I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 294 Find it

Chapter 294 Find it
In the ancient cold weapon era, martial arts was as important as culture as a "life advancement weapon". In the feudal dynasty, the imperial examination was a system prepared for scholars to change their fate. Scholars could change their fate through their own talents and efforts.

For those who know martial arts, their superb martial arts skills can also change their own destiny. For example, passing the martial arts examination is a shortcut to life.

To put it in a utilitarian way, people who possess martial arts skills have much more opportunities to succeed than ordinary people, and it is much easier for them to "find a job". For example, in ancient times, one could join the army, and with excellent martial arts skills, one might be able to realize his dream of becoming a general.

For example, they may become guards of some generals and nobles, or even become guards in front of the emperor. Reading through history, we can know that most of the famous generals in history were martial arts masters with superb martial arts skills.

In modern times, although most real martial arts masters did not join the army, they were able to open martial arts schools in society, which allowed them to become prestigious sages in society.

However, the emergence of high technology has made traditional martial arts less and less noticeable, especially because real Chinese martial arts require persistent efforts day after day, and require always maintaining a state of meditation.

To give a simple example, it is impossible to become a junior martial arts master without several years, but Japanese karate can quickly train a junior master in a few years.

It is difficult to become a master of traditional martial arts in a short period of time. Its difficulty and hardship are the reasons why it is difficult to become popular.

In addition, it is very sad that the inheritance of traditional martial arts has a certain "narrowness". The mentality of passing on martial arts to males but not females and teaching apprentices to starve the master to death also makes it difficult for traditional martial arts to cultivate more talents.

Let's not talk about anything else, just take the Swallow Sect's leader as an example. Now there are only him and Li Jun left. If Wang Luo wasn't so capable and had a strong talent for learning martial arts, Li Jun might not have taught him. There was nothing he could do. He would rather take the loss of teaching his disciple to be useless and become a traitor into his coffin than let him harm the world.

The decreasing number of people who know real martial arts is one of the reasons why traditional martial arts are declining, because many people who want to learn traditional martial arts cannot find real masters at all. Many martial arts gyms on the market now teach fake martial arts that are only fancy moves and have no practical value. The most obvious example is Master Ma, the guy who is known as "young people with no martial ethics and a rat with a taste for juice". He doesn't know anything, but he uses the guise of traditional martial arts to fool people abroad. Foreigners don't understand this, so they just pay money to learn, haha.

Another key factor in the decline of traditional martial arts is the direction and method of martial arts development. Back then, Bruce Lee single-handedly pushed traditional martial arts to a peak, so relevant parties took advantage of this favorable trend to vigorously promote traditional martial arts.

Unfortunately, the relevant parties are often superficial in their exploration of martial arts. For example, they pay too much attention to the entertainment value of martial arts, are always eager for quick results, and are too utilitarian.

There is a question that is worth pondering: why is Chinese Kung Fu so popular abroad, while in our country, traditional martial arts always seem to be in an awkward state of being neither hot nor cold?
This is also related to the correct exploration of martial arts. To be honest, the current way of exploring martial arts focuses on the superficial appearance. After all, "cool" can make people excited.

But the fundamental purpose of martial arts is to strengthen the body, to establish strong national self-confidence, to cultivate a confident temperament, and to be able to effectively defend oneself when encountering danger.

Therefore, if the relevant parties can explore martial arts from these aspects, it will have positive significance for the true inheritance and popularity of traditional martial arts.

For example, we can organize some real traditional martial arts masters to talk about the real essence of martial arts, and even let us see what real kung fu is. For example, we can report on the news of those who use martial arts for self-defense and successfully repel criminals, so that Chinese people can truly feel the light of traditional martial arts. For example, we can share more knowledge and videos of real Chinese martial arts on some social software.

Why are modern traditional Chinese martial arts so popular? On the one hand, modern China has a special historical environment, which provides a special soil for martial arts. On the other hand, some modern Chinese media are also very active in exploring martial arts, and their direction is also correct.

For example, in modern China, news about some real traditional martial arts masters defeating Western and Eastern martial arts and boxing masters would make the Chinese people excited, which would definitely play a positive role in the Chinese people's enthusiasm for learning martial arts.

If we want traditional martial arts to truly rise, in addition to finding the right direction in exploring martial arts, we also need to answer a question that countless people are concerned about: Where did the real Chinese martial arts go in later generations?

The real martial arts of China are not in martial arts schools, nor with those "martial arts performing artists", but with those true martial arts masters who have the Tao in their hearts, and with those martial arts masters who regard the inheritance of traditional martial arts as their greatest mission.

Unfortunately, most of these martial arts masters are elderly people, and there are fewer and fewer people in the younger generation who can inherit the real Chinese martial arts. Just as some worried scholars have said, the ancient Chinese quintessence is increasingly facing a terrible situation of no one to inherit it. I read a report a few days ago that Yu Hai, a master of Mantis Boxing in Shandong Province, passed away. This is a blow to the only remaining traditional Chinese martial arts.

It is an indisputable fact that there are many problems with the real Chinese martial arts. The mixed bag of the "Chinese martial arts market" has also blurred the "beauty" of the real traditional martial arts.

Since Wang Luo has been reborn and has come to an age where traditional martial arts masters still exist, and he is the inheritor of Bajiquan, Yanzimen and other traditional martial arts, then he has the obligation to keep traditional martial arts alive. He can no longer treat traditional martial arts as a joke as he did in his previous life.

The three of them were chatting happily at the table, as if they were discussing heroes over a glass of wine. When they were talking excitedly, Banggeng came in with a few people and said they were looking for him.

"Master Ye, Doctor Jiang, why are you here? Sit down, sit down, sit down quickly!"

Wang Luo quickly stood up and offered his seat to everyone, then warmly invited them to sit down.

"Old Li, you are so carefree, drinking wine and chatting, you are much more comfortable than me, I am jealous! Well, this wine is good, who made it, bring some back to me! You just want to become my disciple, but you don't even bring some gift, this wine will be your gift!"

After Ye Guizong sat down, he took the wine glass next to Li Jun without any hesitation, took a sip, smacked his lips, nodded with satisfaction, and said to Wang Luo.

(End of this chapter)

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