I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 158 Class

Chapter 158 Class
"Uh, I think we shouldn't talk here anymore. Some things are not convenient. Let's go to our place!"

Li Da looked around at the crowd watching the excitement and said helplessly.

"Okay, let's go!"

Everyone stood up, went out, separated from the crowd of onlookers, and drove directly to the meeting room of the General Staff Office.

"Come on, Wang Luo, tell me what you think, especially since computers are related to many things. We read what you said in the newspaper. It's a bit too general, but we can see that the planning is all centered around computers. We are curious about what you said will mean for the future development of the country!"

As soon as we entered the meeting room, everyone couldn't wait to start asking questions.

"Don't be so serious. I'm just imagining things. The future development of the country depends on you. I can't do anything. I'm just a technical secondary school student. How can I catch up with you guys? The thing is, based on the reports I've seen about computers, I've come to a conclusion that computers will definitely become smaller and smaller in the future, and will be available in thousands of households just like radios are now.

How big was the first computer? It weighed more than 30 tons, it was really a behemoth. But now, the computers in our Dragon Country have weighed more than 4 tons. It has developed to this point in just a few years. In the future, they will only become smaller and smaller.

From 1990 to now, the world has experienced profound shocks and changes in the past 60 years, especially after the two world wars, science and technology have made great progress, and airplanes, tanks, aircraft carriers, etc. have been used on a large scale in wars. This shows that the speed of scientific and technological development is getting faster and faster, and the momentum is getting stronger.

Generally speaking, the development of human science and technology has two forms: gradual quantitative change and leap qualitative change. The accumulation and preparation of qualitative change are completed in the process of quantitative change and qualitative change is caused in the process of non-quantitative change. Quantitative change and qualitative change appear alternately, promoting the rapid progress and development of science and technology.

With regard to science and technology, especially the most advanced fields of science and technology, we should use dialectical materialism and a pragmatic attitude to understand the nature and trends of science and technology and the development of military equipment, so that we can occupy the forefront of world science and technology in scientific practice and seize the initiative in competition. "

Everyone sat below and listened to Wang Luo talk, just like students in class.

"Now the whole world knows about a good thing, that is the atomic bomb, also known as nuclear weapons or nuclear energy. Since the emergence of this thing, it means that the third industrial age has arrived!"

Wang Luo was about to continue speaking when Li Da took a breath and immediately stopped him. Nuclear weapons, this thing is really sensitive. How do you know about this thing? "Wait a minute, wait a minute, everyone, sorry, this involves confidential information, let's sign the confidentiality agreement first, security, get the confidentiality agreement, and increase the security level!"

The security guard outside immediately brought the documents over, and after everyone was signed, he signaled Wang Luo to continue.

“First of all, the first industrial age began with the steam engine. For the first time, humans were able to convert thermal energy into mechanical energy on a large scale and in a controllable manner, ushering in an era where machines replaced manual labor. This was not only a technological innovation, but also a profound social change.

By the 19s and s, countries that had completed the first industrial age had seen a series of major inventions, including the emergence of the generator. The second industrial age was centered around electricity, so it was called the electric age.

Along with the use of electricity, the technological progress of this period also included electricity-based communication technology, internal combustion engines, and the large-scale mining and use of oil caused by internal combustion engines. If we summarize the second industrial age, there are two points: one is that humans mastered oil as an energy source after coal; the other is that humans mastered the mutual conversion of mechanical energy and electrical energy.

So after oil, what is the next energy source?"

Wang Luo looked down and asked.

"nuclear energy!"

Someone answered immediately.

"Yes, it is nuclear energy. The atomic bomb is just one of its applications. We are not going to talk about this today. Let's talk about nuclear energy separately. We just talked about the nature of the first and second industrial ages. Look here!"

He casually drew a box on the blackboard, wrote "Energy Acquisition" on it, and drew an arrow to the right, writing "Energy Usage" on it.

“During the first industrial age, humans were able to use coal on a large scale and in a controlled manner, and learned to convert the heat energy from burning coal into mechanical energy.”

Continue to write the word "coal" on the blackboard, then connect it to "energy acquisition" with a line, and then continue to write "mechanical energy" on the arrow on the right.

“During the Second Industrial Age, humans were able to use oil on a large scale and in a controlled manner, and learned how to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.”

I found another piece of colored chalk and wrote the word "petroleum" on it, also linking it to energy acquisition, and then drew a dot in the box of mechanical energy, making a two-way arrow connection.

"So in this era, we have to add another energy source to this picture!"

Just write nuclear energy and connect it to energy acquisition.

Coal, oil, and nuclear energy. The three boxes are neatly arranged from top to bottom. The whispers of people below have become a buzzing sound.

"Everyone, please listen to me and keep quiet. I'm not done yet. There's also this: information energy. The upcoming third technological age will be marked by the invention and application of atomic energy, computers and information technology, aerospace technology, and biotechnology. It will be another major leap forward in the fields of science and industry after the first and second industrial ages in the history of human civilization."

"Comrade Wang Luo, I have one question. Computers seem to be quite powerful, but why are they listed alongside nuclear energy as the first and second elements of the third technological era? Nuclear energy, especially the atomic bomb, is still the mainstream of the world. I believe that no one will disagree with this. Computers are just a computing tool. I am engaged in computer research, and this is what it seems at present."

Director Ma of the Computer Institute stood up and asked in confusion.

Others also didn't quite understand why Wang Luo wanted to confuse computers, a computing tool, with nuclear energy, which is currently affecting the world. They all looked at Wang Luo with great curiosity, waiting for him to answer this question.

