I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 183 Going to the Countryside to Help Farmers

Chapter 183 Going to the Countryside to Help Farmers
Li Yang was too careless and told Qiao Shikai and his wife when she went to the bank to withdraw money. At that time, Qiao Shikai and his wife's shoe store was losing money every year and needed a lot of money to turn the situation around, so the couple set their sights on Li Yang.

When Li Yang was withdrawing money from the bank, Qiao Shikai had been following her. He pretended to meet her and invited Li Yang to his home for tea. Li Yang did not notice anything unusual and went with him. Unexpectedly, Li Yang never walked out of the Qiao family's door again, and the 16,000 yuan salary she had just withdrawn from the bank fell into the pockets of Qiao Shikai and his wife.

In order to prevent being discovered, Qiao Shikai buried Li Yang's body under the floor and sealed it with a layer of cement. This case became an unsolved case at the time. Time passed quickly, and Li Yang was sealed under the cement floor of Qiao Shikai's house for 21 years!
This story tells us that we must be careful when making friends, especially the detailed information of work should be kept confidential, we should never disclose it to strangers.

He also told us that finance and accounting must be separated. If something goes wrong with someone, it would be a big hassle to check the accounts, and they might even have to go back for further studies.

"Wang Luo's suggestion is very good. Finance and accounting must be separated. Many companies are beginning to have financial problems. If they are not managed, there will be a big mess. It seems that a lot of people have been arrested at the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill in the past few days because of financial problems. Many people were arrested directly."

The principal thought about it and felt that what Wang Luo said made sense. The current accounting work was indeed very chaotic. Accountants simply took charge of everything, made some false accounts, and then balanced the accounts, making it difficult to find problems.

After hearing what the principal said, Wang Luo touched his nose. It seemed that the person who was arrested at the Red Star Steel Mill was the one who exposed it himself.

"That's all I have to say. I don't care about the rest. That's your job. So, Principal, Teacher Zhou, can I take leave whenever I want in the future?"

Wang Luo didn't care what they would do. He had already told them everything he knew. As for what to do, he would leave it to others. As a time traveler, he should have the awareness of a time traveler. He should ask questions himself and leave the rest to others. This was a reasonable manager. If he did everything himself, he would become Zhuge Liang and would be exhausted sooner or later.

"You, you, go ahead and do whatever you want. Just don't do anything illegal. It's good for young people to learn more. I will sort out your suggestions and the accounting method you mentioned and submit them to the higher-ups later!"

The principal pointed at Wang Luo and scolded with a helpless smile.

"Thank you, principal, and thank you, teachers. Haha, I'm free now. So what if I leave when there's nothing else?"

Without saying anything, Wang Luo started to leave. He would have plenty of time in the future and the school would not care about him anymore. He could go wherever he wanted. He could then go to Jurassic World and hang out there. No one would care about him anyway.

"Don't leave so quickly. Our class meeting isn't over yet, and I have something else to say. The autumn harvest is coming soon. In order to ensure that every grain is harvested, students from all the universities and colleges have to go to the countryside to help farmers and do what they can. You have to go, too. Food is very precious, especially with the abnormal weather in the past two years."

Teacher Zhou grabbed Wang Luo and announced.

"Oh, that's no problem for me. I have to participate in this matter. I may not be able to help with other things, but I have the strength to do the work!"

Wang Luo agreed immediately and waited to be assigned tasks. The other teachers and the principal left the classroom to study what Wang Luo said.

Maybe many people in later generations don’t know what helping farmers means. Some schools often organize study trips to the countryside. This kind of study trip is a very good policy. It allows students to understand the situation in rural areas, the planting conditions of crops, etc. It is really good as extracurricular education. Otherwise, many children would not be able to tell the difference between leeks and wheat.

But some schools obviously take a perfunctory approach to this kind of study tour. They put grades first, and don't care about the situation in the countryside. So they just collect some money from each student, take them to the countryside for a run, and don't explain anything. Even the teachers don't understand crops. They just take a few photos at the edge of the field and come back. It's just nonsense. But in this era, there are wheat holidays and autumn holidays, and they are very important holidays. Generally, they are one to two weeks, depending on the maturity of crops in various places. Rural students go to work directly, and urban students can't be idle either, so they also have a holiday and go to nearby rural areas to work like farmers. In Beijing, it is usually between September and October. Look, the military training has just ended and I caught up with it.

