I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 146 Type 63 Hidden in the Dust

Chapter 146 Type 63 Hidden in the Dust

Li Da looked at the soldiers around him, hoping that they would come out to refute Wang Luo.

But everyone lowered their heads and no one spoke. It seemed that this was true. He himself could not feel it, because his physique determined that the recoil of the Type 56 in his hand could be ignored, but the soldiers did not have that ability.

"Then who, can you tell me, does our Type 56 really have these problems?"

Seeing that no one answered, Li Da pointed at Sun Jun and called out his name directly.

"Leader, what Wang Luo said is right. The recoil of this gun is too strong. If you fire it in bursts, it's fine. But if you let go of the firepower and fire continuously, I don't know where the bullets will fly. In terms of accuracy, it can't be compared with the 56 semi-automatic rifle. The 56 semi-automatic rifle fires one shot at a time, but the disadvantage is that the firepower is too weak. It won't work at the critical moment. It would be great if there was a gun that has both the firepower of the 56 and the accuracy of the 56 semi-automatic rifle."

Li Da gritted his teeth and said it out loud.

"Leader, this Type 56 has another shortcoming. I don't know if I can tell you about it because I've already encountered it once, but later I took it to the logistics maintenance workshop to have it repaired."

Seeing this, a soldier also stood up and spoke.

"Say, stop being so nagging."

Unexpectedly, his nephew's shooting exposed all the shortcomings of the gun.

"When this gun is fired continuously and violently, the gun body bounces a lot, and the firing pin is easily damaged or broken. The front sight design is also problematic. When shooting at night, the front sight wing is easily mistaken for the front sight. If this happens on the battlefield and the firing pin breaks, how can I kill the enemy?"

"MD, this kind of thing still happened? Why didn't you report it? This is outrageous. Isn't this playing with the lives of soldiers? Assholes, I really want to shoot these people."

"Lao Li, Lao Li, please be patient, be patient. Now that this has happened, we need to find a way to resolve it. It's no use for you to be anxious. I'll call the higher authorities and see if there's a solution."

Chu Ming hurried over to dissuade him.

"Uncle Li, this is really not the fault of the military logistics people. Apart from some minor changes, they just copied the AK. Maybe the processing accuracy is not as good as theirs, but everything else is the same. Not only did this happen to us, but it is estimated that other countries that use this type of firearms have also encountered this situation. This is not surprising. At present, this is the situation of our military industry. It is good enough to be able to manufacture guns. If we want to design our own, we may have to wait for a while.

I don't know anything about weapon design, but as a user I'll share some of my thoughts. If it works, you can try it. If it doesn't, just treat it as nonsense. I'm not responsible for whether it works or not!"

Wang Luo didn't think highly of the Type 56 rifle. Don't be fooled by the fact that a bunch of bloggers on the Internet are boasting about how great this rifle is, and how many it has been exported to which country, and how many millions of it has been made in China. They are just a bunch of ignorant military fans. This rifle is really not good. Apart from being durable and easy to copy, what other advantages does it have? No, why did the Soviet Union directly change to the AKM later? It's because this rifle has a lot of problems.

Longguo was unable to design its own rifle and used it until the 80s. Of course, during this period, our country also tried to research domestic rifles to replace the Type 56 family of rifles. That is the famous Type 63 automatic rifle. This is probably the first domestic automatic rifle developed by Longguo with its own capabilities since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

At that time, the international situation was not favorable to Longguo. The country proposed the requirement of universal military service, which required a large number of firearms. We urgently needed an automatic rifle with strong combat performance and low price to deal with external threats.

The firearms equipped by our army are mainly Type 56 semi-automatic rifles and Type 56 submachine guns, both of which are imitations of Russian firearms. As a major country, we must have our own weapons and achieve "independence and self-reliance."

Therefore, an order was issued to develop a new automatic rifle and to produce it as soon as possible, and it was instructed that the new rifle should have the accuracy of 56 and a half and the burst advantage of 56 burst; the development of the rifle should follow the mass line of combining the technical personnel of colleges and universities, the army and factories.

This mass line is indeed a correct instruction. It not only prevents scientific research units from working in isolation, but also ensures that the real needs of the troops can be fed back in a timely manner, and allows experienced technical personnel to put forward suggestions for improvement. It can be said that it kills three birds with one stone.

In the 1950s and 1960s, our country was just starting out and had a shortage of talent. When developing new rifles, many researchers were freshly graduated college students. Although everyone was enthusiastic, they lacked design experience.

At that time, everyone was working as scientific researchers and teachers at the same time. They not only had to complete the design of firearms, but also had to build laboratories, testing sites, test ranges and other related facilities.

After a long period of exploration, the research team finally completed the design of the new rifle in 56, based on the mastery of the Type 56 submachine gun and the Type 1963 semi-automatic rifle, combined with foreign firearms research and development teaching materials and military needs. The Type 63 rifle borrowed the appearance and structure of the Type 56 semi-automatic rifle, and its ballistic performance, bayonet type and installation method, wooden stock, mechanical sights, etc. are similar to the Type 56 semi-automatic rifle.

