I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 195: You’re not going to go to school, are you going to hang out on the street?

Chapter 195: You’re not going to go to school, are you going to hang out on the street?

"Dear teachers, this is a letter of praise signed by all the villagers in our Huojia Village. It is used to thank Wang Luo and other six students for their support for our village's autumn harvest. This is the only thing we can give. We wanted to get some local specialties, but Wang Luo refused to accept them. We can only use this letter to express our gratitude! Thank you for training such good students..."

When Village Chief Huo took Wang Luo and the others to the school and met the principal and teachers, he talked to the principal and praised Wang Luo and the others for a while, then he solemnly took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to the principal.

"Uncle Huo, you guys can do it. Go get a group signature behind my back!"

Wang Luo really didn't expect Village Chief Huo to do such a thing.

"What are you talking about, little brat? This is the recognition of your work by the villagers. Brother Huo, this is great. We'll take it!"

The principal solemnly accepted the letter of praise.

"Okay, okay, we hope these six students will come to our village next year. This is what the villagers are looking forward to. Okay, that's it. It's getting late and there's still work to do in the village. I'm leaving now!"

After completing the mission, Village Chief Huo drove the ox cart back to the village with everyone seeing him off.

"Xiao Wang, you are amazing! You have done a great job helping farmers. I feel like I am floating when I go to meetings now. Everyone knows that our school has produced such an amazing student like you. Teacher Zhou, please bring all the things to our Xiao Wang. This is the recognition of his invention by the people across the country!"

The principal called Wang Luo's new name, took Wang Luo's hand and went to the principal's office and spoke to Teacher Zhou.

After a while, Teacher Zhou brought in two sacks from the inner room.

"Look, this is the recognition of you by the people of the whole country. They all named you! This is your lifetime honor!"

The principal pointed at the sacks and asked Wang Luo to open them. When he opened them, he saw that the letters in the two sacks were all his.

"So many?"

In this era of underdeveloped communications, letters became the best means of communication. Wang Luo never expected that his two unintentional inventions would have such serious consequences.

"Not much, not much, there are more to come. You really bring honor to our school. From now on, whenever people mention threshers and slicers, they will think of you as a student of our school. The teacher is happy for you. Take it and go back and read it slowly. You can write back to them when you have time. What are you going to do next? You don't need to learn accounting anymore. If you want to study mechanics, you can tell me. You can choose any school nearby. Even universities are no problem. They all hope you can go to study there. As long as you want to go, the teacher will write you a recommendation letter!"

The principal never thought that this day would come. Other schools really hope that Wang Luo will go to their school to study. If he makes another invention, it will be a great achievement for them. So he received similar calls every few days in the past few days.

"Principal, Teacher Zhou, let's make it clear that I don't have to come to class now. We can talk about the future later. Okay, it's nothing serious, I'm leaving!"

Without saying a word, Wang Luo ran away immediately with two large sacks of letters. He didn't know what would happen if he stayed here any longer, so he ran away out of respect.

"Hey, this kid, why is he still so lazy? What a good opportunity. Forget it, let him do whatever he wants. Anyway, this kid is not bad!"

The principal was helpless when he saw Wang Luo running away. He couldn't teach him any more. The other person was even more powerful than them. So he had to let him do what he wanted and could only smile bitterly.

"Hey, our little hero Wang is back. You did a great job. You really made our community proud. Everyone in our community knows about what you did. Even the neighborhood office came to praise us!"

When Wang Luo rode his bicycle back to the yard with He Yushui, the first thing that happened was that the third uncle Yan Bugui jumped out and greeted him happily.

"Uncle, please don't call me Little Hero Wang in our courtyard. Everyone calls me by this name along the way!"

Wang Luo was also speechless. After being in the newspapers three times, it seemed as if everyone in the capital knew him. Along the way, people riding bicycles, regardless of gender, age or status, greeted him enthusiastically and shook hands with him. He returned to the yard hoping to calm down, but the result was the same.

"Why can't I call you that? All the deputy positions call you that, so we can't change that. Not to mention that your two things are really useful, my relatives in my hometown have written to me. Knowing that we live in the same courtyard, they asked me to thank you! Don't disbelieve me, I'll give you the letter later! Also, take some time to write him a letter back, so that the third uncle will be proud too!"

What the third uncle said was serious.

"Thank you, I received it. Look, there are already two sacks of gifts! They are all sent by people from all over the country! Let me know what to do, there are more to come!"

Wang Luo pointed at the sack and said.

"So many? Well, this fully demonstrates the people's praise for you. Well done!"

"I just thought of this by chance, but I didn't expect it could be of some use to ordinary people!"

The two were chatting at the gate. Li Jun heard Wang Luo's voice and came out with a group of little kids, as well as a group of neighbors who were spending the weekend at home. There were all kinds of questions and answers. It was a lively time before they ended and went back home.

"Are you going to be able to skip school at will like before?"

Except for Sha Zhu who was cooking, the rest of the family members gathered together. When Liu Yue heard He Yushui talking about Wang Luo's situation in the classroom, he started asking about it.

"Sister-in-law, it's useless for him to go to school. Who will teach him? Anyway, I don't think our teacher can teach him, so our principal agreed to let him do whatever he wants. It just so happened that he met the agricultural assistance program, otherwise, he would have been doing something long ago!"

He Yushui explained to Liu Yue helplessly.

"Then you can't just stay at home like a street urchin all day, wandering around here and there, at least you have to find something to do, right? If you can't, just continue to work on your inventions. Anyway, people can't be idle, especially how old are you? At my age, I'm still teaching children!"

Li Jun was a little dissatisfied with Wang Luo's casual nature, so he hoped that Wang Luo would find something to do.

"Who said I'm a street urchin? I won't do that. Not going to school doesn't mean I have nothing to do. Don't worry, I have a lot of things to do. I'll play for a few days first, and then I'll come up with something interesting. I studied accounting, so I'll come up with something about accounting. You just wait and see. I guarantee you'll be impressed. Anyway, I know what I'm doing, so just leave me alone. That's it. Eat, eat, get ready to eat. I haven't tasted the food cooked by my brother-in-law for many days. I'm so hungry!"

Wang Luo was just trying to fool people by making jokes.

(End of this chapter)

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