I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 144 Endless Taunting and Suppressing the Head

Chapter 144 Endless Taunting and Suppressing the Head

"Hey hey hey!"

After Wang Luo rolled his eyes at Chu Ming, he ignored him by smoking and eating melon. He turned around and smiled at this elite soldier with a stern face. His smile was just like the Fire Cloud Evil God in the movie "Kung Fu". Of course, his image was similar to that of the Fire Cloud Evil God, except that he lacked a pair of flip-flops like the landlords in Guangdong province.

"Oh, Uncle Li, Uncle Chu, this is what you call the entire surrounding army, the elite soldiers recruited by crying and begging for favors. I took a look and saw that they are a bunch of ugly people, not very good!"

Wang Luo pretended to take a look and then shook his head.

"Kid, you are boasting now that your hair has grown out. Look at your little arms and legs. I can't bear to break them. Go home quickly!"

Soldiers are all proud and arrogant, especially those who are the top students and cannot stand provocation. A tall and strong soldier stood up first and started to mock.


Hearing this, a group of people burst into laughter. Chu Ming, Li Da and the others didn't care and just watched the fun. Since Wang Luo proposed the concept of special training, they would leave it to him and see how capable this kid is. They just had to watch the show with peace of mind.

"Arrogant and brave soldiers, you have guts. I like you guys like this. But in my opinion, you can go back to where you came from. Don't look down on anyone on the battlefield, even women and children. They may take your lives all because of a grenade. I want to train killing machines to fight for the country, not people like you who think they are kind. In my imagination, you have no mercy, only killing and killing.

Forget it, why bother talking so much, you little scum, you will be eliminated before I can make a move, what a pity, what a pity, you will never see what a true elite is, just go home and hug your children!"

Stimulation, endless stimulation. Although Wang Luo has never been a soldier, he has watched many movies and TV series about special forces, such as "Breaking Out of the Amazon" and "I Am a Special Forces Soldier 123". With his own keyboard warrior attributes and powerful martial arts, he just wanted to follow suit.

"Little brat, if I don't fight you a few times, you won't know how powerful we are. Forget it, just treat it as a way to coax the child. I'll play with you. Let's make a deal first, if you cry, you are not allowed to yell and go home to find your mother!"

"Okay, play with him!"

"Let him know how many eyes the Horse King has!"

A group of people were provoked and didn't care about anything else. They clamored to beat him. You may not approve of their pride, but you cannot deny their fighting ability. Wang Luo had used all his sarcasm this time. How could they bear it?

"Come, come, come, you're the one who screams the loudest, come and hit me, come and hit me!"

Wang Luo jumped around like a monkey, pointing at the person who started shouting and constantly provoking him.

"Little brat, this is what you asked for. I'll give you three moves, but I don't want you to get hurt or the chief will blame me."

"Haha, comrade, I still need you to give in. You attack first and I give in to you. Since I grew up, no one has ever given in to me."

How could Wang Luo let him give in? He made a contemptuous expression and said provocatively.

"Then I'll be offended. Don't go back crying, hum."


The man named by Wang Luo attacked forward, using the military boxing commonly used in the army, one punch forward, followed by a knee strike. This punch was to confuse Wang Luo, and the killer move was the knee strike. If this hit the enemy, the enemy would instantly lose the ability to resist, collapse to the ground, or even die, because this is the knee strike, which is the most vulnerable place except for the genitals.

Don't believe what is shown in TV dramas, where people cover the mouth and cut the throat with a knife during assassination. That is absolutely nonsense. We all know that when we kill chickens normally, the chickens will flutter for a while, let alone humans. If this is wartime, this trick will never be used, because the person will not die immediately, and it will make a noise to alert the enemy.

The most effective way is the human kidney. Just one hit will destroy you within seconds, so the most common method used by the army is to attack your kidneys. Speed ​​is the key.

Could Wang Luo be controlled by him? Of course not.

When the company commander threw a punch, Wang Luo had already guarded against his back hand. Now his kung fu could reach a state of doing whatever he wanted. When the punch came, Wang Luo twisted his waist sideways, grabbed his fist, dodged his knee, lifted his arm, and then hit him with his shoulder. The soldier fell to the ground immediately because Wang Luo did not let go of his hand, otherwise he would have flown out too.

"Tsk, that's all, rubbish. You're not the third place in the fighting competition, you're not that good either, haha."

Wang Luo continued to taunt.

"My skills are inferior to others."

The soldier also knew that Wang Luo was showing mercy. In the previous contact, he had clearly felt that Wang Luo was very strong and he was not able to contend with him, especially since the other party gave way to him and did not take the opportunity to press forward. He stood up, saluted and went back.

"So powerful? Xiao Liu has never admitted defeat in a fight. The last time he fought, he won even though his old injury hadn't healed yet. He defeated me with just one move?"

