I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 125 I found something for myself

Chapter 125 I found something for myself

Chu Ming was having a great time fighting here, and the parents of the children who got the news also came out and asked, "Hey, damn it, I have been busy all my life building up the country, but you are destroying it behind my back. What's the matter? You are just uncomfortable."

Beat him, beat him hard, took out his belt, found his own child and started beating him at the gate of the staff compound. There were curses and wailing everywhere. Many citizens who passed by stood aside to watch the fun after knowing what was going on. The scene, haha, was beyond words.

Wang Luo crossed his arms and felt that he was enjoying the show. It was really nice to watch the show, but it finally stopped. The women in the house all ran out to stop the fight, and Chu Ming and the others were also tired from the fight, so only the little kids were left lying on the ground crying.

"Dear fellow villagers, I'm sorry. We are usually busy with work and neglect to discipline our children, which eventually led to them doing nothing all day and doing evil. Today, I solemnly apologize to you all. In the future, if you find them continuing to do evil, you can come to this compound to find us. We will definitely deal with them. Of course, if you are far away or it is inconvenient to come to us, you can go to No. 95 Nanluoguxiang to find the kid. That kid is the hero who killed a tiger with his bare hands a few days ago. I promise to arrange everything clearly for you!"

Chu Ming and others solemnly saluted the crowd watching the excitement nearby, and pointed at Wang Luo who was eating melons with a smile.

"Uncle Chu, we can't do this. I'm not his father. Why should I help you discipline your children? Folks, don't listen to him. I'm just passing by. If you have any problems, go find them!"

Wang Luo quickly shook his head, turned around and was about to run. He didn't want to find things to do for himself. He was so busy now. Jurassic World had not appeared for a long time, and the readers were about to forget about this golden finger. He still had to write dinosaurs for the fathers!

"Come back, we are so busy with work that we really don't have time to take care of them. The people below are covering up for them all day long. If you hadn't exposed this matter today, we would have thought they were good kids. No, you have nothing to do anyway. This matter was caused by you, so you have to take responsibility to the end. Don't worry, there are benefits. How about we pool the money and pay you a salary?

Don't be so disrespectful. If you don't agree, we will send a telegram to your parents, saying that you have nothing to do in Beijing all day long, just wanting to stroll around the streets. Don't you want to learn accounting? Haha, if we say something bad, do you think you can still be an accountant? Go to the military camp!"

With quick eyes and hands, he pulled Wang Luo back, made promises and threatened him. In short, he had to take care of the matter today whether he wanted to or not, so he just left it to him.

Chu Ming understood it very well. This kid was very capable, had a high fighting power, was cunning, and could win the support of others. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to control this group of kids by himself and make them obey him. This was management ability, just like when he led the troops to fight. More importantly, he wanted Wang Luo to have more contact with the kids in the compound. This was connections. You couldn't always just do your own thing.

"Uncle Chu, I find you are a bit disrespectful. How can you force me to do something I don't like? And you parents don't care, so why should I, a peer, take care of them? I am very busy every day. The most important thing is that I don't know how to manage people. I only know how to beat them. If you leave them to me, aren't you afraid that I will beat them and make them cry all day long?"

"Stop making excuses. I know you don't want to take this job. Don't worry, you can beat them as much as you want, as long as you don't kill them. We uncles and aunts are your backs, you can take care of them however you want. Just ask them and they will promise to follow you, right? Stop crying. If you keep crying, keep beating them. Speak up and tell them if they are willing to follow Wang Luo."

He turned around and angrily scolded the group of people who were crying and shouting. The man with a gloomy face immediately scared these little kids so much that they stopped crying and nodded quickly.

"Look, they agreed. Okay, I'll leave them to you from now on. Discipline them well, and there will be benefits! Take them with you tomorrow and do whatever they want until the end of this summer vacation!"

"Come on, you're just being naughty. Okay, I'll discipline you for a few days. Well, I can discipline you, but I have a condition. If you can do it, I'll come over tomorrow!"

Wang Luo thought about how people in the future would deal with little brats and then spoke.

"Ask, ask as much as you want, we will satisfy you as long as we can!"

"Find me a playground with facilities that meet military requirements. I think they are just too energetic. Let them digest it and it will be fine. The simplest way is to tire them out so that they can't do anything. Besides, they like to fight, so let them fight. Fight hard. Hehe, sooner or later, they will feel uncomfortable just thinking about fighting."

"That's easy. There's an abandoned military camp on the west side of the mountain. Just clean it up and you can go there tomorrow!"

"Okay, then let them take their bedding and food with them and go tomorrow. Don't even think about going home!"

"No problem, you have the final say!"

I didn't expect that meddling in other people's business would lead to such a big trouble. But it's okay. It's very interesting to educate these kids. Let's have fun.

. . . . . .

"Xiao Luo, thank you for the fish!"

Walking into the alley, the parents of the children who followed Wang Luo to Houhai greeted Wang Luo enthusiastically. They didn't expect that they could bring back a fish after a trip, which could improve their lives.

