I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 168 Funeral Benefits

Chapter 168 Funeral Benefits

Then he handed the remaining cigarette to Bang Geng, "Give a cigarette to the grandpas and uncles who helped you out tonight and say thank you. You are the only one who can thank the guests. I just don't know if there will be any elders in your Jia family tomorrow. If there are, we can talk about it later. Put the cigarette back in the house!"

Banggeng was obedient. I guess his grandmother had told him to listen to Wang Luo in everything. He took the cigarette and went home. After a while, he came out and took Xiaodang to stand next to Wang Luo.

When it was dark, Yan Jiefang ran into the middle courtyard and told Wang Luo that Jia Dongxu had returned.

"Come on, old and young, let's go and see what I'm saying. Don't show off your power and talk nonsense. Do everything according to my instructions. If anyone causes trouble for me, that means they are not respecting me. I'll punish you when I come back!"

Having said this, he went out with his neighbors carrying flashlights and torches.

Wang Luo let Bang Geng lead the way, followed by a group of people. When they arrived in front of the cart, they saw that it was covered with a white cloth and nothing could be seen.

"Thank you for your hard work. Who among you is the secretary of the steel mill union? I am Wang Luo, Jia Dongxu's neighbor. You should know who I am. I have been entrusted by Jia Dongxu's mother and wife to handle all subsequent matters for Jia Dongxu."

After saying that, he pointed at the two men who had brought Jia Dongxu from the steel mill. Bang Geng immediately walked up to them with tears on his face, took out a pack of cigarettes and gave each of them a box, saying in a tearful voice, "Thank you two uncles for sending my dad back!"

The two men took the cigarettes, patted the crying Bang Geng's head and stood back in the crowd. They were just working there and couldn't take care of these things.

"Three uncles, Aunt Jia, and Sister Jia, please stand in front!"

Looking back, Yi Zhonghai, Liu Haizhong, Yan Bugui, Jia Zhangshi, and Qin Huairu immediately stepped forward, and Wang Luo continued to ask the previous question.

"Who among you is the union secretary? Can someone come out and speak?"

One of the middle-aged men wearing glasses stood up and said, "Excuse me, Wang Xiaoying, I didn't expect you to be the one to preside over this matter. I'm Zhang Bin, the union official in charge of workers' funeral affairs!"

I guess Zhang Bin was a little puzzled to see that such a big courtyard had a child as the host. Shouldn't Jia Dongxu's master Yi Zhonghai be the host? So he reacted a little slowly and vaguely.

But he knew in his heart that although Wang Luo was young, he was very capable and had a very strong backing. Jia Dongxu's family had found the right person by finding him. This matter must be handled strictly in accordance with the policy and no tricks were allowed. If any trickery was discovered, he would have to spend a few years in prison or even have to eat peanuts.

"Director Zhang, Jia Dongxu's mother, wife, son, daughter, the elderly in the yard, and the workers in the factory are all here. In front of everyone, can you tell us about Jia Dongxu's situation? What are the procedures and costs for funerals in your steel mill?

Let's make it clear so as not to cause unnecessary trouble. If the cost is high, we should do a better job. If the cost is low, we should keep it simple. We don't want to make the life of a widow and orphan even worse!"

Jia Zhang, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law looked at each other. Well, it turns out that the factory has expenses for this. Fortunately, they found Wang Luo. If they found someone else, they might be fooled, and even the money might be put into someone's pocket. Ordinary people, whether now or in the future, have only a vague understanding of some laws and policies and don't understand them at all, including Yi Zhonghai.

Otherwise, what would the TV show say? This is obviously a trick to fool fools. The incident with Wang Yadong's family was also a trick.

Secretary Zhang then spoke: "Wang Xiaoyingxiong, the security department has already determined this was an accident this afternoon. Our union has staff members to help with the funeral. In principle, we will give 30 yuan for the funeral expenses.

But now the country encourages cremation. If the family chooses cremation, our union will give an extra subsidy of ten yuan!"

After listening to the rules stated by Secretary Zhang, Wang Luo turned his head and looked at Jia Zhang and said, "Aunt Jia, the living are more important than the dead now. Jia Dongxu works so that you can survive and live a better life. You should have an idea of ​​how to choose!"

Don't underestimate ten dollars, that could be a month's food money for a whole family, so the choice was given directly to Jia Zhang. It was her own choice, and Wang Luo had no say in it. He could only give her a friendly reminder.

Jia Zhang cried and put her hands on the cart: "Dongxu, you have a son and an unborn child, don't blame me for being cruel, I have to take care of the younger one, wuwuwu!"