"It should be a real talent. From what I know about Xiao Liu, he definitely didn't let me down."

The soldiers below were discussing in low voices.

"Are there still people who want to try? If not, that means you are scared. We soldiers have never been scared. When we were fighting in small groups, we lacked guns and bullets, but we still charged forward with swords. Why, you can't do it now?"

Chu Ming came out and took over Wang Luo's words and continued to say stimulating words.

"I come."

This time, three people spoke in unison.

"You are so brave! There are actually some with penises. Wang Luo, meet them."

Seeing the three people standing up at the same time, Chu Ming felt relieved. Soldiers cannot be cowardly.

"Come at me together, I'm saving time. I don't think you can beat me if you come one by one, so why waste time?"

Wang Luo came here to play the bad guy this time, so he will just play the bad guy to the end and fight one against many.

"That's not fair."

A soldier spoke up.

"It's not fair or unfair. I have confidence in this kid. On the battlefield, no one has stipulated that it can't be one-on-many. Do you think we are in the Three Kingdoms period, with soldiers fighting soldiers and generals fighting generals? Do you think I am talking to you about morality? Just the three of you will fight together."

Chu Ming cursed. What he hated most was the rules. When he was a kid, he didn't care about that. How come after just a few years, he already had so many bad habits?

Why be polite? Since the leader has said so, just go for it. Three people stand out, forming a triangle and standing in the best attacking position, then start the attack.

One of them took a right step and hit Wang Luo in the face with a right straight punch. Wang Luo blocked with his left forearm. While blocking, he hit the enemy's jaw with his right fist from the front of his abdomen, and kicked the enemy's left shin with his right leg. Then, he retracted his right foot and stepped hard on the front of his left foot. Then, he quickly inserted his left foot forward into the enemy's crotch, forming a left bow step, and used his left foot to control the enemy's left foot to prevent the enemy from stepping back and escaping. At the same time, he hit the enemy's chest with the tip of his left elbow, and swung his right fist from forward, downward and back to waist level. It was simple and direct. Before the other two could get close, he had already landed.

The other two didn't get any good results either, as they were knocked down by Wang Luo using the "hold and single" moves of Bajiquan. He didn't let go until his fists hit their throats.

Now the soldiers were convinced. Wang Luo was too powerful. Each of them was not much, and they all finished with one move, without using a second move. It was simple and clear. They all applauded and cheered. The troops had an inexplicable admiration for the strong. No matter what your profession was, even if you were an ordinary farmer, as long as you could defeat them, they would respect you. It was that simple.

"How about it, are you convinced now? Let me tell you that this kid is a freak. He is definitely a first-class genius in learning Kung Fu. His name is Wang Luo. He was the one who killed the tiger a few days ago. China is so big that there are always some talented people. So no matter where you are, don't be proud, be humble, and be good at summarizing your experience of failure. Do you understand?"


The soldiers answered in unison.

"Fuck, is this the hero who killed a tiger with his bare hands?"

"The newspaper said he was in his teens, but I didn't believe it!"

"Now that you mention it, hey, it's true. There's a photo of him in the newspaper. I've seen it. It's true!"

"No wonder, he's a master!"

When they heard Wang Luo's name, the group of scouts finally remembered who Wang Luo was and started discussing him.

"Leader, we are ashamed of ourselves when it comes to fighting skills. We don't have the ability to kill a tiger with our bare hands, but training is not that easy. You also said that things have changed now. This is our strong point in other events. Why don't we let him compete with us in other things?"

A soldier who had just been defeated stood up and said that although he admitted defeat, he still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. But this was normal. This was a military camp and they wanted to save some face. Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing. Chu Ming might use the result of this competition to gossip to the leaders of their former unit, saying that they were rubbish and not even as good as a woman. They would be embarrassed when they returned, so it was good to save some face.

"Liu Lin, do you still have some shame? Comrade Wang Luo is still a child, a teenager. You know, although he is good at fighting, he doesn't understand our military training. If you lose, you have to admit it. Don't embarrass us."

Someone stood up and criticized that comparing what he learned from daily training with Wang Luo was bullying.

"Hey, you don't have to say anything. You still don't accept it. It doesn't matter. I will continue with your military training method. You decide what to compete in, 400-meter obstacle course, target shooting, or bomb throwing. You have the final say. Let's compete again."

Wang Luo accepted it without saying anything.

Chu Ming was cheerful and had no objection. He had nothing to do anyway, so it was a good opportunity to have some fun. Let's have a competition. Sooner or later, he would suppress these troublesome soldiers. In addition, he felt that the special forces that Wang Luo had told him about seemed very interesting. Although Wang Luo had given him a general idea, he still didn't understand the specific training methods. He had nothing to do during the holiday, so he decided to put his ideas into practice and see how it worked.

"Let's take it one by one."

