you when you think about things."

. . . . . . .

After having a meal, he unexpectedly learned a lesson for Sha Zhu. In short, in the next few years, he should just be a quiet spectator, as long as no one bothered him and his family.

The next day, Liu Guangqi's wedding officially began. Several 28-ton trucks brought the bride back to the yard, firecrackers were lit, and the wedding ceremony was held. Everyone expressed their congratulations with laughter, and it was really lively and nice.

Liu Haizhong looked radiant as he invited everyone in the entire hospital to a banquet, including some friends from the steel rolling mill. He felt particularly honored because everyone was praising him as if he were now an official themselves.

The people in the courtyard didn't make any trouble. For example, the story about Jia Zhangshi and the pig that had been hungry for three days, which was written to death by many authors, and kept picking up the vegetables, was absolutely impossible to happen. Everyone still had to save face. If you made a big scene at the wedding, you really wouldn't be able to stay in this courtyard in the future. Although they were greedy, they ate the meal quietly and peacefully.

It was relatively calm, but amid the flattery and congratulations, Liu Haizhong drank himself unconscious.

That night, Liu Guangqi couldn't wait to run away with all the valuables in the house.

Wang Luo knew the plot, but out of curiosity, he transformed himself into Lao Liu and watched the entire process of Liu Guangqi and his wife running away. That guy, with all the bags, emptied the entire Liu family and didn't leave any assets behind. When it comes to hatred, it has to be this seemingly harmless guy. But this is someone else's family affair and he has no right to interfere.

. . . . . .

The next day, after Liu Haizhong got up, he wanted to wake Liu Guangqi up, but he couldn't find him after looking around.

The daughter-in-law he had spent a lot of money to marry for his son was not there either.

"Why did Guangqi and his wife get up so early?"

He frowned and subconsciously looked at his small treasury. He searched through it and found that all the money in it was gone, including the two small yellow croakers.

"Where's our money? Mother, where's our money?"

Liu Haizhong roared in horror.

The second aunt also got up quickly and found that the two dollars she had collected were gone.

"Oh my, this is our bedroom. No one came in yesterday except Guangqi." The second aunt said in a lost voice.

"Where's Guangqi? Where's his wife?"

Liu Haizhong looked at the second aunt, his voice a little hoarse.

The second aunt hurried to Liu Guangqi's bedroom, reached her hand in and checked. The quilt was cold, and he was not sleeping at home at all.

This was outrageous. Last night was the wedding night, and her son was not at home in the bridal chamber. Where did he go? She rushed to the front yard and asked, "Uncle and Aunt, did you see our Guangqi go out when you went to bed last night?"

"I didn't pay much attention. I went to bed early last night. I seemed to be half asleep when I heard the door open. Old Yan, did you notice anything?"

The third aunt replied and asked Yan Bugui again.

"No, I drank a few more glasses yesterday, so my head felt heavy and I slept soundly. But when I got up this morning and went to open the door, it was already open. I thought it was Xiao Luo next door who went out to exercise, so I didn't pay much attention."

Yan Bugui also shook his head.

The second aunt shuddered all over, and immediately understood that her house had been robbed, and it was a domestic thief.

"Guangqi, you damn bastard, haven't we been good enough to you? You just got married and you left with your wife without even having time to enter the bridal chamber, wuwuwu!"

The second aunt burst into tears.

This crying attracted everyone in the yard. Out of curiosity, they hurried over to ask Liu Haizhong what had happened.

"What's going on this early in the morning?"

Liu Yue, Sha Zhu, and Yu Shui all looked at Wang Luo with confusion.

"Why are you looking at me? I don't know anything. I don't have the habit of exercising early in the morning. It looks like Liu Guangqi has run away!"

Wang Luo spread his hands and said in a confused manner.

The matter was already very clear, so what should we do? A group of old ladies in the courtyard began to comfort Second Aunt, asking her not to worry. Some said to chase him, and some said to report to the security office. However, these were of no use to Second Aunt. Since Liu Guangqi had run away with all their belongings, it must have been planned long ago. What was the point in chasing him?

Liu Haizhong's eyes were red at this moment, and he was breathing heavily through his nostrils, just like an angry bull in a Spanish bullring. He roared "Ah", pulled out his belt and started to vent his anger on Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.

The two brothers were beaten and ran around, screaming miserably.

"You bunch of beasts, I would rather have a dog than you, you eat my food, drink my water, forget your parents right after you got married, and even take all the money in the house, I will beat you to death, or I will be angry to death with you."

"Dad, stop hitting me. It's not like we stole the money. Wuuwuwu!"

The two brothers ran away while talking.

Suddenly the yard was in chaos.

"Stop it, stop it, uncle, are you going to beat his two brothers to death? You young ones, hurry over and stop them."

The two old men, Yi Zhonghai and Yan Bugui, did not dare to go up, especially the teacher who had a broken leg and a skinny body.

A group of young men including Wang Luo rushed forward and blocked Liu Haizhong and the two Liu brothers. Sha Zhu, Yan Jiecheng, and Xu Damao even went forward and tried to hug Liu Haizhong, but unfortunately, the mad fitter Liu Haizhong was so strong that the three strong guys couldn't hold him back, which shows how angry he was.

"Get out of the way, I'm coming!"

Wang Luo roared, stepped forward, hugged Liu Haizhong's waist like a piglet, threw him to the ground, and pressed on his back to prevent him from getting up.

"Wow, what sin have I committed to give birth to such ungrateful children? Guangqi, this is how you treat me and your mother. How have we ever wronged you? We provided you with food, shelter, and education, found you a job and a marriage, and yet you left so cruelly!"

A sturdy man who was pressed under Wang Luo's bangs slapped the ground and burst into tears.

 I recommend a friend's book "Notes on Changsheng's Experiences". If you have time, please go and support it. Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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