I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 230 Yan Jiecheng's Helplessness

Chapter 230 Yan Jiecheng's Helplessness
Arranging jobs for Maodan and Goudan was a matter of course. The third aunt had helped Maodan and Goudan that time, and this favor should be returned. However, he was indignant at Yan Bugui's behavior. Yan Bugui acted unruly and openly sought jobs for his children in public, which was really unacceptable.

Can't we discuss this in private? He thought to himself that if Yan Bugui could keep a low profile and just come to say hello, he might be able to help. Although good job opportunities may be difficult to arrange, are there really no ways to find positions that are relatively less popular? Especially now that the scale of the pig farm is expanding, it is a time when manpower is needed. Uncle Qiu has some physical disabilities, and the work of moving and transporting pigs is heavy physical work, which is sometimes very inconvenient.

If Yan Bugui could restrain himself a little, he might be able to find a job for his child. However, the fact that he was acting so ostentatiously now made him feel a little disgusted, and he naturally found it difficult to agree to Yan Bugui's request.

Now he probably reflected on it after returning home and realized that he had violated a taboo, so he quickly asked Yan Jiecheng to come over when no one was around, so that everyone could save face.

Even though the outside world knew that he got his job from Wang Luo, no one was stupid and no one would tell anyone. They just turned a blind eye and let it go.

The so-called job was to be a helper in a pig farm, doing all the dirty and tiring work, like making pig food, removing manure, and even helping to collect bones for feed at recycling stations around Beijing. All of them were left to Yan Jiecheng to do.

Collecting bones is especially important. I want to bring back the dinosaur bones to feed pigs. If I don't collect some bones from the outside world, I can't take them out rashly. I can only treat it as a cover-up.

Wang Luo waved his hand and sent Yan Jiecheng away.

He didn't ask what kind of job it was, nor did he ask how much the salary was. Before he came, Yan Bugui had reminded him that it would be good enough if he could get a job, and he shouldn't worry about too many things. He had already said the wrong thing today, and if he asked too many questions, it would only make the other person more disgusted.

"The wine was confiscated? No work was arranged?"

Seeing Yan Jiecheng taking the wine back intact, Yan Bugui became a little anxious and wanted to slap himself in the face. This time he offended Wang Luo.

"I've arranged the job, but he didn't take the alcohol. He said if he did, the nature of the crime would change. He asked me to go to school with him tomorrow!"

Yan Jiecheng told the truth.

"Oh, I should have known not to buy these two bottles of wine. But it cost a lot of money. How much food can I sell with this money? I can only go to the Pigeon Market to see if I can sell it."

The third aunt's stingy nature came out and she kept saying it was a pity and hurried forward to take the wine.

"What are you selling? Keep it. I'll treat Li Jun to a meal some other day and drink it up!"

Yan Bugui took off his glasses and wiped them slowly with a towel.

"What? Drink it?"

The eyes of the whole family were wide open and their jaws were about to drop to the ground in shock. This was not in line with Yan Bugui's stingy personality.

"That's right, drink it. What do you know? How much are these two bottles of wine? Although Wang Luo doesn't want to accept it, we can't ignore his expression. If he really doesn't show any appreciation, how will Jiefang, Jiekuang, and Jiedi work in the future? Together with Jiecheng's work, it will cost 2400 yuan. Now, isn't it just two bottles of wine? I'm not saying anything to you. You don't listen to what I tell you every day. You can eat and wear well, but you can't be poor if you don't plan well. Look, how much money I saved by this plan!"

Yan Bugui said proudly, looking as if he was particularly good at calculating.

"Oh, my father, why didn't I think of this? You are really good at scheming. Then drink it up, both bottles, haha!"

The three aunts were immediately happy.

"That's right. We don't call this stingy. We call this calculating. We sacrifice small things for big things. This deal is worth it. So what's the solution? Now that you have a formal job, you can't be the same as before. The monthly accommodation and food fees you pay home will increase. And you're getting married, so you have to spend money on the wedding banquet and so on. It's not a small amount. Do you understand what I mean?"

Forget it, he turned his attention to his son.

"Dad, I only kept a little of the money I earned from odd jobs before, and gave you all the rest. It's enough for the wedding. I didn't spend a penny on this job. Wang Luo found it for me. Why do you still want me to pay money home? How can I live after I get married?"

When Yan Jiecheng heard that he had to continue paying his salary home, he immediately became unwilling to do so. At this moment, he remembered what Wang Luo had said, "Don't learn from your dad. He is stingy and can't even make friends. If something goes wrong, no one will help you."

"What's wrong with getting married? Can't you pay money back home after getting married? You don't have to pay for food and accommodation at home? And this time, your wife's share has to be added! Wang Luo found you a job, but you didn't realize that I sacrificed my reputation to get him to help me with this job. Forget about the wine money this time, you don't have to pay for it."

Yan Bugui's words were very convincing.

"Okay, I'll pay!"

After gritting his teeth, Yan Jiecheng finally agreed. After all, one has to bow his head under the eaves. He didn't have two dollars on his body, so how could he get married? He might as well get married first, and then separate and live his own life after his job was stable and he applied for housing.

The days he spent in this house seemed to be too long to count. The oppression and heaviness made him feel suffocated every moment. If he had not been forced to do so, he would have fled this suffocating place long ago. He did not want to stay here even for a minute.

The deep sense of shame, like an invisible shackle, bound his soul tightly. Whenever he stepped out of the house and was with his girlfriend Yu Li or his odd-job coworkers, he always seemed so out of place. He was not invited to dinner or bought gifts. He could only watch silently from the sidelines, his heart full of bitterness.

Yu Li complained more than once that the coworkers talked about him behind his back, saying that he was stingy and mean. He was dissatisfied, but he could do nothing about it. He wanted to be more generous, as he was at the age of dating and wanted to save face, but with his parents like this, he could do nothing about it. He could only silently endure the ridicule and misunderstanding, burying the pain in his heart. He felt extremely helpless and desperate for such a family.

To be honest, the way the four children of Yan Bugui behaved in their later years was partly due to what they learned from their parents and partly because they were forced into it. There must be a cause for every effect, and the third uncle, the Chinese teacher, just didn't understand it.

(End of this chapter)

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