I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 200 Watch Yi Zhonghai's Live Performance

Chapter 200 Watch Yi Zhonghai's Live Performance
When Wang Luo arrived at the steel mill on his bicycle, the mill's director Yang was already waiting there.

A few days ago, Wang Luo, at such a young age, was very well-reasoned and thoughtful in arranging the pension for Jia Dongxu, which left a deep impression on him. In addition, Wang Luo had a relationship with Wang Zhonghua and the two main products of the factory were invented by him. Most importantly, he was also the one who removed the termites in the steel mill. When he heard that Wang Luo was coming, of course he should come out to greet him.

"Why do you still need to go look for your Uncle Li? You can come to the steel mill to find me. Even though I am no longer in the military, I have been in the army. Come to me and I will do it for you!"

Director Yang came over and greeted Wang Luo in a familiar manner.

"Well, I'm afraid it will cause inconvenience to your work. It would be better if I, Uncle Li, can go through the procedures!"

Wang Luo was not familiar with him and had only met him a few times. If he went to him rashly, he would owe him a favor. It would be better for him to go to Uncle Li, who was Wang Zhonghua's brother and Wang Luo's actual guardian. It didn't matter whether he owed him a favor or not.

"Is it inconvenient? Please excuse me. Let's go into the factory. If you need anything, take the note and I'll ask the logistics and transportation departments to get it for you. Don't leave for lunch. Stay for lunch. It will take some time to load the goods. By the way, ask your brother-in-law to make you something delicious."

Without saying a word, he pulled Wang Luo into the factory.

Taking Wang Luo's note and arriving at the office, he did not need to do anything himself. He just handed it to the secretary, and the secretary went to make the arrangements. Wang Luo and Director Yang sat leisurely in the office drinking tea. Director Yang did not treat Wang Luo as a child. There was no way a child would be like Wang Luo.

"What are your plans after graduation? How about coming to our factory? Well, don't wait until you graduate. I know everything about you. You can come to work right now. Our accountant has a problem, so you can come here to fill in the gap. I can report directly to the higher-ups and ask your school for someone else."

Director Yang was straightforward. He said that Wang Luo was a talent. If he was not recruited now, when would he be recruited? What if he ran away after graduation? Look, he was not only proficient in accounting, but also capable of inventions and creations, and could even hunt and have food and drink. It was a good thing to kill two birds with one stone. With his strong background, Director Yang would have a stronger back after coming to the steel mill.

What can I say about Director Yang? You say he is a good person, but that is not absolute. Let's not talk about whether he is greedy or not. Just in the TV series, he took two employees, Sha Zhu and Xu Damao, to his superior to do private matters and flatter his superior. He is definitely not a selfless person. Any selfless person can be clearly distinguished. Who would let his employees do this? In this respect, he is not much different from Director Li. It's just that one relies on family connections and the other relies on connections with superiors.

Moreover, this person is not smart enough. He only knows how to flatter his superiors, but does not consider what his subordinates think. He looks up but not down. You are a factory director, and your subordinates are the foundation of your survival. This is like a great general in ancient times. As long as you have soldiers under your command, you have to think twice even if the emperor wants to make a move.

But this person is not like that. He cannot get much benefits from his subordinates. But Director Li is different. He is really good at winning people's hearts. As long as you are useful, he will win you over. He is a smart man. Even Sha Zhu beat him and refuted him, but Sha Zhu's cooking skills are the tool he needs to make friends with those above him, so even if he endured the disgust, he did not do anything to Sha Zhu.

Director Yang is a good person, but that's not enough. To say he is a bad person is not enough either. He is just half-hearted. Who would want to follow such a person? In the end, he got nothing and was eventually dealt with by Director Li. He ended up cleaning the place for ten years. It was all his own fault. He was too weak to let go.

"Director Yang, I don't want to work now. It's so good to be in school. I can be free and at ease. I can set up camp in the factory and can't move. I can still contribute to the country in school, so you don't have to worry about me!"

Wang Luo shook his head quickly and politely refused. He knew exactly what was going to happen next. The steel mill was a big bomb that could explode at any time. He would rather go to a small unit, even a small grain store to work as an accountant. In short, the bigger the unit, the bigger the trouble. He couldn't stop the tide of history. Then he would just be a salted fish. After ten years, there would be plenty of opportunities. Why bother to wade into this muddy water? Anyway, it was fine as long as his relatives were fine. The inscription "The greatest heroes serve the country and the people" was not for decoration. Who dared to do anything to him! !
"I am being rude. With your ability, our steel mill is really not worthy of your attention. I dare not compete with your uncle Li Da for people, haha!"

Director Yang shook his head helplessly and smiled.

Wang Luo is only this capable at his age, and who knows what will happen in a few years. He has such a strong backing, it will be difficult for me to compete with his steel mill.

"The main reason is that I'm still young, and it's too early for me to start working. I still want to learn more in school. By the way, can I go and have a look at your factory's workshop? I've never been to a factory to see production since I was a child. I'm quite curious about this and I want to go and take a look!"

