I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 234 Float Parade

Chapter 234 Float Parade
The next day is the important moment of National Day.

On that day, red flags were flying in the square, and the event was in full swing. The crowds were surging and the noise was overwhelming. Half a million people gathered together to celebrate this great event. It seemed as if all the people in the capital had come out in full force. It was extremely lively and the occasion was unprecedented.

When Zulong, his team and foreign envoys arrived on the tower, the whole place was boiling instantly. Cheers, applause and cheers came one after another, people danced with excitement, and the red flags fluttered in the wind, like burning flames, lighting up the entire square.

Zulong stood on the city wall, overlooking the crowd below, with a firm and confident light in his eyes. He kept waving his arms, expressing his cordial greetings and sincere gratitude to the people. His voice was loud and powerful, echoing over the square, making people feel his firm belief and strong power.

Afterwards, Zulong delivered an impassioned speech, summarizing the brilliant achievements made in the past year and looking forward to a bright future. His words were full of passion and appeal, moving and inspiring people. The whole square was immersed in jubilation and joy. People seemed to have forgotten all their worries and troubles at this moment, leaving only infinite longing and expectation for the future.

Then the parade with crowds of floats and stuff began.

There will be no military parade this year. In line with the policy of economy, it is stipulated that "there will be a small celebration every five years, a big celebration every ten years, and a military parade will be held only for the big celebration". Therefore, the military parade was cancelled, and there will only be various float parades and parades of mass representatives from all over the country.

One after another, the ornately decorated floats slowly entered the square, unfolding before people's eyes like a flowing scroll. Each float was carefully designed and full of strong contemporary characteristics. First, the parade led by model cars of grain and steel with the theme of "Golden ears of wheat, blooming steel flowers" took the lead.

Some of the floats that followed had tall images of workers, peasants and soldiers, symbolizing the unity and strength of the people across the country; some were loaded with colorful flowers, emitting bursts of fragrance, making people feel as if they were in a sea of ​​flowers. The thresher and slicer invented by Wang Luo were also enlarged and placed on the floats.

As the floats moved forward, the square was filled with the sound of gongs and drums and cheers. People waved their red flags and had happy smiles on their faces. The air was filled with a festive atmosphere, and people felt a strong sense of national pride and belonging.

The sky was clear blue, with a few white clouds occasionally floating by, as if cheering for this grand celebration. The sunlight and the colors of the floats complemented each other, forming a series of gorgeous and colorful pictures. At this moment, the capital seemed to have turned into a huge stage, where people showed their enthusiasm and vitality to their heart's content.

Wang Luo was also in the model worker team, holding a red flag in one hand and flowers in the other, waving them towards the city wall and the crowd. He was excited, so excited. He didn't expect that he could participate in this kind of activity after traveling through time. It was a scene he had only seen on TV before.

. . . . . .

After the mass float parade, the day's activities are over, and people like Wang Luo who live in the capital can go home. Of course, they can also tour the capital with representatives from other provinces, or climb the Great Wall. After all, in that era when transportation was not so developed and a letter of introduction was required to go out, it was really not easy to come here.

Wang Luo did not go and went straight home. In the evening, there was a fireworks show. Everyone could see all kinds of fireworks flying into the sky in the square. It was very interesting.

However, when he was about to leave, a staff member found him and forced some money and photos into his pocket, saying that the money was given to him by Zulong and he was not allowed to refuse and had to accept it. Wang Luo grew up listening to the stories about Zulong, not only in this era but also in his previous life. He knew him too well and just stuffed the money into his pocket, planning to give it to his neighbors when he got home.

"Xiao Luo is back, Xiao Luo is back!"

As soon as I entered the alley, sharp-eyed people surrounded me.

"Xiao Luo, have you seen Zulong?"

"Xiao Luo, did Zulong accept our things?" "Xiao Luo, did you shake hands with Zulong?"

"The medals are hung up. Xiao Luo is awesome. Four of them!"

Various questions came one after another, more exciting than those of the protagonist Wang Luo.

"Zulong has accepted your things. You have seen me and we have shaken hands. Look at the medal on my chest. This one was hung by Zulong and me. There is also a separate photo. I will go to the photo studio to enlarge it later and hang it on the wall of my house. You can all go and see it. In addition, although Zulong has accepted your things, he knows that everyone is having a hard time now, so he gave me some banknotes and asked me to pass them to everyone. These banknotes may be more or less, but they are all a token of my appreciation. Let's go to my house to divide it up!"

Wang Luo pointed to the badge hanging on his chest, then raised the banknotes in his hand and spoke to everyone.

"Hey, Xiao Luo, how can you still accept Zulong's money? This is all caused by a big incident. The gift is not much, just a little token of everyone's love for him. What's the point of you accepting the money?"

"That's right, that's right, can you return the money?"

When the group of people heard this, they immediately became unwilling.

"You can't return it. Don't you think about who Zulong is? He has to pay rent for the place he lives in, and he has to pay for food and water, even for a cup of tea with a fellow villager when he's on a business trip. It's enough that we've shown our intentions, so hurry back home and divide the money!"

Wang Luo yelled.

Everyone thought so. It was true that Zulong was frugal and would not take advantage of the common people. How could he accept their things for free? But when they thought that they were selling their things to Zulong in disguise, they felt uncomfortable again.

"I still want Zulong to pay for this incident!"

"Hey, what should I do?"

"Xiao Luo is right. Zulong is just that kind of person. You should take the money. Otherwise, he will feel uncomfortable. As long as the intention is there, it's fine!"

A group of people followed Wang Luo back home after talking a lot, and began to divide the money according to what each household gave. Even Old Sun's family received ten cents, but Old Sun, with tears in his eyes, shouted that he would keep the ten cents and keep it as a family heirloom. After all, this was something that Zulong had touched.

When everyone saw Old Sun doing this, they followed suit and said they would do the same when they returned home.

After the money was divided, everyone gathered around Wang Luo and listened to him talk about the scene when he met Zulong. They asked him everything he said, and some even shook Wang Luo's hand, which had shaken with Zulong, and shook it vigorously, as if to take advantage of his breath. Alas, in this simple era, although the neighbors had their own little thoughts and ideas, they all respected the country and Zulong.

(End of this chapter)

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