After he finished speaking, he collapsed to the ground. The first and second aunts had a hard time holding him up. Jia Zhang couldn't help but feel sad. In Longguo, cremation has only become popular for a few years. In the eyes of ordinary people, mentioning cremation will produce an instinctive fear! Many elderly people hope to be buried after death, not cremated, and have an instinctive resistance to cremation.

The book on burial begins with the following statement: "Burial means to hide and to take advantage of the vitality." This means that when the remains of our ancestors are buried in the ground, the movement and changes in the terrain will produce yin and yang qi, which is vitality. This vitality will have a resonance with our descendants, and this resonance will affect our descendants. If the resonance is appropriate, the descendants will be blessed. If the resonance is not appropriate, the descendants will suffer misfortune, which is unlucky!
In our customs, we regard death as life, and believe that people only change their living environment after death. It is not that everything disappears in a fire after death. In ancient times, people paid attention to leaving a complete body. You can see that people in the past paid attention to lavish burials.

Fire is fierce and can burn everything. Cremation can easily hurt the soul of the deceased and is easily seen as a violent and cruel method, which is not conducive to the soul of the deceased to rest in peace. In contrast, burial is more gentle and can provide a more quiet and harmonious environment for the deceased to truly rest in peace.

In our folk customs, burial is an ancient funeral tradition. It has undergone thousands of years of evolution and development and has become an indispensable part of our folk culture. In contrast, cremation is a method that has only gradually become popular in modern times. However, even in later generations, burial is still a funeral method that many people are more willing to accept, which is closely related to folk customs.

First of all, the people believe in the cycle of life and death, that is, the living will die and the dead will be reincarnated. Under this concept, people hope that the deceased can rest in peace after death without suffering. Burial can provide a more stable environment for the soul of the deceased to rest in peace without suffering from the flames. However, cremation may prevent the soul of the deceased from finding peace, thus preventing it from reincarnating, which is something many people do not want to see.

Secondly, the people have a reverence for and reliance on the land. In the ancient agricultural society, land was the foundation of people's lives and development. Therefore, burial is also seen as a respect and gratitude for the land, as well as a remembrance and memorial for the deceased. In contrast, cremation may cause damage and pollution to the environment, thus affecting the lives of future generations.

In addition, we also have a traditional worship and commemoration of our ancestors, and believe that our ancestors are an important part of our family. Burial can provide a long-term resting place for the deceased to rest in peace underground, thus being respected and commemorated by future generations.

So for the sake of the living, Jia Zhang wanted to cremate Jia Dongxu. That was simply unimaginable. Her son would be burned to ashes like grass and trees. This was a bad thing for some elderly people.

"Aunt Jia, please accept my condolences. Sister-in-law Jia, what do you think?"

Wang Luo comforted Jia Zhang and then looked at Qin Huairu. She was his wife and she must have a say. He had to take care of the whole family.

Qin Huairu said in a hoarse voice: "I listen to my mother-in-law!"

Wang Luo squatted down again and looked at Banggeng. Banggeng had grabbed Jia Dongxu's exposed hand on the cart at some point.

Wang Luo was reluctant to take Bang Geng's hand away, patted his shoulder and said: "You are the only male in your family now. Even though you are young, you are still a man. You must be strong and decisive. Your family will need you to support the family in the future. Your grandmother, your mother, and your sister all need you to take care of them. If you are not strong, you will be eaten up by others in the future. Don't you understand?"

Bang Geng nodded. Although he couldn't tell the difference between burial and cremation, he knew Wang Luo wouldn't lie to him. He said in a tearful voice, "I know my dad will ask us to live on an extra ten dollars!"

Wang Luo nodded, stood up and said to Officer Zhang: "The family chooses cremation. When will the funeral expenses be paid to the family?"

Secretary Zhang sighed and said, "I was thinking of giving it to the family quietly, but now the money is with me!"

"Hey, is this how your steel mill union does things? What do you mean by giving it quietly? What? Is there something shameful to be revealed? What's the point of hiding it? Are you going to cause gossip for no reason? Tell me what you have to hide?"

He knew that things would not be so simple if Wang Luo showed up, so he quickly wiped the cold sweat from his head and replied: "No, no, little hero Wang, you think too much. We didn't think it through. We must pay attention to it in the future!"

"I hope you haven't hidden anything from me. The Jia family asked me to come from school to preside over this matter. This is also the first time I've presided over such a matter. If you have hidden anything from me, I will definitely find out about you. You should have heard about the furniture factory run by the street office next door. That was run by me. Do you understand what I mean?"

Wang Luo directly told the story of Wang Yadong's family.

Wow, everyone was shocked. We only knew that the street office and furniture factory next door had arrested a lot of people a few days ago. It was said that someone had found the person, and the case was solved today. It turned out that Wang Luo was the one who did it.

"I understand, I understand. We are not hiding anything, and we dare not hide anything!"

(End of this chapter)

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