I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 354: It takes only a few minutes to complete. It’s fun to cheat.

Chapter 354: It takes only a few minutes to complete. It’s fun to cheat.
Director Wang said helplessly.

"What should we do? We need these parts urgently, and we don't know how long it will take for them to arrive from Shanghai. Why don't we make one ourselves? Anyway, we make gears, so they are suitable for our products. It's just that our materials may not be as hard as the imported ones."

The mechanic on the side came up with an idea.

"This is the only way to do it. Wang Luo, please wait for a while, or go to my office to have some tea and take a rest. I will ask the master to make one for you right away."

"Okay, but you don't need to drink tea. I just happen to be free and have nothing to do. How about I make one for you?"

After all, he had learned from Yi Zhonghai and other eighth-level masters in the steel rolling mill. He was smart enough now and could learn things quickly. Those masters were never secretive to him. They answered whatever he asked and taught him whatever he learned. They even taught him how to operate and learn knowledge step by step during the learning process. He was also good at math and had steady hands. It would be strange if he didn't learn it. In the factory of the University of Technology, he had more practical operation, and he learned all the skills of those masters. Those masters all praised him, saying that he was born to study mechanics. Let's put it this way, if he is rated now, it will not be a problem for him to get an eighth-level worker. He is just that strong.

"You can do this, that's amazing. I thought you educated people would study those high-end things, such as airplanes, cannons, advanced machine tools, etc., but I never thought you could even process gears."

Jiang Guimei, the owner of the milling machine, said.

"Jiang Guimei, what you are saying is nonsense. Wang Luo studied with a great professor. He can tinker with engines and oil pumps, which are so complicated. But he can't tinker with a small gear like yours. Do you think you are the only one who can process this thing?" Director Wang retorted to her, then turned around and said to Wang Luo: "That's great. I won't bother two people with one thing. I'll leave everything to you. Otherwise, I will have to find another master separately. Our factory is now one person per job, and we can't find the right person to process such a sophisticated thing. It's not mass-produced, so it's very troublesome."

"It's not a big deal. This gear is just an ordinary gear. The German machine tools are more precise, so the error is small. It can be done in minutes."

Wang Luo waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

What do you mean by getting it done in minutes? "

Jiang Guimei's mind is never on the same page as others, and she is very curious about the new term that Wang Luo said.

"It means that it will be processed in a short while, Master Jiang, please don't worry about these things."

"Is it really that easy? That's impossible. I process gears, and they're mass-produced. It takes me a lot of effort to process one. How can you do it in just a few minutes? Don't brag."

Jiang Guizhen was a little skeptical.

"You are the only one who talks too much. You don't believe this and you doubt that. Hurry up and stand down. Let Wang Luo do his work. Do you understand?"

Director Wang got angry, which was rare. He usually didn't get angry. If he got angry, it was because his bottom line had not been touched. Wang Luo was invited by him, but after he came, he was first suspected, then watched, and now suspected again. It was because he was young. He didn't care, which showed that he was broad-minded. However, as the factory director, he felt a little embarrassed.

"Why are you so angry? I just have a suspicion."

"Stand aside. From now on, you are not allowed to speak."

"Forget it, forget it, don't worry about it, just find me a milling machine and I'll make one for you."

Wang Luo didn't want to waste his time on this meaningless thing. This was one of the disadvantages of being young.

"Come over here. There's a milling machine here that's being used by an apprentice. It's just vacant for you to use."

He found a measuring instrument and took out a pencil, notebook and other things from his pocket and started measuring and recording. After the measurements were completed, the apprentice stepped aside and let Wang Luo use the machine. Director Wang also brought the rough draft. Jiang Guizhen and others were also watching from the side to see what this college student Wang Luo was capable of.

Wang Luo stood in front of the milling machine, silent for a while, thinking about the specific operation steps, and then began to operate. He was about to start, and skillfully clamped the workpiece on the fixture. Then he looked at the drawing, selected a scale on the dial of the dividing head, and turned it without thinking. After turning the workpiece to the correct position, Wang Luo started the milling machine, and the milling cutter made a cheerful squeaking sound, cutting out black and shiny iron pins on the workpiece.

