I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 141 Capture and Rescue

Chapter 141 Capture and Rescue

"Snakes have their ways, rats have their ways." Sometimes, people in the underworld are much more useful than people in the government. Li Jun's idea is the most feasible at this moment.

These kidnappers are all gang-like criminals, and their eyes and ears are very sensitive. People from the Public Security Bureau are born with a temperament that does not allow anyone to question them. They look stern on the outside, but as soon as they show up, these people will run away at the first sign of trouble, and they may even hurt children.

If Guan Ping and Tong San had gone there, things would have been different, especially Tong San's gang, who were all ugly and sloppy, and it was obvious at first glance that they were not good people. Who would have suspected them? So when Li Jun proposed this plan, no one objected.

"Master, I'm going too!"

Wang Luo raised his hand and shouted.

"Go to hell! Almost everyone in Beijing knows you by that face. Since these people dare to come to Beijing to commit crimes, they will remember many familiar faces. If you go, everything will be exposed. Besides, you don't have the self-control. If you go, you may be tempted to take action, which will be more troublesome. Guan Ping and Tong San are in your hands. I'll ask this kid to set up a few tables to thank you later!"

After reprimanding Wang Luo, he turned around and said.

"Mr. Li, you are being too polite. I was the one who introduced you to Wang Luo. I am his master, so you should step back. My own disciple can eat and drink as I like. How dare he say no? Okay, we will go over and keep an eye on him. I guarantee that no one can escape!"

Guan Ping bowed to Tong San, then strode away with his men.

"Xiao Li, this is definitely a big case. There must be someone in the capital who is helping them. Otherwise, with the current household registration system of letters of introduction, they can't enter the capital. By the way, you should also check who owns the house. I guess they can't escape the connection!"

"Don't worry, no one can escape. Okay, go back and prepare yourself. Once you get the news, take action!"

Li Da agreed and took his men back.

Aunt Zhao, Jia Zhang, and Qin Huairu were still sobbing, and a group of old ladies in the courtyard were also comforting them. Jia Dongxu looked at Li Jun's well-organized arrangements and felt grateful. He knelt down in front of Li Jun and said, "Uncle Li, and everyone else, I'll leave everything to you for Banggeng. Without you, I really don't know what to do. It's my incompetence! I'll work like a cow or a horse to repay your kindness in the future."

As he was talking, a grown man knelt on the ground and burst into tears. Banggeng was the lifeblood of his family and he was suddenly kidnapped. As an ordinary person, he didn't know what to do. Even Yi Zhonghai and others were at a loss when faced with this situation. The only thing they could do was to look for him themselves or report to the public security bureau. Look at Li Jun, he found him in such a short time. It would be strange if they were not grateful!

"Get up! How can a grown man cry like that? Don't worry, the child is sure to be fine!"

Wang Luo stepped on his collar and lifted him up. The most annoying thing was that a grown man like this cried and didn't even have any opinion of his own.

. . . . . .

"Where am I? Woohoo, I want to find my grandma, I want to find my mom!"

Bang Geng, who woke up from a coma, was so scared when he saw the unfamiliar environment that he burst into tears.

"Bang Geng, don't cry. It's useless to cry. It will only alert the bad guys. They will beat us. Stay here honestly. Brother Xiao Luo will come to save us. He is a tiger-killing hero!"

Maodan had seen too many joys and sorrows on the road of fleeing famine, so he was quite calm in this environment. He hugged his younger brother Goudan tightly with one hand and Banggeng tightly with the other hand to comfort him.

"Will Uncle Xiao Luo come to rescue us?"

"Don't worry, he will definitely come! We just have to wait!"

Just like that, the three little ones shivered but stayed quietly in the dark environment firmly.

It was past ten o'clock in the evening when Tong San came over on his bicycle to report: "Mr. Li, Mr. Luo, our brothers are back to report. Everyone has returned to their nest!"

"Okay, notify them and take action immediately!"

Li Jun slammed the table, stood up, and took Wang Luo and the others to the gathering point of the human traffickers.

When they arrived, Li Da and the people from the security station had already received the notice and were waiting there early.

"Mr. Li, have them spread out and deploy on the periphery. If there are any fish that slip through the net, they will be caught. Leave the rest to us. We are professionals in this area! Remember, shoot directly if you encounter resistance!"

Li Da pointed at Guan Ping, Tong San and their group and the security guards.

"Listen to Xiao Li's instructions, disperse!"

Li Jun also knew that people of the underworld were always people of the underworld, and they didn't have firearms. If he followed them, it would just cause trouble, and there might even be casualties, so he waved his hand and gave orders.