"I made this assumption and determined that the computer is an important symbol of the third technological era because a single computer is a computing tool that only reduces the workload of scientists and engineers in various industries. However, when computers are combined with information technology, it will be different. It will generate explosive energy and even promote the great development of human social productivity.

Just like a radio station, we connect two or even more computers with wired or wireless transmitters and receivers. So think about what will happen. We can transmit photos taken hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away through this network to the other side in an instant, and quickly grasp what is happening thousands of kilometers away.

Uncle Li, you are a soldier and have fought in many battles. You have also experienced the Battle of Crossing the Red River Four Times. If these connected computers I just mentioned were put into your era, hehe, the enemy's various marching trajectories were mastered, taken as photos or video materials and transmitted to the computers at the headquarters, what would happen?

I don't understand military command, but as long as I, a person who knows nothing, have mastered this information in advance, I can do whatever I want. Sitting in the capital, I can command battles thousands of kilometers away and remain invincible. This is one of the applications of information energy. " "Hua La!"

Li Da stood up immediately, he was really shocked. Damn, this is so scary, is this the future?
"Uncle Li, don't get excited. I believe you know what I said on the train. A mechanized army is something that a country must develop, but I believe that informatization will be the mainstream in the future, that is, the application of computers and computer information. In the future, nuclear energy will be combined with computers, and it will no longer be a dream to take the head of a general thousands of miles away. This is my idea of ​​computers. The other things reported in the newspapers are just simple civilian applications. I believe you will understand after reading them.

That's all I know, and they're all my ideas. As for research, that's your business, I can't help. The best I can do now is to build a radio, a TV, or something, and I don't have any parts or tools. Uncle Ma, please support me a little, hehe!"

Wang Luo asked for some benefits by the way, otherwise it would not work if he didn't give them.

Today I am just going to talk to you about the application of computers, which is just bragging. As I said, this is just a hypothesis. You can think about whatever you want. Anyway, he is studying hard now. As for doing scientific research, developing chips, lithography machines and the like, forget it. You can't do this these days. Your life is more important. It's better to wait until after the reform and opening up.

"If you need anything, feel free to ask me. We'll give it to you as long as we have it. It's just parts for TVs and radios. It's easy, haha!"

Director Ma readily agreed immediately.

"Then I have to thank you. I am quite interested in this thing. Maybe I can research something good for you later!"

Wang Luo was very happy to have gotten the advantage.

"Comrade Wang Luo, we are from the agricultural industry. Don't just talk about computers. Please also tell us about your vegetable greenhouse. We are very curious!"

The people at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences were confused after hearing what Wang Luo said. Now that Wang Luo had finished speaking, they quickly asked about agricultural matters.

"Here, this is it, a vegetable greenhouse. Go back and study it. Farming depends on a few factors anyway. I designed this based on these factors!"

With just a few strokes, he drew a greenhouse and handed it to the people from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Later on, Wang Luo explained to them the applications and concepts of computers and mechanics. This already existed, so there was no need to explain too much. In short, everyone had a new understanding of computers today, and everyone was happy.

. . . . . .

"Our great man is back. Tell everyone what kind of classes you took with those great professors. This is the glory of our courtyard and our alley!"

As soon as I returned to the yard, people in the compound gathered around again, waiting to eat the melon. Today's melon had not been finished yet, and everyone was feeling uncomfortable and at a loss.

"You really want to know, Uncle Three and everyone else?"

A group of people nodded wildly.

"Hey, there's something called a confidentiality agreement, right? How about we go to the security office and sign one first?"


A group of people ran away immediately. This thing is very powerful. They are all ordinary people. They can watch it for entertainment, but since it involves confidential matters, they'd better forget it.

Wang Luo smiled and went home with the boxes. When he got home, He Yuzhu was talking to Li Jun about the trip to Baoding. He looked indignant while talking, and he wanted to run to Yi Zhonghai's house and the deaf old lady's house and make some noise.

"Based on my contact with him these days, he is a very contradictory person. If he continues like this, pinning his future on others and not willing to pay, and eating ready-made food, he will be in trouble in the future. He is a little crazy about his retirement. Don't worry, Zhuzi, you are about to become a father, and what Xiao Luo said was just speculation. Now things have changed! Who knows what will happen in the future?"

Li Jun advised.

"I just can't get over this. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't have been separated from my father. Would Yu Shui and I have lived such a hard life?"

Sha Zhu said angrily.

"Stop talking nonsense. You can only blame yourself for nothing. You can only cry out for helplessness and rage. Beat them up. What can you get? Just do what you need to do. Stop talking nonsense!"

Wang Luo walked into the door as he spoke.


Sha Zhu sighed, he knew that he could only talk now. He was having a good time with his wife, children and a warm bed. If he really beat them up, he would be facing the risk of breaking the law. What could he do if they refused to admit it?

"Just wait, there's still a long way to go, he won't have an easy time, okay, look at what good stuff I brought back!"

This kind of family stuff is really annoying. Wang Luo, who knew the plot, just watched the development quietly. After he finished speaking, he opened the box. Everyone gathered around to see what fun stuff was in the box.

"What is this?"

Except Liu Yue and Wang Luo, no one else knew what this thing was.

"It's a Beijing brand TV. I brought it back from the research institute when I was away. Our spit is very valuable, so this is a little benefit. Hehe, when you have nothing to do at home in the future, just watch this. It will save you from being bored!"

(End of this chapter)

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