Speaking of which, the children born in this era have experienced all kinds of hardships, done all kinds of work, and are not spoiled at all. Later generations gave this generation of people a very interesting name on the Internet, called "jack of all trades". As the name suggests, they seem to know everything and can do everything. They are slightly worse in cities, but are particularly prominent in rural areas.

It seemed that when Wang Luo was in his hometown in his previous life, the grandfathers and uncles in the village all had special skills, such as carpentry, stonemasonry, and building houses. Generally, villagers came to help, and they never invited outsiders. They just provided cigarettes, alcohol, and food. Everyone helped each other, as if they knew everything and understood everything in their memories. Think about whether this is the case in your own memories.

In fact, farmers are not born omnipotent. Since they have to dig food from the land and sweat drops on the ground, their income is limited, so they have to use their personal intelligence to the fullest. Farmers make all the production tools and daily necessities they need for farming and life by themselves when it is cloudy and rainy or when they are not busy. The purpose is very clear, which is to reduce unnecessary expenses.

Longguo is a large agricultural country. In this era, when farmers were engaged in agricultural production, except for large agricultural tools such as various vehicles, plows, and hoes for planting, which were solved by the collective, the remaining small agricultural tools were all purchased or made by the farmers themselves, and in most cases they were made by themselves.

They are illiterate, but they can do all kinds of farm work, such as weaving baskets, stringing baskets, weaving straw for sleeping with hemp ropes, and many other daily necessities needed by farmers. They have even learned the technique of massage. It is said that "farmers are omnipotent", but if they are not omnipotent in life, they need to pay for it. If they are short of money, they can only think of other ways to solve the problem.

Under the conditions that materials are expensive and scarce, and farmers' income is extremely limited, making and repairing farm tools is a necessary skill for everyone engaged in agricultural production. If an individual does not know how to do it, he or she needs to ask others for help. It is easy to ask for help but difficult to ask for it. It is okay once or twice, but if it happens too many times, it will become annoying.

In the absence of popularization of industrial products and technologies, farmers relied on simple production tools to farm the land. They used their flesh and blood to fight against the sky and the earth, which was endless fun. However, after all the fun, they still had to face the cruel reality.

Wang Luo grew up in the countryside in his previous life. As he got older, he got to know his parents and grandparents better. He knew how the rural people solved the problems of food, clothing, housing and transportation, and he also knew a little about the production tools and production and process of daily necessities of farmers. Young people who grew up in the countryside are influenced by their environment and learn to make and repair simple production tools and simple daily necessities as long as they pay a little attention. As the saying goes, many skills are good, and it is difficult for a person to do one less skill.

Generally speaking, under the conditions of primitive farming, since there were very few machines needed for agricultural production, small farm tools, daily necessities for farmers, including clothes, shoes and socks, were all made by farmers. If they were not versatile, they would have to eat thin food and wear rotten clothes.

With the development of urbanization and industrialization, various specialized agricultural service organizations and institutions have emerged, and farmers do not need a omnipotent one. Farmers can solve their personal problems from planting to harvesting, including field management, with just one phone call.

Even though we in later generations live in cities and feel that we have learned a lot of knowledge, that is just what is in books. In fact, we are not good at applying it. In some aspects, we are not as good as them. Wang Luo couldn't say whether this kind of social development is good or bad. In short, there are basically not many all-rounders like our parents among the young people in later generations.

Wang Luo admires an expert on rural areas. He is not a self-proclaimed expert. He is a person of real talent and knowledge. He is Professor Wen. He said something thought-provoking: "A village is a small society. There are all kinds of people in the village, such as ironworkers, farmers, pig farmers, etc. In wars, they are not affected much because they can be self-sufficient, but people in cities cannot. So when wars break out, it is not unreasonable for people in cities to run to the countryside."

Wang Luo has been to the countryside many times now. Recalling what Mr. Wen said, it really makes sense. Because they know a little bit about everything, survival is not a problem, but their life is not very good. If he has the ability in the future, he must help the farmers. He can't let down the farmers who are now carrying the entire country forward, not enjoying many benefits, and facing a huge industrial scissors gap.

So even though Wang Luo no longer needs to stay in school and can be free to be himself, when he heard about going to the countryside to help farmers, he immediately agreed without hesitation. He was once a rural child and he had experienced rural life. He really loved the land that raised him, and even traveling through time could not change this concept.

(End of this chapter)

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