"If they don't go, I will follow you, Master, Uncle Li, you know my abilities. Climbing up a roof and going up to a room are easy tasks for me. If there are dogs in the yard, I can also deal with them for you. By the way, it won't be a problem to kill them quietly. You have to believe in my strength!" Wang Luo patted his chest and prayed.

To be honest, if Li Jun and his men hadn't wanted to wipe them out at once, Wang Luo would have run into the house and killed them all one by one. They were just a group of human traffickers, so he wasn't really afraid of them.

"Let him go. He's been depressed all afternoon. He just sits there without saying a word. If you don't let him move, he'll feel uncomfortable!"

Li Jun thought about it and nodded.

"Okay, you go ahead, but remember to be careful and don't alert the enemy. If there are firearms or dogs, just kill the dogs and then open the door!"

"Do not worry!"

After saying that, they dispersed and started to act.

Wang Luo jumped from the top of the wall and quietly entered the yard. Just as a dog was about to bark, a flying knife flew out and the dog died instantly without even a sound.

He looked inside the house first and found it was dark and there was no sound at all. He walked to the front door and opened it. The security guard waiting at the door immediately entered the house with a gun in hand.

"Security, don't move!"

He kicked the door open with a bang, turned on the flashlight, and walked into the house with a loud roar. The leader of the human traffickers was quick-eyed and quick-handed. Just as he was about to take something out from under the pillow, Wang Luo, who was following behind him, had already stabbed his wrist with a flying knife. He screamed in pain. The reaction was faster than the security guard's gun. This is the reaction ability.

"Good boy, you have a hand, and you have a gun!"

The people from the Security Bureau stepped forward and subdued the leader. They pulled out a pistol from under the pillow. The gun was loaded and ready to fire at any time. If Wang Luo hadn't been quick, there would have been casualties.

The arrests in the other rooms also went smoothly. Within three minutes, eight men and three women were all tied up and thrown to the ground like dead pigs.

"Luckily we arrived early, otherwise they might have escaped tonight. Look, the packages are all packed. It seems that the inspections at various intersections today have alarmed them! Tell me, where is the child?"

Looking around the room, apart from these 11 people, there was no sign of the three children. Li Da directly took out his gun, pointed it at the leader and asked.

"Xiao Li, don't waste your breath on them. I'm an expert in this area!"

Li Jun, who was following behind, walked in and said something, then began to look at the layout of the room, looking here and there, and finally pointed at the water tank next to the kitchen, motioning Wang Luo to go over and move it away.

Wang Luo went over and kicked the water tank open, then quickly hid aside. Damn it, they said there were 11 people inside, but what if the information was wrong, and suddenly a peanut shot out from inside, then he would be finished. His flying knife would be useless in this situation.

Looking at the reaction of the security personnel behind him, Wang Luo shook his head helplessly and said, "Okay, I'll go and kick the water tank away. You guys should at least provide some cover for me. Why are you still standing there watching?"
At this moment, a round hole appeared under the water tank, which was only big enough for one person to enter and exit.

Wang Luo shouted to the inside: "Maodan, Goudan, Banggeng, are you three in there? I'm your brother Xiao Luo, if I'm in there, answer me!"

"Brother Xiaoluo, Uncle Xiaoluo, woooooo!"

Hearing the familiar voice, the three little ones finally burst into tears. There was a sudden noise from above, and they thought it was the human traffickers coming to catch them, but they didn't expect it was Wang Luo. They immediately started crying.

"Alright, it's okay. I'll go down and rescue them. But Uncle Li and all the security comrades, can you please be more professional? What kind of training do you usually do? Don't you know the most basic cover? This is urban combat, a small-scale combat, not a field battle. I admire you!"

Wang Luo started to criticize without any hesitation.

It's no wonder that he is scolding people. In this era, Longguo has no idea what the so-called urban special anti-terrorism operations mean. What they value is large-scale combat with airplanes and cannons. In their perception, urban combat means artillery bombing, airplane strikes, tank charges, and infantry following behind the tanks and slowly pressing forward. If they encounter enemies in the house, they just throw a grenade to solve the problem. As for the other things, they don't understand. Even if the individual qualities of the security guards are quite strong, it is not the same as special anti-terrorism operations at all.

Urban anti-terrorism operations were not studied and related forces were not established until the 80s. Now there is nothing like it. Not only China, but also other countries in the world do not have it. They all rely on large military forces.

Wang Luo's angry words made the security guards not know what he was talking about and they all looked confused.

"Alright, alright, let's talk about it later. Let's rescue the people first!"

Li Da had to save face for his soldiers, so he suppressed his curiosity but confusion and spoke to Wang Luo.

At this time, Wang Luo jumped down with a flashlight, untied the ropes tied to the three little ones, and brought them to the ground one by one. After worrying for an entire afternoon, the three children were lucky enough to be safe.

(End of this chapter)

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