I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 209 People in the Submarine

Chapter 209 People in the Submarine

"What? On land. Oh wow, dear Doug, today is not April Fools' Day. Is this your new bad joke?"

Smith first straightened his clothes, then shrugged and said to Doug with a smile.

"Haha, Doug, you're a veteran, can't you catch up with me, a rookie?"

"This is the coldest joke I have ever heard in history!"

Not only Smith didn't believe it, everyone was looking at Doug with a smile, as if to say, "Are you kidding us?"

"Sir, and everyone else, what I said is not a joke, but a fact. And it seems to be a big forest. Oh, what kind of animal is that? Why haven't I seen it before?"

Doug pointed to the Jurassic primeval forest outside and to the Alligatorosaurus who was hiding in a big tree not far from the submarine and watching out of curiosity. He said confidently that at the moment he was still confused and had not yet recovered from the shocking news.

"Okay, then I'll assume you're not joking. Let me take a look. I know we're a little bored on the submarine, so it's only natural for you to make a joke to liven up the atmosphere!"

Doug stepped aside, and Smith, the captain, walked to the periscope and looked out.

"Oh, God, damn it, what you said is true, it must be an illusion, this is incredible, I hope it's a dream!"

When Smith walked to the periscope and looked out, his mind suddenly buzzed. What Doug said was actually true.

"No way, sir, let me see!"

Mike also came over and looked through the periscope, and suddenly a string of swear words came out of his mouth.

Other submarine crew members, including those in the torpedo compartment on the bottom floor, ran up and started to look. After looking at it, no one said a word. The main reason was that the news was so shocking. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't figure out why they had run from the ocean to the primeval forest. It was totally illogical.

"Sir, what should we do?"

Everyone looked at Smith, hoping that this experienced submarine captain could come up with a good idea. They were a wolf pack in the ocean, and their main attack was surprise. The most powerful thing was to give the enemy a fatal blow when the enemy was off guard.

Now, they have actually come to the land. The submarine's most powerful weapon, the torpedo, is of no use at all. Can they launch fish in the air? That's not called a torpedo, that's called a missile. Although they have some light weapons for self-defense, they are really at a loss in the face of this situation.

"Shit, what should we do? How can I know what to do? We are submarine soldiers, not marines. We may be omnipotent in the ocean, but on land we have lost our most powerful offensive weapon. When we were training at the submarine academy, we were not trained in similar projects. The only thing we can do is that the submarine is destroyed, we survive with light weapons, and finally seek help."

Smith looked a little depressed and said angrily.

Yes, these Westerners have a common problem, that is, they don't know what to do without their powerful weapons, and they always want to rely on external forces for everything. This is the characteristic of maritime nations, greedy, plundering, and then they quickly decline after losing the blessing of powerful weapons. They have rigid minds and don't know how to adapt.

Unlike the farming people of Longguo, when they came to a strange world, the first thing they thought of was to find food and use everything they could to make themselves strong. Then they began to farm slowly, develop slowly, endure, persist, and work hard, and finally they would take action and defeat the strong.

"But we have to face reality!"

Doug reminded from the side.

"Reality, yes, you are right. The most important thing now is to seek help and leave this damn place, Jordan, damn it, call for support quickly, call the base camp of Xiaobenzi, I don't want to stay in this damn forest."

Doug's words reminded him and brought him back to his senses. He quickly began to arrange tasks and instructed the signalman to call for support from the base camp.

"Sorry, sir, we lost the communication signal the moment the collision occurred. I tried to call for support just now, but there was no response!"

The signalman spread his hands helplessly and said helplessly.

"Oh, that's impossible. How can there be no signal? This is Earth. Both the Little Book and South Korea are very close to us. Even if they can't get in touch, is it possible that North Korea and Dragon Country have no signal? This is really bad news. Okay, there is no signal, but can you confirm where we are now?"