"Okay, tell me, what are you comparing?"

Wang Luo crossed his arms across his chest with a look of contempt on his face.

"Let's warm up with a 400-meter run first."

"Okay, but first I want to ask what the best score is. I only want the best score. Otherwise, it would be unfair to win. I want to show you what a truly strong person is."

"1 minute 31 seconds, that's my best time here."

Liu Lin said proudly that he had capital to be proud of, that is, this achievement was also among the best in the country, especially in this era, whether it was nutrition or the limits of the human body, this result was considered the best, so he was very proud.

According to the current "Standard Assessment Regulations for Military Physical Training", 400 minutes for the 2-meter hurdles is a pass, and those who can run under 2 seconds are considered excellent. Of course, this cannot be compared with soldiers in later generations. Soldiers in later generations have scientific diets and adequate nutrition, and the standards are definitely higher. The most amazing 400 meters in later generations is 1 minute and 23 seconds, which broke the obstacle running record for the entire army.

"Liu Lin, suppress him and see who is the most powerful."

"come on! Come on."

Wang Luo's bragging completely ignited the passion of the training ground. Everyone gathered together to cheer him on. They admitted that Wang Luo was good at fighting, but he wanted to compete with them professionally. Then they would let him see who was the best. "Old Chu, there is fun to watch again. Haha, they don't know that Wang Luo is the direct descendant of Yanzimen. The 400-meter obstacle course is a piece of cake for him!"

Li Da leaned close to Chu Ming, touched his old brother with his shoulder and said with a smile.

"Look at them, they are just like a bunch of big shots, with an attitude that they are the boss and the second in command. It would be better if Wang Luo, this freak, comes out to suppress them, so that they don't think they are so great. If Wang Luo really wins, let's see if they will continue to be aggressive in the future, hehe!"

The two old men looked complacent, just waiting for the new top students to make a fool of themselves.

"Can I be the referee? I'm from the public security system, and I guarantee fairness!"

Liu Xinjie raised his hand, volunteered, and took the red flag.

"ready, go."

As soon as the red flag was waved, the two men flew out like arrows.

There is a catchphrase in the army: "I'd rather run five kilometers than 400 meters." The meters here refers to the "-meter obstacle course," which is a comprehensive military training course that combines physical strength, skills, and psychological qualities. It is difficult, technically demanding, and dangerous. After each run, the "soreness" all over your body will make it difficult for you to calm down for a long time.

Two figures quickly jumped over the obstacles, as fast as lightning. They jumped over deep pits, flew over low boards, and climbed up high boards. . . .

The two men were evenly matched at the beginning, but later it became clear how powerful Wang Luo's light body skills were. Facing the high wall, it was a piece of cake for him. He didn't need to hold on with his hands like Liu Lin. Instead, he just kicked off with his legs and jumped over. The victory was decided here, and he surpassed Liu Lin, and kept leading until the end.


A whistle blew and the game ended.

"Wang Luo 1 point 19, Liu Lin 1 point 30."

The timekeeper finally reported the final results.

"Amazing! Liu Lin is one second faster again."

"That's nothing. Didn't you hear that Wang Luo ran 1 minute 19 seconds, 11 seconds faster than Yan Dongkai. A full 11 seconds, just like flying. And this is without any professional training, but he was able to run this result on his first try. If he had been trained, it would be incredible."

"Are you satisfied?"

Chu Ming asked him with a smile.

"I am convinced, completely convinced. This is not a speed that a human can run at. I have tried my best."

Liu Lin took a breath and shook his head helplessly. This was the other person's first time running and he was so much faster than him. No excuse could hide the fact that he was inferior to the other person.

"I forgot to tell you that Wang Luo is the direct descendant of the Swallow Sect. It's normal that you can't outrun him. He hasn't even started to use his strength yet. He will be faster when he does. Come on, let's go to target practice. Anyone who thinks he's a good shooter, come out and compete with him. You can pick any pistol or rifle. Hurry up. I'm looking for him to challenge you today."

Chu Ming was so arrogant that Wang Luo really made him proud, and he immediately started to shout.

Everyone focused their attention on a short, plain-looking soldier. It was obvious that he was the best marksman among them.

"Sun Jun, meet him and tell him not to underestimate others. Your marksmanship is recognized as the best among us. Go ahead."

"Yes, you are the leader and you can't look down on others. Show him some color."

In this way, Sun Jun was pushed out by everyone.

"Let me try, but I'm not good with pistols. I've never used one before. Let's try the 56 semi-automatic and 56 submachine gun."

Sun Jun told the truth that pistols were issued to officers and ordinary soldiers like them did not come into contact with them very often.

"Okay, meet up at the shooting range, guard, fire the bullets."

Chu Ming gave an order and everyone moved to the shooting range.