"Oh my god, you are more skilled than my master."

The apprentice next to him couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

Wang Luo's operation was smooth as flowing water, without any stumbling blocks at all. The apprentice remembered that his master Jiang Guizhen usually had to count on her fingers for a long time when operating the machine, and she was nowhere near as efficient as Wang Luo.

"Feng Jin, am I so bad in your eyes? I have been very honest in the past six months. I have taught you everything I should have taught you, but now you are not as good as an outsider who just came to our factory."

Jiang Guizhen's face turned black when she heard her apprentice say this.

"Master, that's not what I meant. You are also very capable, but the fact is that Comrade Wang Luo's machining ability is indeed better than yours. You usually taught me to seek truth from facts and said that we workers should be careful and say what we have to say. I am telling the truth."

Like master, like apprentice. Jiang Guizhen is a silly girl in normal times. Look, her apprentice follows her example and becomes a fool.

"You're really going to piss me off to death. Why did I only have you as my apprentice? If you can't learn, don't blame others. You can only blame yourself for being stupid. Since that's the case, I won't teach you anymore. You can go find whoever you want."

Jiang Guizhen was extremely angry, and her apprentice looked at a loss after hearing this.

"Alright, alright, don't blame him. If you, as a master, had explained it clearly to him, how could he not learn some simple machining after more than half a year? Jiang Guizhen, let's not talk about Xiao Feng, just look at your previous apprentices, which one of them was not able to operate the machine independently and process some simple things after half a year of teaching? But your apprentice, in half a year, he could only turn the machine on and off, and basically failed as soon as he got on the machine. Don't you look for the reason from yourself?"

Director Wang came out and said something fair, and that was indeed the case.

"Well, there's nothing I can do about it. I haven't kept anything back. I've taught them everything I should and said everything I should. If they can't learn, what can I do? All I need to do now is teach them by the hand."

Jiang Guizhen also had a look of grievance on her face. She really told her apprentice everything she knew, but the apprentice just couldn't understand and couldn't learn, and she really had no choice.

"Haha, Director Wang, I listened to this matter and I think I have understood a little bit. This situation cannot be blamed on Master Jiang or her apprentice. There is a reason for this."

Wang Luo interrupted as he was operating the machine. Several people turned their eyes to Wang Luo, waiting for his explanation.

"When milling gears, it is necessary to rotate the dividing head to ensure that the teeth of the milled gears are evenly distributed. Depending on the number of teeth on the gears, the number of turns of the dividing head is also different, which involves some calculation problems. The mathematical knowledge required for this calculation itself is not complicated, at most it is the knowledge of fractions and integer division, but some of our workers have a low level of education and poor mathematical thinking, so they find it quite troublesome to use the dividing head. I guess Brother Feng is not very good at math. He only graduated from high school and has just gotten rid of illiteracy. He can only read and write. But to do mechanical processing, you must at least know some math knowledge, not too complicated, but the most basic ones should be known. Master Jiang has good intentions but does bad things. She did not hide her secrets, but she only has experience in the use of the dividing head and cannot explain it clearly, so it is reasonable that her apprentice does not understand it."

"Yes, yes, my master didn't hide anything. She told me everything, but I couldn't understand anything she said. I could only worry and grope around blindly, but it still doesn't work."

Xiao Feng spoke his true feelings.

"Look, this matter still depends on you strengthening your studies in daily life. Whether you are a master or an apprentice, you must continue to learn and make progress. Only with culture can you keep up with the development. Mechanical processing is a process of continuous learning. If you don't learn, you will either regress or stay where you are. I have an idea for you. In the future, take out half an hour every day to find some people with a solid foundation in mathematics and higher knowledge to teach them and train them, just like we did when we held literacy classes. I believe there will be unexpected gains."

