I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 308: Seven Calabash Brothers Followed One Chapter Home

Chapter 308 The seven gourd brothers returned to their hometown together
"Come on, tell me, what do you think?"

Seeing this, Wang Luo was helpless. Who asked them to follow him? He had to squat down, hold the oldest boy's hand and ask them what they meant.

"We want to follow our brother!"

"Yes, follow my brother. He gave us candy and saved us. If we follow my brother, we won't be afraid of bad guys. No one will dare to bully us!"

"Brother, don't you want us anymore? We can do the work!"

Several children finally spoke out their thoughts.

"It's not that I don't want to take you with me, it's because I'm only a few years older than you, I don't have a job, and I have to go to school, so I can't take care of you. It's the same if you go to an orphanage. You'll have food and drink, you can go to school, and there's an aunt to take care of you. How great is that!"

Wang Luo had no choice but to explain to them patiently.

But the children had tears in their eyes and refused to say a word. They insisted on following Wang Luo no matter what was said.

"Comrade Director, how do you think we should deal with this?"

"Master Xiao Wang, we have no other choice. How about this? Why don't you take them back to your hometown and stay there for a few days. When they calm down and are no longer afraid, we can ask the comrades in the orphanage to take them back, or we can directly accept them through your orphanage?

Don't worry, we will report all the expenses truthfully, and we will even find someone to go over and help. They were beaten before, so it's inevitable that they feel uncomfortable. You just happened to save them."

After seeing this situation, the director had no choice but to express his thoughts.

"Okay, then I'll take care of them for a few days!"

This is probably dependency syndrome. Children have psychological problems. After experiencing some bad things, they will depend on whoever saves them or gives them a bowl of rice. When the siblings Maodan and Goudan were sent to Uncle Zhao's family, they insisted on crying and making a fuss and refused to leave Wang Luo. Finally, they were fine because they were closer to him. Now, the siblings are basically at his house every day.

"I'm sorry to trouble you. Xiao Liu, Xiao Sun, you two should go on an official business trip with Xiao Wang to Langya to handle all the matters. We will send a letter over soon!"

Just like that, Wang Luo, Professor Yang, two security guards and seven children got back on the train to Langya.

This time it worked, and everyone stopped talking about everything and started playing with the children. The children were exposed to society earlier, had no parents, and were begging, so they were quite smart and could talk. They didn't feel lonely on the road, and they laughed and had a very happy time.

When they arrived at Langya Railway Station, people from the local security office, orphanage and other units had already received official letters from Texas and were already waiting at the train station.

"Uncle Xiao Luo, what's going on with you?"

Seeing a group of people including adults and children, Gou Shengzi, who was waiting at the door, asked curiously. "I rescued him on the way. I had no choice but to bring him back. I guess he will follow me back to our village to live for a few days!"

Wang Luo shook his head helplessly and had to tell everyone what happened on the road.

"Welcome back to your hometown, Mr. Wang. We have received the official letter from the top saying that you want to develop your hometown when you come back. We were originally thinking of going to your hometown, but we didn't expect to meet under such circumstances!"

At this time, the prefect came over and saw the seven children behind Wang Luo and said happily that they didn't expect that the child who went out from their hometown was more powerful than what was said in the newspaper. During his visit to his hometown, he beat up a criminal gang.

"I'm sorry to trouble you. I'm still a child. At most, I can only take care of them. I'll need your help for the rest. Here, this is the notice sent down from above. It has signatures and seals from various units. These are teachers and students from the Agricultural University. They were all invited to come here to make development plans based on the local conditions in our hometown."

The prefect took the notice with both hands and said repeatedly: "This is what we should do. It is our job. Don't worry, we will fully cooperate. If you need anything, just ask someone to come over and tell us. Let's go. We are tired after sitting on the train all the way. Let's have a quick meal. We will send someone to follow us!"

The meal nowadays was a real meal. There was absolutely no big fish or meat, a banquet full of banquets, or high-end cigarettes and alcohol. They just slaughtered a sheep, and everyone drank a bowl of mutton soup and ate a few cakes. Before leaving, Wang Luo and others had to leave their corresponding money and bills.

After finishing the meal, everyone continued on their way. The Langya orphanage and several staff members went with them to their hometown to coordinate and notify them if anything was needed.

When they arrived at their hometown, it was bustling again. Professor Yang and other staff members were assigned to live and eat in different households. Wang Luo's house became a kindergarten. He lived with a teacher from an orphanage and seven children. In the evening, when he had nothing to do, Wang Luo told the seven children the story of the Calabash Brothers. They were called the eldest to the seventh according to their age. It was an interesting name and the seven children were very happy.

After breakfast the next morning, Wang Luo, led by the village chief Fugui, led Professor Yang and others to investigate the resource issues of Wangjia Village and several surrounding small mountain villages.

"This side is relatively flat. We can clear this place and build chicken coops, cow sheds and so on. There are so many mountains around that there is plenty of grass. But the prerequisite is that it must be fenced in, otherwise the yellow foxes will eat it all.

Various feces can be fermented and used as fertilizer for fruit trees, and can also be used to breed earthworms. The earthworms can be mixed with some other grains to provide them with food for the winter.

There is a fertilizer factory in the city. If there is too much manure, it can be directly processed into fertilizer and sold through the agricultural technology station. This is a considerable income. In my opinion, these are all useful things and all parties can benefit. ...

After some investigation, Wang Luo shared his ideas about circular agricultural and animal husbandry development that he had seen in later generations.

"Cows, sheep and chickens excrete feces to produce eggs and meat, feces are processed into fertilizer to promote plant growth, fruit trees can be processed into canned food after a good harvest, and the residue can be recycled to feed livestock. What a good idea, what a good idea!"

After listening to Wang Luo's idea, a group of people nodded repeatedly.

"These are just some superficial ideas. I can only realize my idea with the strong support of the country. Otherwise, I would be powerless on my own. Moreover, the subsequent construction will be very troublesome. It will probably be a big project!"

Wang Luo's plan will definitely be realized, but the project is huge, and it involves building various facilities and coordinating with various departments. It is not a problem that can be solved in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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