I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 188 Advice

Chapter 188 Advice
This is the best way. If this thing is really brought to the commune, it can be counted as an achievement, just like the tiger killed by Wang Luo. After all, it has caused a great harm. If it is eaten, it would be a bit too dirty. It is not an herbivorous fish like carp. Anyway, he dislikes this thing because it is dirty and will definitely not eat it.

"You helped us catch this thing, so you can do whatever you want with it. We'll give you all the money we get, and we don't want a cent. You helped us solve this big problem, and we don't know how to thank you. Pull the cart here, listen to Wang Xiaoyingxiong, and take it to the commune to report the good news!"

After hearing what Wang Luo said, Village Chief Huo felt a little disgusted and really couldn't eat anymore. So he listened to him and took the food directly to the commune.

"Don't give me money. Get some cloth coupons and cotton for the children to make cotton clothes for winter. I'm just doing it for the convenience of my hands. If I saw it somewhere else, I would do the same! Don't give in. It's pointless. I have a good life in the city. I have food, drink and clothes."

Wang Luo shook his head and refused. It was really a convenient thing. He was very happy to be able to help these people. That little bit of money was of no use to him. He was so poor that he only had money left. What's more, he didn't know what good things were in those big boxes. If he didn't go in, how could he get such a bargain? Why bother about these little things? It would be better to give them to the children in the village.

"Let's put it this way. You came here to help us, but we are taking advantage of you! Killing such a big guy should be our way of expressing our gratitude by giving you something."

Village Chief Huo also shook his head and disagreed with Wang Luo's statement.

"Okay, let's do it. Let's go, load this big catfish into the car and go to the commune. It's still hot now, so we don't want it to stink!"

"This is a big deal. Come on, quickly load them onto the cart and take them to the commune."

After a short period of contact, Village Chief Huo also knew what kind of person Wang Luo was. He was a man of his word, otherwise he would rather eat a steamed bun made of two grains of flour than touch the chicken and fish at noon.

Under the leadership of Village Chief Huo, they harnessed the ox cart and went directly to the commune.

"Hey, how come there are still such big fish, fellow villagers, are you going to sell them to the supply and marketing cooperative? Then I will go to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy some. Such big fish are rare!"

"Let's go to the supply and marketing cooperative and queue up!"

We chatted all the way and arrived at the commune at dusk. It was just the time when all the units near the commune were getting off work. When they saw such a big fish, they all came over to ask about it.

"Ha, you guys are quite brave. You can't eat this stuff. It's already this big, I don't know how many rotten corpses it has eaten. Do you dare to eat it? Don't you find it disgusting?"

Wang Luo shouted from the ox cart.

"Ah, this thing eats corpses?"

"Of course not. He survives by eating rotten things. He has grown so big. I don't know how many years he has lived. Think about it, could you swallow it during the war a few years ago?"


Some people are born with a weak throat. When they hear this and think about the scene, they vomit on the spot and no longer talk about eating. They just follow behind and watch the fun out of curiosity.

Village chief Huo and the group of people who were pulling the fish also took the opportunity to explain what happened to the fish and how it was caught. They especially talked about Wang Luo, who was even more amazing. Not only could he hunt tigers in the mountains, he could also catch fish in the water. This attracted a group of people to give Wang Luo the thumbs up.

"Haha, our tiger-fighting hero can actually go into the water to catch fish. Well done, well done!"

The commune was not very big, just a small town in later generations. The news from outside was immediately known to the cadres of the commune, who immediately came out of their offices to greet him. The director of the commune shook Wang Luo's hand and praised him repeatedly.

"Leader, I happen to be helping the farmers there, so I'll help you if I see it. Let's make it clear first, this thing is dirty and can't be eaten, you guys find a way to deal with it, and besides, at least I helped, so give me some benefits, especially cloth coupons, cotton coupons. I don't mind, but I don't want it myself. I see that the children in Huojia Village are still naked, and the weather is getting cold, so I want to give them some cotton clothes."

Wang Luo is not polite. He will ask for what he deserves. If you don’t take advantage of an opportunity, you’d be a bastard.

"Why call me leader? Call me Uncle Wang. I am a soldier under your father. You are just like what Leader Li said. You want the benefits. Don't worry. You are doing harm to the people and protecting their property. You will get the benefits. Xiao Sun, bring me paper and pen. I will write a note. You go to the supply and marketing cooperative to get some cloth and cotton for this money-grubber. Our commune will provide the funds!"

Director Wang was a straightforward man. When he heard what Wang Luo said, he approved it directly.

“Thank you, Uncle Wang!”

Wang Luo was immediately happy. It was great that he could meet his father's men. He would not be lacking for cotton-padded clothes and other things now.