There is no communication signal, but there must be a location. At least now we know where they are. Even if they are in Damao's family or Long's country, it's okay. The worst that can happen is that they will be captured, which is not something they cannot accept.

"Sorry, the location is wrong. According to my location, this should be the most central part of the southern Atlantic Ocean, that is, in the sea between Africa and South America, but now we are on land. I can't explain this phenomenon. Don't think it is an island, because according to the sea chart, there is no island here, it's all sea!"

Just as the signalman finished speaking, one of the drivers suddenly shouted, "Oh my God, this is incredible, it's too incredible, that's a Crocodile. I know it. When I went to the Natural History Museum with my girlfriend, I saw the restoration picture, and it looked like this. Yes, that's right, it's definitely a Crocodile!"

"Jack, what is a slender-crowned dinosaur? Does this animal represent anything?"

Smith asked quickly, it would be okay if there were any familiar animals, maybe they were just local animals, at least he could check the current location. He was a submarine crew member, not a biologist, so he knew nothing about the Alligator.

"Sir, the Allosaurus is a dinosaur from the Jurassic World. It has been extinct for tens of thousands of years. It shouldn't appear in our world, otherwise biologists would have discovered it. It seems that its appearance means we have arrived in the Jurassic World. Yes, it should be the Jurassic World. Look at those ferns. Oh, my God, it's a pterosaur, a pterosaur with wings. It must be the Jurassic World. Oh my God, it's incredible!"

At this moment, a pterosaur happened to fly past the periscope, and Jack exclaimed again.

"Jurassic World? Dinosaurs? Oh my God, what is going on?"

Smith patted his head and said painfully, "Jack, you know these animals, so tell me what we should do now. We don't know anything about Jurassic World and dinosaurs. Can we survive? Damn it!"

Doug saw that his superior looked at a loss, probably because he was stunned by the news, so he asked Jack who seemed to know a lot about this.

"If this is really the Jurassic World, it would be horrible. All kinds of dangers exist at any time. Not only are there all kinds of huge carnivorous dinosaurs on land, but there are also all kinds of dangerous marine creatures in the sea. There are even poisonous insects in invisible places. If we are not careful, we will be killed.

We may have weapons, but weapons are not omnipotent in this world, because there will always be a day when they run out. If we think about making them ourselves, it is possible, but the key is that we can get out alive. Without the most basic safe shelter and suitable food sources, we will definitely starve to death or die of thirst. Oh, no!"

Jack, like Smith, covered his head and started crying.

After hearing Jack's explanation, the other people in the submarine fell into dejected silence. Words like dinosaurs, poisonous insects, various unknown creatures, death from thirst, and death from starvation came into their minds.

"Soldiers, if it is true as Jack said, we have returned to the Jurassic World, then we must cheer up. First, we need to understand why we suddenly came to this world, second, how to survive, and finally how to return to the original earth. I think no one wants to stay in this damn place, right?"

There was silence for a long time, and Smith, the submarine captain, raised his head to break the silence.

"It's all because of that damn fish!"

Observer Doug cursed.

"Doug, what kind of fish did you see? Can you tell me about it?"

Since no one wants to stay here, let's start thinking of solutions, cheer up, and explain the problem from the source. Silence can't solve any problems, so Jack asked Doug.

"It's very similar to a crocodile, but it's much bigger. I've never seen this kind of fish before, so I shouted out of curiosity, but no one paid attention. I think if I had left at that time, maybe we wouldn't be here!"

Doug looked at Smith in frustration. It was Smith's lack of attention that led to the current situation.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I didn't expect this kind of scene that can only be seen in fantasy novels to appear. It's useless to blame me now. Let's return to reality. Jack, you are the only one in the entire submarine who knows something about paleontology. I'd like to trouble you to explain the situation to everyone."

