I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 341 Nephew's Hobbies

Chapter 341 Nephew's Hobbies
"Captain Niu, come and take a look. The cylinder block has carbon deposits. The piston looks barely usable, but it won't last long. Once it's repaired and installed, it will be finished in a few days. The crankshaft is about to break. There are so many problems here. I don't know how you treated this car before. Do you think it still needs to be repaired? It's very laborious to replace parts, and the main thing is that the parts are hard to find."

"So many problems, hehe, I really didn't pay attention to it before. Repair it, it must be repaired, otherwise it will be a waste of a car. Wait, I will contact people to see if there are any extra parts, or I can process it myself and use it. Now clean these parts and remove the carbon deposits."

After Captain Niu finished speaking, he began to instruct his men to find kerosene to clean the parts, while he went to make a phone call to get spare parts.

He came back after a while, looking very happy, and it was obvious that he had good news.

"Wang Luo, Wang Luo, good news. There is an identical car in a nearby repair shop. It is also broken. It flipped over while driving. But they said that the engine parts should still be usable. Come on, I'll take you with me to see if we can come back and put it together."

Well, this is the current situation, either tear down the east wall to repair the west wall, or build it yourself, it’s awesome.

Captain Niu and Wang Luo drove a large Liberation truck to the machine repair shop, and sure enough, there was a tattered car there. It seemed that it was really not worth repairing, otherwise it would definitely need to be repaired before it could be used again.

"Lao Niu, this is the one. Take a look at which parts of the engine are still usable and take them back. Otherwise, they will be recycled for steelmaking. That would be a waste."

The people from the machine repair shop said to Captain Niu.

"Thank you, brother. Come on, have a smoke."

Captain Niu readily threw a pack of Daqianmen cigarettes over, wrote a note, and went with Wang Luo to check on the broken car engine. Fortunately, the engine block was cracked, but the parts inside were fine. The two of them happily loaded the engine onto the car with a manual crane and pulled it back to the steel mill.

When I came back, the parts of the car at the steel rolling mill had been cleaned. The good ones were put aside, and the unusable ones were put aside. The cylinder body was pulled into the workshop, and the master in the workshop bored it, and the surface was rinsed clean with water.

While they were dismantling another engine, Wang Luo borrowed some measuring tools and began to measure the various data of each component and carefully recorded them in his notebook.

"What is this for?"

Captain Niu was puzzled by Wang Luo's recording and measurement of parts data.

"Don't think about repairing this engine today. It will take some time just to bore the cylinder. It will probably be repaired tomorrow. I have nothing to do, so I'll record these data and try to draw a diagram of the engine structure. This engine is good and has strong horsepower. I'll see if I can give it to FAW's automobile factory to imitate it. In this way, our Jiefang cars will have more horsepower and can pull more. Even if we don't imitate it, we can ask the factory to process some parts. There are many such cars in China. Don't let the car break down and there are no parts. It will save you trouble and effort."

Wang Luo worked without raising his head and told Captain Niu about his plan.

"Hey, you are worthy of being a student under a great professor. You still have many ideas. Why didn't we think of it? Never mind. Even if you thought of it, we are not that free. Well, we still have to study. When I get home, I will let my kids study hard and try to be like you. If they don't study, I will beat them hard."

After hearing what he said, Wang Luo smiled unkindly. It seemed that Captain Niu’s children would suffer in the future. It would be fine if they were willing to study, but if they didn’t study hard, they would really have to eat fried pork on a bamboo board, hahaha…

The cylinder body was not delivered until the end of the shift. It seemed very troublesome. The main reason was that there were no professional equipment, and the workers had to rely on their own unique skills, that is, to do it with their hands.

However, Wang Luo gained a lot here. Not only did he measure the data of various components, but he also drew a simple structural drawing of the engine. After returning to the university, he used the school's professional drawing tools to draw it. In this way, the country will have one more good engine to produce, and it may even be possible to produce a better car. Not bad, not bad.

"What are you holding?"

After work, Wang Luo did not go home. Instead, he took the TV parts he got from the Electronics Research Institute and went directly to Sister Qin's house. He happened to meet Carpenter Wang and started asking him questions.