Ever since Wang Luo ate dinosaur meat and mutated, his eyesight has improved a lot. He would go out with a Type 38 rifle to shoot rabbits, pheasants, etc., and he would specifically shoot at the eyes. He wouldn't dare say that he is as good at shooting at a distance of a thousand meters as in his previous life, but within a thousand meters, with his eyesight and strong body, the recoil can be almost ignored. Whether there is a scope or not, it all depends on the outline. What is there to be afraid of? Go ahead.

"Xiao Luo, is everything okay?"

Li Da kindly came over and asked Wang Luo.

"You are asking this question in vain. Don't you see who hunts the meat in your compound? Especially the muzzles of the prey, all of them have been shot in the eyes. Don't worry."

Wang Luo said nonchalantly.

When they arrived at the shooting range, the guns and bullets were in place. Wang Luo checked and calibrated the guns skillfully, and checked every bullet. Sun Jun did the same, not missing any details.

Guns are the second life of soldiers. A true sharpshooter has good eyesight, steady gun holding, strong sense of balance, good endurance, high stress resistance and tolerance, the ability to formulate strategies against the enemy based on his own situation and the enemy's situation, and the ability to hide and protect himself so as not to be discovered by the enemy. These are all necessary conditions to become a sharpshooter. The most important thing is to maintain the gun well so that you can kill with one shot at the critical moment.

"This Wang Luo is no ordinary man. Just look at his skillful movements in dismantling the gun. He is an old gunner. Every part seems alive in his hands. If we are not careful, we will be completely wiped out in all the competitions. How did he train? He is so young. Even if he just started practicing, he would never reach this level. We are in big trouble."

Liu Lin, who had just competed with Wang Luo, whispered to the people around him.

"How did you feel when you competed with him in the 400-meter hurdles just now?"

"I can't say. At the beginning, I didn't feel anything. I just thought that he was a martial artist and his body was clumsy. Even a child is flexible. But after 200 meters, I think he got used to it. I really couldn't catch up with him even if I wanted to. The gap was too big."

Since it is a duel between sharpshooters, there is no need to shoot below 400 meters. The target can be placed directly 400 meters away and the shooting will not stop until it reaches 1000 meters, because the maximum range of the 56 semi-automatic sight is 1000 meters. Don't consider the effective range of 1500 meters. After all, there is no scope or rangefinder, and it is not very realistic to shoot with the naked eye.

The target in the distance has been set up. "400 meters preparation, one person, one target, 10 bullets, the final result will be decided by the number of rings, do you have any objection?"


Wang Luo and the other man said in unison.

After loading the bullets and the other side waves the flag, the shooting begins.

Sun Jun definitely has the potential to be a sharpshooter. His arm holds the gun very steadily, and his speed is not very fast. What matters is stability, which is also the most basic quality of a sniper. If he doesn't shoot, it's fine. But if he does shoot, it's a fatal shot.

Wang Luo did the exact opposite. After loading the bullet, he quickly aimed and shouted, "Pah, pah, pah..."

Ten bullets were fired, and the entire process of loading, aiming, and shooting took no more than 15 seconds.

"Report, shooting completed."

Wang Luo raised his hand.

"So fast? Are you sure this isn't random?"

"Don't be anxious, just wait and see the number, wait for Pang Mengfu."

The soldiers talked a lot.

"Report, shooting completed."

During the discussion, Pang Mengfu also raised his hand to indicate that he had used up all the bullets.

"Report the target."

Wang Zhonghua shouted.

"One target scored 100 rings, and the other target scored 10 rings."

The target reporter announced the final number of targets.

"Haha, 10 rings, that means I hit the target with one shot. Now I'm going to have some fun."

"Yes, everyone has weaknesses, and the tiger-hunting hero is no exception. But when it comes to target shooting, he is still not as good as us soldiers. Don't you see who Sun Jun is? He won an award in the target shooting training of the whole army competition. Shooting is not about speed, but stability. Finishing the shooting so quickly is just nonsense."

Finally, they have defeated Wang Luo. These soldiers are very happy and are enjoying the misfortune.

"Wang Luo, what's going on? Why are you fighting so quickly? Are you in a hurry to reincarnate?"

Chu Ming looked unhappy and started to scold. He knew Wang Luo's ability well and asked him to come to show off, not to embarrass himself.

"Impossible, I am very stable, it is definitely not a ten-ring, I request to check the target paper."

"Okay, target reporter, bring all the target papers over here so we can take a look together."

The target reporter trotted over and brought the target paper.

Wang Luo immediately took the target paper.

"Haha, take a good look, is this the tenth ring? Look carefully, mine is the hundredth ring, and it went in through one hole."

Wang Luo pointed at the target paper where the bullet had passed through and said to everyone.

Curious people took turns looking at it, and it turned out to be true. Finally, the target paper fell into Sun Jun's hands.

(End of this chapter)

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