I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 317: Artificial Hatching of Eggs to Be Successful

Chapter 317: Artificial Hatching of Eggs to Be Successful

After thinking about the entire process of hatching chicks in the future in detail, Wang Luo ran directly to find the village chief Wang Fugui.

"Brother Fugui, is there any house in our village that has no space to live in? It would be best if it has a brick bed."

A group of villagers who were listening to a teacher from the Agricultural University explaining fruit trees gathered around curiously when they saw Wang Luo coming over to ask this question. Wang Luo is now a talented man in the village and always has good ideas. Asking about the earthen kang seems to be another way to make money.

"The brick bed and the house over there in the barn are idle. Why are you asking this? Is there no more room for you to live in?"

Wang Fugui thought that there were seven or eight children living in his house and housing was tight.

"It's not that we can't live here. Today, I saw Aunt Si next door using an old hen to hatch chicks with eggs, and I remembered that we are going to build a breeding farm soon. We are still short of chicks, so we plan to try artificial hatching. Otherwise, where will we get so many chicks? It would be a waste to build such a large breeding farm!"

"Artificial incubation? Xiao Luo, you also know about this? I remember that someone did this in the previous dynasty. They stayed on the kang 24 hours a day and acted as a hen, but the survival rate was not high. Our school also tried it, but the efficiency was not good, mainly because the temperature was difficult to control. Now most people still use old hens to incubate eggs.

After our farm is built, according to the regulations, the higher-ups will provide the breeder chickens, and we will only be responsible for breeding them.”

A teacher at the Agricultural University who happened to be specialized in animal husbandry spoke quickly.

"It's just an experiment, and we don't know if it will work. One solution is to ask the government to supply breeding chickens, but that would require getting chickens from all over the place, which is troublesome. It is far from enough to meet the future needs of our farm. It's better for us to be self-reliant and not cause trouble for the country."

"That's the case, how about giving it a try?"

The teachers at the Agricultural University also became interested. If they could really hatch eggs artificially, that would be amazing. It would also make a significant contribution to Longguo's breeding industry. In the future, it would no longer be a dream for large-scale commercial chickens and commercial eggs to appear on the market, and these would no longer be in short supply in the market.

"Then try it!"

That day, he cleaned up the barn, found a few fertilized eggs, shone a flashlight on them to make sure they were suitable, then he lit the kang, got a thermometer, and planned to give it a try.

"Why are you still using alcohol to clean the eggs?"

Seeing Wang Luo wiping the eggs one by one with alcohol, the teachers from the Agricultural University became curious, because they had never done this in previous experiments.

"Disinfection, if there is a virus it will go bad, just control the temperature at 37 to 39 degrees."

"I didn't expect that disinfection was necessary. It seems that we who are engaged in agriculture are not as good as you who study accounting. You are born to be an farmer.

I know your temperature is suitable, but it is difficult to control the temperature of this kang. We have tried to open the windows for ventilation, but the effect is not very good. What method do you plan to use?"

"Did you just incubate the eggs dry before? Didn't you consider keeping the humidity of the eggs? This is the simplest way to control the temperature! You need to spray water on the eggs at a fixed time and place."

Wang Luo didn't know how the Agricultural University was doing this, but artificial incubation really couldn't be achieved in China now. Anyway, Wang Luo's mother once told him that in the 1960s, everyone relied on artificial incubation, and there was no artificial incubation at all. It was probably in the 1980s that methods such as incubation on a kang and incubation in a water tank became popular. It seems that the country really hasn't found a good way to artificial incubation.

"Ha, we really didn't think of this. We didn't expect that we would have to spray water on the eggs to keep them moist. In the past, we simply imitated the requirements of hens incubating eggs. We controlled the temperature at the same temperature as the hens, and kept the hens dry, so we also kept them dry. It seems that we have taken a wrong path. Xiaoluo, you are really good. If you can really hatch chicks, you will have made a huge contribution to the country!"

The teacher from the Agricultural University slapped his head and suddenly realized that he was a professor at the Agricultural University, but he was not as good as Wang Luo, a technical secondary school student majoring in accounting. It was shameful, really embarrassing.

"You are simply imitating the environment of a hen hatching eggs, but hens are alive, and ours are different. Hurry up, regardless of whether it will contribute or not, the most important thing is to hatch the chicks first."

So, after growing the mushrooms in his hometown, Wang Luo started his second attempt, which was artificial incubation.

This was incredible. When the villagers around heard that chicks could be hatched by humans without using hens, they were shocked. This was totally against common sense. Curious people would come here for no reason.

"Xiao Luo, is your method really feasible? Can we learn it?"

All the aunts and uncles came over to ask Wang Luo.

If Wang Luo really succeeded in this, it would be a skill to make a living. The most simple idea of ​​the common people is that as long as they have a skill, they will never starve to death. They can work in factories in cities, but not in rural areas. If they really learn this skill, they can live a good life in the future.

"Yes, of course. If you want to learn, I will teach you. It's not difficult to learn. But this batch is just an experiment to see if it works. If it does, I will compile all the methods into a booklet and submit it to the government. The government will publish it and you can just follow it."

"No matter whether it succeeds or not, we can't wait any longer. Let's come here and learn first. We will be here to help in the future. We will do whatever you ask us to do."

When they heard that Wang Luo was willing to teach them, they immediately became excited and clamored to help.

Well, that’s great. Wang Luo doesn’t have to turn the eggs over at a fixed time every day. He can just leave everything to them. He does the talking and they do the doing. It’s perfect.

So Wang Luo became the leader of this group of women and the teachers of animal husbandry from the Agricultural University, and took care of the only thirteen eggs on the kang with the help of the aunts and uncles in the village all day long.

Every day, everyone sprayed water, turned the eggs, looked at the eggs, and checked the temperature according to Wang Luo’s requirements. They did not dare to relax for a moment, just waiting for this one-time deal to be successful. . . . .

Time passed quickly. After about twenty days, Wang Luo had already fallen asleep late at night when he heard someone banging on the door.

Wang Luo quickly put on his clothes and went out. It was the old lady in the village who was taking care of the eggs tonight.

"Xiao Luo, hurry to the barn. The chicks have started to peck at their shells. They may hatch tonight. Your grandmother asked me to come and call you. Professor Sun is waiting for you over there! Our artificial incubation is going to be successful this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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