"Today I helped the people at the Electronics Research Institute with a little help and got a TV set from them. My family and my second brother-in-law's family both have one, so this one is just right for your family. It's nice to watch TV when you have nothing to do at home. But don't let Wang Qing fall behind in his studies. Watch it at home and don't let him get too obsessed."

"Xiao Luo, what bad things are you saying about me?"

Speak of the devil, and he will appear. Just as Wang Qing was talking about this, she saw a child from the alley returning from school with his schoolbag on his back.

"Hey, kid, call me uncle, call me uncle. I've told you so many times, you have no manners at all. Your uncle brought a TV home."

Carpenter Wang was so angry that he slapped Wang Qing.

"TV? The same TV like the one you have at home? Oh, that's great, that's great, I have TV to watch! Uncle, you're still so good to me!"

Wang Qing didn't care about the slap from her father at all. She was now concentrating on the TV and even started calling her uncle.

"Haha, I didn't get the TV for you to watch. Going to school is more important! This is for your mother to watch. You can't do that!"

Wang Luo deliberately teased his eldest nephew.

"Humph, I don't care. My mom's watching is the same as my watching. Take it!"

Without saying a word, he snatched the bag from Wang Luo's hand.

"Ah, why are they all spare parts?"

When Wang Qing opened it, she was immediately disappointed. It was not the legendary TV, but some electronic components.

"Nonsense, then don't assemble it yourself, let's go home!"

"Xiao Luo, Qingqing has been spoiled by me, please don't mind it!"

Wang Qing happily took the bag and went home. Carpenter Wang saw his daughter apologizing to his brother-in-law a little embarrassedly. Oh, this brother-in-law was so nice that he even bought a TV for their family. His heart was filled with gratitude.

"Brother-in-law, you are too polite. How can I blame her? This is her true nature!"

Wang Luo waved his hand indifferently. Although Wang Qing was a pretty girl, her personality was actually like a boy. However, she was efficient and natural in doing things, which was quite good.

After returning home and greeting Sister Qin, Wang Luo picked up the soldering iron and started working. Wang Qing was also curious. It was her first time seeing someone assemble a TV. She stopped doing her homework and came over to watch the fun. "What is the principle of a TV? Why does it show a human shadow?"

"It's similar to a radio. The TV signal transmitted over the air is received by the TV, converted, amplified and then sent to the display and speakers, while the radio mainly transmits sound."

"So what you just welded is series or parallel?"


Seeing that she was interested, Wang Luo patiently answered her questions.

"Why are you so needy, girl? Why don't you let your uncle concentrate on his work? Don't you understand? Hurry up and do your homework, or you won't be able to watch TV anymore."

When Carpenter Wang saw Wang Qing like this, he immediately came over to talk to her.

"I'm just curious. I'll do my homework later. Besides, this thing doesn't look difficult. We have these in our physics class at school."

"You are just talking nonsense. Didn't the school teach you how to assemble a TV?"

. . . . . .

The father and daughter started arguing with each other, neither of them willing to give in.

Wang Luo was too lazy to pay attention to the father and daughter and was busy with his own affairs. The poverty of the people in the capital was a matter of obvious to all. When they became poor, it was simply earth-shattering and heart-wrenching.

However, although Wang Qing was poor, she did not forget to watch Wang Luo work while working with her father. She even begged him to guide her in assembling the machine at the end.

"It's causing more trouble!"

Carpenter Wang saw that Wang Qing was still sitting down and said something.

"Okay, brother-in-law, nothing will happen if I stay here. Besides, it's good that my nephew is interested in this. Interest is the best teacher. This shows that she has talent in this area."

"Dad, you see, my best uncle is the one who understands me. Go help my mom cook. She's pregnant!"

The situation calmed down after Carpenter Wang was sent away using Sister Qin as an excuse. Wang Luo was talking while Wang Qing was working. Not to mention that she did a pretty good job. Except that she was a little slow the first time, the soldering points were large, and the wiring was a little messy, there were no major problems.

