I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 289 A Package for Food Processing

Chapter 289 Food Processing Package
"Hehe, I went back to my hometown for the Spring Festival and saw that the folks there are really not living a good life. You should have been to our place, where there are nothing but mountains. The only farmland is a few reclaimed wastelands on the hillsides. If it weren't for the mountains, we could hunt some game and collect some herbs to earn some money. Let alone making a contribution to the country, we would be lucky if we didn't hold the country back and didn't have to rely on the country's emergency food.

What do the folks in the old district think? At a time when all parts of the country are developing industry and agriculture and contributing to the country, they see it with their own eyes and are anxious in their hearts. They want to help the country in every way, but the reality does not allow it. How can they contribute under such circumstances? . . . . . . "

Wang Luo began to talk about the situation in his hometown.

"Alright, alright, I know your hometown better than you do. I lived there for several years and I know every tree and blade of grass like the back of my hand. You've only lived there for a few days, hurry up and fart!"

Uncle Li Da was already impatient and urged.

"Look at you, what are you saying? I'm just stating the facts. Okay, then I'll get straight to the point."

Seeing Uncle Li Da rolling his eyes at him, Wang Luo stopped talking nonsense and stated his purpose.

"It's not enough to just rely on a hammer here and a club there. We must consider the reality and seek truth from facts. I think our hometown should develop characteristic agriculture and industry according to local conditions, so I'm thinking about it..."

Wang Luo told Uncle Li his plan and asked for help!
"Hey, I didn't expect you to have such good vision. But speaking of it, if this thing of yours comes down, it will indeed play a significant role in your hometown. Okay, write a report and I'll give it to you later!"

After Wang Luo said this, Li Da immediately understood what he meant. This was not a private factory, but a collective operation. The ownership belonged to all the villagers, and distribution was based on work. It did not violate the policy and could also do some practical work. It was simply killing two birds with one stone.

“I’m still writing a report?”

Wang Luo asked immediately after hearing this.

"You are talking nonsense. If it's just a small matter, I would find someone to do it for you. You are developing characteristic agriculture, building a processing plant, and involving the supply and marketing cooperative and the Agricultural University. This is a linkage of multiple departments. Who will approve it if you don't submit a report? Eat your fill, go home quickly, write the report and hand it in. I will gather people to see if it is feasible!"

Wang Luo thought about it and it made sense. This was not something that could be solved with just a few words. It involved a huge financial expenditure. Besides, Uncle Li belonged to the military system, and economic development belonged to the civil affairs system. They were not in the same system. If Uncle Li Da agreed immediately, he would be making a mistake. Having him help in submitting a report would be a great help.

"Okay, okay, I'll write it when I get home. Hehe, I have another thing, a great thing, a great thing that will make me rich. If I do it well, I can earn a lot of foreign exchange for the country. Uncle Li, do you want it?"

Wang Luo said in a contemptible tone.

"Earn foreign exchange? There is such a good thing, tell me!"

"Look, it's in that pocket. You'll know when you open it. I just thought of this today. If you do it well, you can make a lot of money!" Upon hearing this, Li Da immediately picked up the pocket on the table. He thought Wang Luo had brought some meat or something, but it felt light when he picked it up, as if it had no weight.

When I opened it, I didn't recognize it, but the red chili powder and the fragrance made me know it was food.

"What is this?"

"Potato chips, fried potato chips, I just remembered this thing today, so I made some. Everyone said it was delicious after eating it. It is said that foreigners like to eat this very much, and it sells well. I thought that we have the line in Hong Kong Island, and we can find a white glove or something to put this thing on the production site in Hong Kong Island, and sell it to European and American countries through the white gloves. We can definitely make a lot of money, and they can't blockade us like that.

Even though this thing is just potatoes fried in oil and sprinkled with seasoning, the profit is not small at all. Let's put it this way, you can sell this thing as air. A few dozen grams of this light thing can be sold for a few dozen cents. Let's see if you can make money!"

"Is this true? Is this thing really as good as you say? How do you know?"

Li Da picked up a piece and tasted it. It tasted good, but he didn't quite believe what Wang Luo said.

"It's absolutely true. Don't underestimate these small food industries. They are definitely very profitable. Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, didn't the Americans have a Coca-Cola in our capital? You can check it out. They made a lot of money. And the same goes for chewing gum. It's really profitable. We don't have that, but we might as well promote our domestic characteristics. When it comes to food, who can catch up with our Dragon Country?

And the soybeans, aren't they exported abroad to earn foreign currency? Selling them as raw materials is not valuable, so they need to be processed. After pressing soybeans for oil, aren't there only bean skins left? Process them, add some chili peppers, make spicy noodles, spicy strips, add packaging, and claim they are traditional Dragon Country delicacies. It would be best if you could make up a story and sell them outside. Hehe, I guarantee everyone will like them."

You read it right. Longguo is now a soybean exporter and its main export commodity. At its peak, it accounted for 1995% of the world's soybean exports. It was not until after that it changed its position and became an importing country. So there is nothing wrong with what Wang Luo said.

"Not only that, our tea can also be processed deeply. Simply selling tea can only make a few dollars. The requirements are still very high. It's before and after the rain, and we have to compete with foreign products. We sell water, tea, mix tea and sugar, add some citric acid, boil it, put it in bottles and sell it out.

Our Long Country is the hometown of tea, famous all over the world. If we sell this sour and sweet tea beverage with a strong tea aroma, do you think we can make money? Our competitor is Coca-Cola from the United States. What a great thing!"

"No, where do you get so many tricks from? It's a good thing you live in today's society. According to the past, you would have been a profiteer, or even a big profiteer. Your head should be filled with knowledge, but you only think about money!"

Li Da scratched his head, not knowing what to say about Wang Luo's suggestion.

"Old Li, you are wrong. What do you mean by having money on your mind? I think Xiao Luo is doing well. The country is developing industry now, and money is needed everywhere. Moreover, many things that we cannot produce need to be imported. How can we do without money? You might as well ask relevant comrades who know about this. Who knows, you might be able to earn a lot of foreign exchange!"

(End of this chapter)

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