This situation is very common nowadays. Although many masters have first-class processing technology, if you ask them to teach their apprentices, they can't explain it clearly. Even some eighth-level workers have this problem. They rely not on knowledge but on experience, which they have gained through hard work and time. Therefore, the apprenticeship time is very long at this time. Generally, it takes at least one year to become an apprentice, and some even take three years. This is because everyone's knowledge reserves are very limited at this time, and there is no other solution.

In the past, let's not talk about CNC machine tools, just take this kind of semi-automatic machine tools as an example. Generally speaking, the apprenticeship period of one month is enough, and the apprentice will also be required to sharpen the tools. This is because everyone has learned a lot of knowledge and has a wide range of experience. Everyone knows about machine tools and they are not familiar with them, so they learn quickly. Of course, there are also those who learn slowly, but even if they learn slowly, it will not exceed three months.

Many workers nowadays cannot even understand blueprints and do not know simple math knowledge. It would be really difficult for them to teach apprentices.

"Haha, there are still educated people who can see things clearly. This is a good idea. I will discuss it with you later and organize this class."

After listening to Wang Luo's analysis, Director Wang immediately became happy. Why had he not thought of such a reason before? He even suspected that the master did not teach well and the apprentice did not learn well.

"Master Jiang, if you don't blame me, I will lend you this apprentice for a while to see how I teach you."

"Lend it as you like, lend it as you like. This disciple is making me so mad. I've had enough."

Master Jiang waved her hand and said nonchalantly that she agreed with this matter 100% and it was a good opportunity to see how college students taught their apprentices.

"Xiao Feng, quickly thank Comrade Wang Luo. This is incredible. It is actually Xiao Xia Wang who is taking the initiative to teach you the skills. This opportunity must not be missed. Let's see how this learned man teaches his apprentices."

"Thank you, Master Wang."

"Don't thank me, don't thank me, it's not a big deal anyway, this thing is very simple."

While he was talking, the individually processed gear was milled, taken out of the machine tool, and measured with a measuring tool. Because of the tolerance of the machine tool, Wang Luo took a file and filed it to ensure the minimum tolerance.

"Is this good?"

"No, it's not that complicated. Just measure the data and process it. Don't think it's complicated. It's just like the gears you usually process."

"You are so amazing. I am convinced. You are worthy of being the one who developed the oil pump and the engine. You are much better than us who can't read a few words. With your skilled processing technology, you can be rated as a seventh-level worker or even an eighth-level worker in our factory. I feel that you are better than the eighth-level workers in our factory. Watching you process parts, how do I say it? Yes, it's pleasing to the eye. Director, do you think I am right?"

Jiang Guizhen sincerely gave Wang Luo a thumbs up and praised him.

"That's true. You have great skills. With this skill, even if you don't go to school now, every factory will be eager to hire you. It seems that you still need to go to school. You can't do without knowledge."

"Thank you for your compliments. Now, let's install it and try it out. If it doesn't work, we'll try again."

"I believe in your skills, you can do it."

"Then let's try."

Wang Luo skillfully began to reassemble the gearbox, feeling the gap and error in it with his hands. With the help of the maintenance master, he quickly assembled the machine tool.

"Come on, how about turning it on and trying it out? Is it still not able to shift into gear?"

Wang Luo took the veil handed over by Director Wang, wiped his hands, and said to Master Jiang.

Jiang Guizhen turned on the power and the machine tool started up, then she began to shift gears and test the machine.

With a "click", the gear was engaged.

"Okay, okay, and I feel it works much better than before."

Jiang Guizhen shouted excitedly.

"That's fine. The main reason is that your gearbox has been used for a long time, so it is inevitable that there will be some iron filings and the like. By the way, I took care of it for you. This machine tool also requires maintenance. You have to perform maintenance on it regularly in the future. Otherwise, it is easy to have a gear hit like today."

"Okay, okay, we'll pay attention to these things next time. Thank you for your help."

"It's okay. You've said this many times. It's all for the country. It's what I should do. Come on, Brother Feng. I can use your master's machine tool to teach you how to process gears."

Feng Jin, who had been waiting on the side, came over immediately. Master Jiang also gave up the machine tool and watched how Wang Luo operated it.

(End of this chapter)

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