"Why are you being so polite? Come on, I'll treat you to a meal. The company cafeteria is open for lunch now. You were able to kill such a thing, and coming to eat is also official business! Look at you, kid, you came here to help the farmers without saying a word, and your father and others didn't say a word either, which caught me off guard." Director Wang invited enthusiastically.

"Forget about eating. The villagers still have to work tomorrow. Now that I know you are here, I will definitely come to bother you some other day."

Wang Luo looked back at the village chief Huo and the others who seemed to be hesitant to speak. He knew that it was the autumn harvest season and the work in the fields during the day was not over yet. They also needed to work at night, such as peeling corn husks. The people who came were all strong laborers and they could not go back late.

"That's true. Fine, I won't keep you here. I'll bring some food to the villagers so they can fill their stomachs on the way. You live so close, why don't you come over to my house when you have time?"

When Director Wang heard Wang Luo say this, he did not stop him and directly asked someone to get some steamed buns and pickles from the canteen and handed them to Wang Luo. He also loaded the cloth and cotton onto the ox cart, and then everyone said goodbye and went back to the village.

When they returned to the village, the villagers had already been waiting. When they saw the cotton and cloth on the ox cart, they were all very happy. They didn't expect that Wang Luo would really come.

"Little hero Wang, this cloth and cotton..."

Village Chief Huo had to be polite again.

"I'll give it to you. You're welcome. Let's eat quickly. We're all hungry after a day's work. It's a good opportunity to try the rabbit we made tonight!"


. . . . . .

This worked. By catching rabbits and getting cloth and cotton for the children in their village, and also helping to get rid of a pest, Wang Luo's fellow villagers respected this young man very much. During meals, they invited him to the village chief's house and sat in the seat of honor. Two old men were also invited to accompany him, which made him feel embarrassed.

"Come on, come on, let's talk about something!"

When they returned to the brigade headquarters to sleep after eating and drinking, Wang Luo brought them together again.

"Tell me, whatever it is, we will listen to you. Don't mention it, rabbit meat is really delicious. Those idiots don't know how miserable their lives are in other villages. It's not like us. Not only do we have meat to eat by following Wang Luo, but the people also respect us."

"Yes, I will listen to you. You are very capable. Look at how we are treated today. Who wouldn't say hello to us?"

Because of Wang Luo's ability, and the fact that four of the other five people came from rural areas and had been working since they were young, breaking corn was no big deal for them. They had been working since they were young, so they were living a comfortable life now. Sometimes, after working for a long time, the villagers would let them rest without them having to ask.

"Stop talking nonsense and get down to business. When you were working today, you saw many villagers stuffing corn into their pockets. Some of them stuffed a lot. Remember this. Don't be stupid and expose others just because you feel you have a strong sense of justice. Just work honestly and don't make yourself uncomfortable!"

Wang Luo has to give special warning on this matter. They are all young people with unstable personalities. They may think that they are superior to others just because they have been admitted to a technical secondary school and have become cadres. If they are stupid enough to expose others, wouldn’t they offend them?

Food is in short supply nowadays, and the harvested grain belongs to the collective. Apart from paying the public grain, the rest will be distributed to individuals according to the public grain. This is a famine year, and the amount of grain distributed is not much, which is not enough to eat. Therefore, when working, many people will find ways to steal some grain to their own homes.

There are many ways to steal food. Putting it in pockets is the most basic way. Another way is to put it in the crotch. You can even see women holding children putting it directly into their children's swaddling clothes. The same is true when drying grain. You walk around the grain pile, fill your shoes with grain, take it home, take it out to dry in the sun, and continue eating.

Some people may wonder why they don’t wait until night time, or steal in the middle of the day when no one is around. What a joke! When the crops are about to mature, there are people watching, and the militia are on duty with guns. Not to mention people, even sparrows will be driven away. Otherwise, why are sparrows one of the four pests in this era!
"Hehehe, don't worry, we are not that stupid. Not only will we not expose this matter, but we are actually afraid of you and He Yushui, two people from the city. The four of us are from the village, and we know the situation in the countryside better than anyone else."

The four of them looked at each other before speaking to Wang Luo.

"Fuck, I've been worried about you for nothing. Just know that ordinary people have a hard time. Bring back as much as you can!"

Wang Luo scolded with a smile.

"We all understand. We all remember how hungry we were last year. If a flying hero hadn't suddenly appeared and given us food, our family would have starved to death, not to mention going to school. Alas, you don't know, Wang Luo, last year we ate everything, mice, tree bark, leaves, and even the old elm trees in our village were stripped of their bark. We don't know who the flying hero is. If I could see him, I would kowtow to him. We still have his tablet at home. He is really our lifesaver!"

When talking about what happened last year, my classmate covered his face and started crying.

(End of this chapter)

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