The biggest difference between the two in appearance is that the Type 63 rifle can fire in bursts and is fed by a 20-round magazine, while the Type 56 semi-automatic rifle can fire in single shots and is fed by a 10-round magazine.

The Type 63 rifle has quite a few advantages. It uses an automatic structure with a short-stroke gas piston, instead of the long-stroke gas piston of the Type 56. Its piston is separated from the bolt carrier, which reduces the weight of the automatic machine, improves the accuracy of continuous firing, and avoids the disadvantage of poor continuous firing accuracy brought by the integrated automatic machine of the Type 56. Its locking device is still the head rotation locking structure of the Type 56.

A gas regulator was also designed for the first time. Under normal circumstances, a small gas hole is used, the automatic machine has a small amount of work, the gun has small recoil and vibration, and the shooting accuracy is high. Under harsh conditions, a large gas hole is used to ensure the energy supply of the automatic machine and the reliability of the gun.

The buttstock is the same as that of the 56-and-a-half rifle. The downward curvature has been carefully designed, making it comfortable to aim with the cheek against the rifle. The triangular bayonet has high strength and can be used to counterweight the muzzle when extended to reduce muzzle jump.

The accuracy is similar to that of the 56 rifle, with R100 of about 50 cm at a distance of 5 meters, and the point accuracy is better than that of the 56 rifle, which meets the requirements of our army for accuracy and firepower. Its action is reliable and can be used in harsh environments such as wind and sand, low temperature, and rivers. Its shooting life of 15000 rounds is also much higher than that of the 56 rifle of 6000 rounds.

How accurate can this gun be? It is so accurate that when used by a good shooter, he can shoot your left eye instead of your right eye, and he can shoot two shots in a row. It can be called a short-legged demon, very powerful.

In general, the Type 63 automatic rifle meets the national requirements and the needs of the troops. It has the advantages of easy production, simple structure, reliable operation, long life and low cost.

But why do so few ordinary people know about this gun? Most of them know about Type 56, Type 81, Type 95 and the like. This gun has been bought into the dust of history. Except for some military enthusiasts, no one knows about it. There is a reason for this.

In 1970, the superior ordered the factory to produce 60 rifles per year, but the maximum annual production capacity of the factory was only 12 rifles, which seriously exceeded the actual production capacity of the factory. In order to meet the superior's requirements as soon as possible, the factory technicians discussed and simplified the production process of the Type 63 rifle.

The forged receiver was changed to a punched and riveted receiver, which simplified the production process, but reduced the strength of the receiver, causing it to deform and seriously affecting the shooting accuracy. According to the troops, the guns that had just been calibrated could not shoot accurately after being fired for a while.

The change of the receiver caused the size of all parts related to the receiver to change, which aggravated the incoordination between the individual parts of the Type 63 and affected the reliability and accuracy of the gun.

The connection between the barrel and the receiver was changed to a 4mm pin connection. After a long period of use by the troops, the barrel moved and the pin loosened, resulting in a decrease in accuracy. In addition, the barrel chamber was changed from 25mm to 18mm, making it difficult to extract the shell.

The original black oxidized appearance was changed to electrophoretic paint. At that time, our technology in this area was not yet mature, and the paint fell off shortly after the troops used it, affecting the appearance and anti-rust ability of the guns.

The factory arbitrarily changed the manufacturing process and parts size of the guns and blindly adopted new technologies, which led to constant problems in the use of the Type 63 rifle. At that time, the troops reported that the rifle had not only poor accuracy, but also had serious problems such as a weak buttstock, easy breakage at the grip, sparks when shooting, endangering the safety of the shooter, and paint peeling.

In view of the fact that the Type 63 rifle had too many problems and the soldiers were too dissatisfied with it, our army replaced the Type 63 rifle with the Type 56 semi-automatic rifle.

The manufacturer later made improvements to the problems exposed during the use of the Type 63 rifle, but at that time we had the choice of Type 56 firearms, and the Type 63 rifle had left a very bad impression on the troops, so the Type 63 rifle was withdrawn from the troops.

Through this failure, we can see that our army at that time lacked experience in the demonstration, development, finalization, production and equipment of weapons.

At that time, the Type 63 should have been produced in a small batch for trial use, and any problems found should be promptly modified before mass production. If the production process needed to be changed, it should have been mass-produced only after sufficient testing under the guidance of engineers.

Of course, we should also see that the Type 63 rifle was an improvement at the time. It was only because we did not strictly manage quality during production, arbitrarily modified parameters, and used a large number of immature processes that led to continuous problems with firearms.

The Type 63 rifle is the tuition fee that my country paid in the initial stage of weapons research. We should learn from the experience and avoid similar problems from happening again.

"You talk too much nonsense. I don't know where you learned this from. Tell me what you think. If it's feasible, we can directly find relevant units to conduct experiments and nip all bad things in the bud."

(End of this chapter)

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