"It's not a big deal, Master. I've found a good job for you when I get home. Look, it's this kid. He still wants to hang out on the streets and in the underworld. Just when you have nothing to do, explain to him what the underworld is. Damn it, he could have survived in the underworld just by being brave and ruthless, but he died without a clue how!"

Wang Luo pointed at Zhou Changli who was squatting in the corner and said.

"You kid, you're always looking for things to do for me. Teacher Yan, I'm not going to play anymore. Let's go home!"

Li Jun shook his head, pushed the chessboard, and strolled home with Wang Luo with his hands behind his back. When Zhou Changli saw Wang Luo mention him, he followed obediently behind. He Yushui asked him to wait here, so he waited. He didn't expect that this ordinary-looking old man was actually a gangster. This didn't seem like it.

"Please take a seat. Don't be polite here. This is my master. His last name is Li. You can call him Uncle Li or Old Man Li. He is the one who taught me Qinggong. He is the head of the Swallow Sect in Jinan Prefecture. He used to travel around the world doing good deeds. I dare not say that he knows all the stories of the martial arts world in the north. You can come and listen to his chatter whenever you have nothing to do. I am very busy and do not have the time to waste time on you!"

Wang Luo pointed at Li Jun casually and said.

"Meet Uncle Li!"

Zhou Changli saluted respectfully. Damn, Yan Zimen, this is definitely a big boss. He has won over many alley boys with his bravery and loyalty these days. He would fight for no reason and catch a thief occasionally. He could barely have food and drink by relying on the thieves' support. But he didn't expect to meet the ancestor of the thieves. How could he dare not be respectful!
"You are the only one who still wants to be in the underworld, with skinny arms and legs, and you don't even have any flesh on your body. Come on, come on, I have nothing to do, so I'd like to talk to you about what the underworld is..."

Maybe the older people get, the more they like to reminisce about the past with the younger generations, and Li Jun is no exception. Wang Luo doesn't like his preaching very much, but he didn't expect to pull one back for him today. Well, there is something to do. Although he complained, his actions were different. He immediately pulled Zhou Changli into his room and began to tell him about his past experiences in the world.

"Can I go and listen?"

Wang Yadong was still a child after all, and was very interested in these matters of the underworld. When he saw Zhou Changli being pulled into the bedroom by Li Jun, he thought it was something confidential, but he was curious, so he asked Wang Luo.

"Go ahead, go ahead. It's not a secret. It's just that talking about it here gives me a headache. I'm tired of hearing it. You don't know that my master always nags me when he has nothing to do!"

After waving his hand to send Wang Yadong away, Wang Luo started cooking with He Yushui. There was ready-made fish, meat, and vegetables. He was responsible for cutting and He Yushui was responsible for cooking. It didn't take long before they had prepared four dishes and a soup.

While he was busy cooking and eating, a new drama was unfolding in the compound. Wei Qiang found an excuse to send away a group of merchants' sons who were following them, and then returned home. His father happened to be home for lunch, and was surprised to see that his son, who had been out and about all day, actually came home for lunch.

"Hey, the sun rose from the west today, and you actually knew to go home for lunch at noon. Isn't that strange?" Wei Shouli raised his eyelids and looked at him and said.

"Alright, alright, as a father, you can't come back to eat? Qiangzi, sit down and eat quickly, and ignore your dad!"

Wei's mother pulled him but failed. He would never dare to sit without Wei Shouli's permission. This was the rule. Otherwise he would be beaten with a belt. This was a must-do for every child in the compound.

"Sit down, tell me what happened today, don't lie to me, I know what you're going to do as soon as you stick your butt up, you definitely wouldn't come back so early if nothing happened, you're just hanging around all day, what a mess!"

Wei Shouli pointed at him and asked.

"Today I ran into Wang Luo, the son of Uncle Wang Zhonghua. He saw us hanging out with some businessmen's kids and told us off, telling us to stay away from them, saying they would cause trouble for our family. That's why I came back to ask you about this!"

Wei Qiang told Wei Shouli truthfully what Wang Luo had said to him.

"When did you get together with some merchants' children? It's ridiculous. Did you accept their goods and spend their money? Tell the truth!"

Wei Shouli knew Wang Luo. All the old people in the compound in the whole capital knew him. After all, he killed a tiger and was reported in the newspaper. The leaders praised him. He had no choice but to know him. Their unit subscribed to newspapers and they were not ordinary people. So he did not ask about Wang Luo, but asked about the businessman's child.

"Old Wei, what you said means that Qiangzi can't make a few friends. More friends means more paths. What does Wang Luo know at such a young age? Qiangzi, don't worry about them. Go with whoever you want. Mom supports you!"

At this time, Wei's mother came over with the dishes and said.

"You know nothing, what? Do you mean you have mixed up with the families of those merchants? Bastards, absolute bastards, I think you have had enough of living. I was wondering why our food has become better recently. It turns out that you and your son have mixed up with these people and even accepted their things. Bang!"

Wei Shouli cursed and slammed the table.