Being a submarine soldier is a very depressing profession in itself. The space inside the submarine is small and the environment is closed. During the mission, submarine soldiers may lurk on the seabed for a long time and cannot see the sunlight outside. Coupled with the high temperature and high humidity environment, these factors bring tremendous psychological pressure to submarine soldiers.

In addition, although the food standards for submarine soldiers are high, living in a small space for a long time may affect the quality of their diet. To become a qualified submarine soldier, they also need to pass a series of rigorous physical and psychological tests.

As the captain, Smith understood all of this. He should apologize immediately when he should apologize, and let go immediately when he should let go. If he did not unite and still relied on previous orders to suppress the soldiers, there might be a fight. After all, the soldiers came to the unknown Jurassic world, left their loved ones, left the bright lights and wine, left the prosperity, and left their original lives.

"If it's the same as a crocodile, that's strange. According to Doug's description, a crocodile can't survive in the ocean. But since we're in the Jurassic World, there's only one reason. That's not some fish that looks like a crocodile. It's a Mosasaur, the Jurassic World's marine overlord. It looks a lot like a crocodile, but it's much bigger."

Jack explained.

"So Jack, according to what you said, Mosasaur is the overlord of the ocean in the Jurassic World, so why did it appear in the ocean of the original Earth? Does this have anything to do with our coming to this world?"

Smith asked another question that everyone was concerned about.

"Sir, I know this. I may not understand biology, but I know this better. You all know that I like to read science fiction books. The books I read have detailed descriptions of this situation. It should be the appearance of a space-time wormhole. I think the place where we are now and the ocean where we were lurking before should be the place where a space-time wormhole exists."

Mechanic O'Neill raised his hand and said.

"Space-time wormhole?"

Everyone turned their eyes to him, wanting to hear his explanation.

"That's right, a space-time wormhole. Wormholes are also called Einstein-Rosen bridges, space-time holes, and wormholes. They are narrow tunnels that may exist in the universe and connect two different space-times.

The idea of ​​"describing two different space-time regions connected by a space-time tube" was proposed by Austrian physicist Ludwig Frahm in 1916 while studying Karl Schwarzschild's solution to Einstein's field equations; in 1935, Einstein and Nathan Rosen used general relativity to further explore Frahm's theory, and together they proposed the concept of a bridge connecting two different space-time points - the Einstein-Rosen bridge; in 1957, physicist Wheeler first used the term "wormhole" to refer to this space-time bridge.

A wormhole is a special structure allowed in general relativity that can directly connect two points in space and time, no matter how far apart the two points are in space or time. Simply put, a "wormhole" is a thin tube of space and time connecting distant regions of the universe.

By using the characteristics of wormholes, we can complete long-distance space travel or time travel in a shorter time. Wormholes may also be space-time tunnels connecting black holes and white holes, so they are also called gray tunnels.

But this is only theoretical. Before we came, no scientist in the world had discovered its real existence. Unexpectedly, we accidentally encountered it. I can't imagine how crazy those scientists would be if they knew that this wormhole really existed. It might even change the world situation. Oh my God!"

I have to say that the army is full of hidden talents. There are all kinds of people. In addition to Jack, a paleontology fan, there are also science fiction fans like O'Neill.

"So O'Neill, do you mean that if we find this so-called wormhole, we can theoretically return to the original world?"

"In theory, it is possible, but as far as I know, it requires certain conditions. First of all, in order to safely cross the wormhole, the traveler must have sufficient speed and energy. There are a lot of gravitational fields and strong radiation in the wormhole. If the speed is too slow, it will be sucked into the black hole by the wormhole, making it impossible to escape. Therefore, the traveler must have the ability to move at high speed and a strong energy source, such as nuclear fusion or antimatter reaction.

Secondly, traveling through a wormhole requires advanced technological equipment. These equipment must have capabilities beyond the current technological level, including faster-than-light travel, space distortion technology, energy shields, etc. In addition, a complete life support system is required to ensure that travelers are not harmed in the wormhole. "

(End of this chapter)

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