I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 332 Teaching Yan Bugui to Fish

Chapter 332 Teaching Yan Bugui to Fish
"You don't understand what waste is, right? Waste means doing useless work, paying a lot but not getting any reward. But the bait I prepared is different. It can catch big fish. A pound of flour is 1.8 cents, a pound of cornmeal is 1 cent, and sweet potatoes are even cheaper. This little bit is only a few cents at best, but the harvest in return can buy a lot of flour and so on. As the saying goes, there is no gain without sacrifice. If you don't want to pay, how can you get a reward? I won't say anything about my master, but Third Uncle, you should understand this principle with your abacus beads, right?"

What Wang Luo said was very convincing.

"But what if we don't catch any fish? Wouldn't that be a waste? We should also take the negative factors into consideration!"

Yan Bugui put forward the opposite view that this old guy is just afraid of losing money.

"Be bolder and don't be hesitant. Otherwise, you will never move forward. Look at what your Yan Jiecheng has become now. You used to be stingy and didn't want to spend money on anything. But you were generous once and gave him money to get married. The wedding was pretty good.

The money I give you every month is much more than what you would get if you were so fussy about it. It's just that simple. You are a teacher, but you can't even figure out such a simple account. You keep saying that you can never be poor, and you can't afford to be poor. It's shameful. You are the stupidest person in our yard."

Wang Luo was happily mixing the bait and fooling around.

"It seems to be true that there is no gain without sacrifice, and there is no reward without effort. Could it be that I was really wrong before? I can't live without calculating..."

Yan Bugui couldn't help but fall into deep thought and began to talk to himself.

"You little brat, you deserve a beating for talking to Teacher Yan like that. Teacher Yan, don't listen to his nonsense."

Li Jun slapped Wang Luo on the back, but Wang Luo didn't care at all.

"Alright, hurry up, Third Uncle, go try my bait together. Master, you don't believe it, come over too, and these little brats, if we catch a big fish today, everyone will get a share!"

Banggeng and others looked at Li Jun eagerly. After all, he was still young and it was children's nature to like playing.

"Okay, let's go together, let's go together!"

After Li Jun agreed, everyone brought various buckets and went to Houhai together. As for fishing rods, it was very simple. The third uncle had no shortage of fishing rods, although he was not very good at fishing, hahaha!

"Little Hero Wang is here. What are we going to do today? Let's go fishing. We're in for a treat today!"

"Let's do it the old way and pick up the fish on the shore!"

The group of anglers were excited to see Wang Luo, whom they hadn't seen for a long time. Everyone knew that Wang Luo was good at diving and catching fish, and he was also generous. As long as he caught the fish, he would not take all of it home. Generally speaking, he would share some with the people around him.

So when we saw him coming, we thought he was going to dive, and we were all waiting for him happily.

"I'm not going to dive today. It's not very interesting to keep diving to catch fish. Let's go fishing instead. If we catch a lot, we can share the profits as usual. If we don't catch much, then there's nothing we can do!"

"It's okay, it's okay. We are a little embarrassed that we took advantage of your boss before!"

"Fishing is good, we should learn how to fish!" When the fishermen heard Wang Luo say this, although they were a little disappointed, they didn't say anything. After all, the fish belonged to Wang Luo, and they felt very good that he could share some of it with them.

Just like that, everyone left, and Yan Bugui set up his fishing rod and prepared to start fishing.

"Stay away from the water. I can rescue you all, but it's easy to catch a cold if you fall into the water."

After giving a few words of advice to the little brats, Wang Luo started to say to Yan Bugui, "Third Uncle, you're the only one who fishes every other day. The location you chose is not good. Not only are there no big fish, but small fish often disturb the nest. After you put the bait in, all you can catch are small fish."

Wang Luo shook his head as soon as he saw the position chosen by Yan Bugui.

"Isn't fishing just about picking a spot and starting to fish? Everyone does it this way. Whether you can catch fish or not depends entirely on luck."

Yan Bugui looked confused, not knowing what was wrong with the position he had chosen.

Yes, in this era, fishing was not only a way to kill time, but the most important reason was the shortage of supplies. People were reluctant to buy meat, so catching a fish was considered an improvement in their diet. It was not like in later generations when it was purely industrialized and turned into entertainment. In general, the fish caught were released and very little was eaten. The more we study, the more we know about the habits of fish.

"No wonder. Let me tell you, fishing is a very particular matter. Take the location selection for example. The location of fishing should first be selected according to the location of the fish. Only by fishing where the fish gather can you catch more fish. Generally speaking, places with abundant aquatic plants, abundant food and high oxygen are where fish like to gather. You can pay attention to observe.

In addition to this factor, other factors that need to be considered are the fishing spot itself, wind force, and light. For example, wind force. Generally speaking, the wind force should not be too strong when fishing, especially when fishing for some more vigilant fish. If the wind force is too strong, they will easily escape. Another factor is light. Places with better light are suitable for fishing, and the water temperature is also relatively high at this time, so fish like to gather there.

You have to take all these factors into consideration. Look at the location you have chosen. It is bare, without even any aquatic plants. The oxygen content and food are obviously low, which means it is not a gathering place for fish. In addition, it is in the windy place and the light is not good. It would be strange if you can catch any fish.

Let's go, let's go, see that spot? I guarantee there will be a lot of fish. Listen to me, the three of us will fish there today, and then we'll wait. I guarantee we'll have a big catch."

Hearing that what Wang Luo said made sense, Yan Bugui listened to him and followed Li Jun to the location Wang Luo pointed out. After the three of them threw the bait into the river, Wang Luo told them many fishing rhymes from his previous life.

"Don't just talk nonsense. Take a look at the situation first. Don't let it become a joke when the time comes."

Li Jun attacked, he was afraid that Wang Luo would talk nonsense.

"Wait, look, here comes the fish!"

Just after he replied, he saw that the fishing float made of the inner core of corn stalk turned black. Wang Luo made a prompt decision and did not let the fish slip away. The fishing rods made by Yan Bugui were all made of good bamboo, plus nylon fishing line, which was very strong. He was also very strong, and with a "whoosh" he pulled up a big golden carp weighing about seven or eight kilograms.

A bunch of little kids gathered around happily, held down the big carp which was still jumping around, and removed the hook for it.

(End of this chapter)

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