"What's wrong with collecting some things? Look at you, what's your expression? This is just normal interpersonal communication. Qiangzi has more friends, and I have more friends too. It's such a good thing. Why are you so angry? Are you going to eat this meal or not? If not, forget it!"

Wei's mother didn't understand why Wei Shouli was angry, so she muttered a few words in a low voice.

"Eat, eat, eat, eat nothing, I am going to be killed by you two idiots, mother and son, damn it, don't you understand what a sugar-coated bullet is? Are their things so easy to take? And you still want to make friends, I think you are about to give up your lives, tell me, whose things did you take, what things did you take, tell me everything clearly, if you can't explain it clearly, let's just divorce, you can go wherever you want, make friends with whoever you want, don't drag me down!"

Wei Shouli was almost driven to death by his wife's stupidity and cursed loudly.

"It's nothing, just some food and some rare receipts, nothing else. Don't worry, I didn't take the money, gold bars, jewelry, etc. they gave me. It's no big deal. I also gave them gifts in return. For example, Zhang Xiaoliu, who played with our Qiangzi, they gave him food, and I gave him two bottles of wine in return. Xifeng wine is a good thing!"

Wei Shouli and his wife have been married for several decades, and they have never seen him get so angry. Even when the word divorce was mentioned, he was afraid and confessed everything he had done truthfully.

"I bought a watch last year. Is it a question of whether to return it or not? It's a question of attitude. If they send you food today, they may send you money or gold bars tomorrow. They will drag you into the water step by step, and then you will get used to it. When they need your help, you will decide whether to help or not. They are so smart. If they are not smart, they can expand their business. They just take advantage of you because you don't understand their tricks so as to set a trap for you. You have long hair but little knowledge. It's really annoying!"

"Then, what should we do?"

After hearing what Wei Shouli said, Wei's mother was also scared.

"At least you took some food and receipts. Hurry up and return them all. If your family doesn't have any, find a way to borrow them and return them. Don't owe favors to these people. Their favors are fatal. You never know when the knife will be placed on your neck. And you, do as Wang Luo said. Don't have much contact with the children of these local merchants. If you can avoid it, don't have any contact with them. Play more with Wang Luo in the future. Wang Zhonghua is as smart as a monkey, and Wang Luo is not much worse. Now I understand why he ran to the northwest and didn't come back. He also took the initiative to let his family give up living in the compound and chose to mix with the workers. It's really smart."

Wei Shouli sighed, thinking of how Wang Zhonghua wanted to live in a slum when he first came to the city and was allocated a house, and he took the initiative to give up the military compound. At that time, they laughed at Wang Zhonghua for being stupid, for living in a bungalow instead of a building. They didn't expect that he was one step ahead and stayed away from trouble. Others were smart enough to think three steps ahead before taking one step, but Wang Zhonghua thought ten steps ahead before taking one step. He could predict what would happen today ten years ago. He was so smart.

"But I also gave them two bottles of Xifeng wine. Do you think I should take them back?"

These two bottles of Xifeng are very valuable. Maozi is not the only dominant liquor these days. There are many other liquors that are on par with it, such as Xifeng, Fenjiu, Dongjiu, etc., which are all quite famous and not worse than Maozi. Generally speaking, more people drink Fenjiu and Xifeng, so Wei's mother still felt sorry for the two bottles of Xifeng liquor that were given away.

"Are you really stupid or just pretending to be stupid? Can you use your brain? What the hell is that? You two should remember this. You must not accept their stuff. It's best to have as little dealings with them as possible. Avoid them if you can."

"I understand, I understand!"

The Wei mother and son quickly agreed.

"Jingle Bell!"

The phone in the room rang at this time, and Wei Shouli hurried over to answer the phone: "Hello, who is this?"

"I'm Chu Ming, Old Wei. I hope your kid didn't cause you any trouble. You should be careful. Damn it. Today, those little bastards in our compound wanted to fight with the children of ordinary people outside. They were so crazy that they became a big trouble for the capital. Fortunately, I met the kid from Wang Zhonghua's family. He caught them all and explained the matter to me. Alas, it's unfortunate for my family. I lost face today.

If your child is also misbehaving outside, send him over to Wang Luo. That kid is very capable, and he has the natural ability to lead troops, plus his fighting skills are outstanding. I have persuaded him to discipline the little bastards at home for us. We are old brothers, so I’m notifying you today.”

Chu Ming explained on the phone.

"Hey, this is great. That little bastard in our family is not a good guy either. You don't know. I was criticizing him just now. He was so stupid and thought he was so great that he even mixed up with some children from local merchants. Today, he ran into Wang Luo from Wang Zhonghua's family and persuaded him to come back. You should also pay attention to your children and don't get together with those people. They are all omnipresent."

"Okay, I'll ask later. Don't fall into a trap without knowing it. Then send your Qiangzi here tomorrow. Bring some dry food and bedding. After gathering, go to the abandoned military camp in the West Mountain and let Wang Zhonghua's kid have a good training."

After finishing the conversation, they chatted for a few more words and then hung up the phone.

 If there is time, there will be another chapter

(End of this chapter)

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