"Okay, nephew, you have talent. What? Are you interested in developing in this area? You should also know that I once said that the future world is an era of electronics and information, and television is just the simplest one among them. If you are really interested, I can find someone for you, find a good teacher to guide you!"

"You have good vision. I am good at physics and mathematics. I originally planned to apply for accounting this year, but to be honest, I am not very interested in accounting. Although it looks clean, my father also wants me to study accounting, but I am most interested in these things. I even saved up a crystal radio before!"

Wang Qing said proudly.

"As long as you are interested, I will talk to your father about it. After the high school entrance exam, I will take you to the Institute of Electronics and find a good teacher to guide you."


"How can I lie to you?"

After the TV was assembled, it was time for dinner. At the dinner table, Wang Luo brought up this topic with Carpenter Wang. Although Carpenter Wang really wanted Wang Qing to study accounting, after Wang Luo said that the future of electronics was limitless, he agreed with the attitude of giving it a try.

Early the next morning, accompanied by the song "The East is Red, the sun is rising, Longguo has produced..." playing from the loudspeakers on the street, a new day began in the yard. After washing and having breakfast, everyone got busy. Wang Luo drove to the steel rolling mill. People in the yard envied Wang Luo for having a car, but no one, including Sha Zhu, had the idea of ​​asking him for a ride. They all knew that this was a reward from the state and it was a business car. It was impossible for them to do it. Even if Wang Luo wanted to give him a ride, they would refuse.

When they arrived at the steel mill, Wang Luo walked around the workshop, followed Director Zhu, inquired about the production status of the oil pumps to see if there were any problems, and then left and went to the fleet's maintenance workshop. Hearing that Wang Luo was repairing cars for the steel mill, Director Zhu also became interested and went over to join in the fun. As for his job, it was not a problem, he could just take over with a group of technicians and researchers. Anyway, there were drawings, so there would be no problems.

"Wow, Wang Luo, you are born to be a mechanic. You can even repair engines. How long have you been learning from Lao Ding? Wow, you can even draw the engine blueprint. You are amazing."

Director Zhu looked at Wang Luo's notebook and praised it in various ways. Anyway, Wang Luo worked in mechanics, so there was no need to think too much about anything else. Director Guan was about to call someone over yesterday, so this notebook had to be kept carefully, as it was a treasure and could not be snatched away by others.

After the master in the workshop finished boring the engine cylinder and pulled it back, Wang Luo finally assembled the engine under the expectant eyes of Captain Niu and with the help of everyone. Fortunately, there were no major problems with the replaced parts and they could all be used. He was busy for some time before installing the engine on the truck, adding engine oil and connecting the oil pipe.

Captain Niu did it himself, sticking his butt out, and cranked the car vigorously. This cranking is a technical job. Cranking the car means using the crank to directly drive the engine crankshaft to start the vehicle. When the battery is low or the starter fails, the car can be started by shaking it, which is not available in current vehicles. However, if the force is uneven when shaking the car or the engine ignites too early, the crank can easily rebound and injure people. The most vulnerable parts are the chin and wrist. Sometimes the car is not shaken to start the vehicle, but to protect the engine. The north is cold in winter and the engine oil is viscous. Turn off the fire and crank the cold car for more than ten rounds before starting it, so that the engine can be fully lubricated and the service life of the engine can be extended. This operation is commonly known as "cranking the car".

This type of shaking car is the same whether it is an American car or a Soviet car. After shaking it a few times, you go to the driver's seat, start the engine, step on the accelerator and "buzz buzz buzz" the engine starts.

"Wang Luo, it works. It's actually fixed. That's amazing."

Captain Niu shouted to Wang Luo through the window in the cab.

"Try driving it for two laps to see if there are any problems. If there are any problems, we can fix them together."

Captain Niu put the car in gear, stepped on the gas, and drove around the workshop twice.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's all right now, the fleet has one more car, thank you, thank you."

After getting off the car, he held Wang Luo's hand and shook it vigorously, saying happily.

"Why thank me? I have nothing to do anyway, so I'm glad I can help you. Okay, I'm leaving now."

(End of this chapter)

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