Wang Luo had nothing to do anyway, so it was comfortable for him to drink tea in the office. However, he didn't have much to talk about with Director Yang, so he might as well go to the workshop and take a look around to learn about the industrial production situation of that era.

“Others may not be able to do it, but you can. Come on, I’ll take you over to have a look!”

Director Yang immediately stood up and was about to take him over.

"No, no, you are a big factory manager with so much work to do. How can you bring a little kid like me with you? It will disturb your work. Just call the workshop and I will go over and take a look. I am just curious!"

Wang Luo quickly waved his hand and said modestly, "That's fine too. Just go to the cafeteria at noon. If you don't know the way, ask for directions. See you in the cafeteria!"

Wang Luo quickly agreed, took a sip of tea, strolled out of the office and ran to the workshop.

"Xiao Luo, didn't you go to school? Why are you here? Are you looking for your brother-in-law? Oh, I remember, the two machines you invented are now produced by our factory!"

As an eighth-level worker, Yi Zhonghai led a very leisurely life. He would only take action when there were very difficult workpieces to be processed. Usually he would stay in the workshop drinking tea and instructing his apprentices. Although he was not an official, he still had to have a certain status. He had just finished instructing his apprentice when he saw the workshop director Guo Dapiezi strolling around the workshop with Wang Luo. As they walked, Guo Dapiezi was pointing and explaining something in Wang Luo's ear. He immediately stood up and greeted him.

"Uncle, I came to your steel mill for something, so I just came over to look around! I didn't expect you to work in this workshop!"

"This is my job, fitter. How about I show you my skills?"

Ever since he brought his adopted son and daughter back home, he resigned from his position as an uncle, solved the problem of elderly care, and lived a very comfortable life. Now, he planned to let Wang Luo see his abilities.

"Hurry up, I'm really curious about your skills as an eighth-level master chef!"

Some people in later generations said that the sixth-level workers were like the heroes in martial arts novels, and the eighth-level workers were basically like the monks who swept the floor. In this era, if someone was called an eighth-level worker, it was a very impressive thing. It is said that the first generation of submarines, the uranium filling part of the first big mushroom, and the space satellites were all made by hand by these technicians.

In this era, "Grade 1959 Worker" is not only an enviable status, but also represents high skills and high income. In Hangzhou in 32, the monthly salary of a Grade 108 worker was 108 yuan, and that of a Grade worker was yuan. At that time, yuan was definitely a high salary, and it was highly respected.

Many people who have experienced the eight-level technical grading system still admit that the technical stratification was very successful. At that time, regardless of whether a person was an "eighth-level worker", even if he was rated as a "fifth-level worker" or a "sixth-level worker", he had a high status in the enterprise and society. The most important thing was that their technical level was indeed high.

Some people say that there are two certificates in life that seem ordinary but are actually not easy to obtain. One is a university diploma, which takes 19 years from primary school to university graduation; the other is the Level certificate, which cannot be obtained without decades of hard work.

The "level eight workers" of this era are a group of extraordinary laborers. They use their dexterous hands to build dreams with ingenuity, stick to their posts silently, work hard for the country's construction, pursue perfection and ultimate professional skills in ordinary positions, and play a guiding role for the craftsmen of the new era.

Wang Luo had only heard about how awesome an eighth-level worker was, but he had never seen what one looked like. Out of curiosity, when Yi Zhonghai said he wanted him to take a look, he immediately became interested and hurriedly urged him to take a look.

"Watch this! I'll give you a difficult one!"

He walked casually to the workbench, picked up a complicated-looking component and clamped it into the vise, then picked up a file and started to get busy. While working, he explained to Wang Luo the precision of the part and the degree of processing required to be considered qualified.

Yi Zhonghai held the file steadily in his hand and rubbed it casually on the seemingly complicated part. With the sound of "chi chi chi" grinding, it didn't take long before the part was polished. He picked up the measuring tool and found that the accuracy error on the drawing was within the smallest range.

"See? The minimum error. Our machine tools don't have good processing accuracy. If we want high precision for some complex parts, we have to repair them later. We can't make any mistakes. If we make mistakes, it can lead to big problems. We have to be steady. Only by being steady can we ensure accuracy!"

Seeing the parts taking shape in his hands, Yi Zhonghai felt extremely honored.

"Awesome, this old man is really awesome. Is this thing difficult to learn? What should I pay attention to when learning it? Can I get started?"

As expected of an eighth-level fitter, he is really amazing. He may not be familiar with other machining, but as people in later generations, he knows precision too well. Just look at the error of the parts in Yi Zhonghai's hands. Even in later generations, only the most sophisticated CNC machine tools can produce it. But here, he can do it with just the file in his hand. For this kind of skill, Wang Luo must applaud him.

This kind of admiration and applause is absolutely from the heart and is a full recognition of the technology.

(End of this chapter)

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