I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 361 China's ancient architecture is about to disappear

Chapter 361 China's ancient architecture is about to disappear

"What a pity! With your talent, if you can join the company now, it will definitely be a great help to the company. Since you are unwilling to come, if you have new research projects in the future, especially in the automotive field, you must contact us. In addition, after you graduate, I hope you can consider our company more. Our conditions remain unchanged."

"So are we."


"Thank you for your efforts. We don't have much else in the Northeast, but we still have some food. We will send some food to your schools later. I hope you don't mind. In addition, Wang Luo, this is the 500 yuan that the factory gave me before I came here. I want you to pass it on as a personal reward for your contribution to the development of automobiles. I hope you can accept it."

"Our factory cannot match FAW's wealth and can't offer much. We will give Wang Luo this 200 yuan as a personal reward. In addition, our unit plans to establish an automobile engine research and development laboratory with your school. Now the country advocates the integration of industry, academia and research, and we happen to be in line with this historical trend. I hope President Lin can consider our factory's request."

After FAW offered its own rewards, Weichai was not to be outdone and came up with its own way of cooperation, hoping to catch Wang Luo, the big fish in R&D.

Although Weichai was very powerful in the past and could compete with FAW and even surpass FAW, it is not like that now. It is just a small local state-owned enterprise, far inferior to FAW, the eldest son of China Automobile.

Its predecessor was the WF Diesel Engine Factory founded in Weihai, Shandong Province in early 1946. In January 1946, the WH City Armed Forces Department established the Jianguo Iron Works Cooperative based on the Yucheng Iron Works, which was later renamed the Huanhai Iron Works. It mainly engaged in the repair of Type 1 rifles and steamships. Therefore, it is correct to say that Weichai has a military background.


In 1953, the group was brought under the leadership of the First Ministry of Machinery Industry and officially renamed WF Diesel Engine Factory. Based on the drawings and technical data provided by the Fourth Machinery Industry Administration Bureau of the First Ministry of Machinery Industry, Weichai accepted the task of developing the US KLPT 60 horsepower high-speed diesel engine, thus starting the development of Weichai's first high-speed diesel engine.

Therefore, the current Weichai can absolutely not be compared with large enterprises like FAW. It is already good that they can offer a reward of 200 yuan, but they adopted the most direct method, which is to establish a research institute. This is their strength. Throughout its development history, Weichai has been constantly exploring and innovating, which enabled them to enter the international market in the future and become a famous diesel engine manufacturer.

In fact, the industrial department did not want to ask Weichai to come over at that time. After all, as a local enterprise, the unit's R&D capabilities were too small. At that time, it was also considered that Weichai did have a set of R&D and engine development. When transferring people, Wang Luo specifically mentioned it in front of Uncle Li, so they were brought over. He hoped that this hometown enterprise in his previous life could develop rapidly.

On the other hand, although FAW is also very strong in later generations, their strength is now based on the backing of the country. If we talk about R&D capabilities, they really can't catch up with Weichai Power. Let's take sedans as an example. At that time, FAW had every possibility to rely on its own capabilities and increase the introduction of talents. As the first established automobile unit in China, it should be said to be unrivaled in later generations. But if you look closely, they did quite poorly.

They always copy foreign car types and have very limited research and development capabilities. With the deepening of market reform, even civilian enterprises such as Geely and Great Wall are developing rapidly and catching up later. Regardless of the quality, at least consumers recognize their products. There are all kinds of cars produced by them on the streets. How much market share does FAW have left? The sales of B50 and B70 are limited, and Hongqi is even more unchanged. They always sell emotions. No matter how beautiful their appearance is, how much technology do they have developed themselves? Even the engine used by the popular H9 is an imitation of the Audi 3.0T six-cylinder engine. This is a fact, and there is no point in bragging.

Not to mention new energy vehicles, it has no R&D capabilities at all and has completely become a OEM factory for foreign cars. It is really heartbreaking. Volkswagen and Toyota both treat it as a OEM factory.

"Thank you, thank you. I won't hesitate to accept it."

Wang Luo took the money with both hands. It was the income from his hard work, so why shouldn’t he refuse it?

"Our schools here also hope to establish cooperative relationships with major companies. It is mutually beneficial and will contribute to the country. As a talent training base, it is our duty to do so."

Uncle Li, the head of the industrial department, also came today. He was the leader and had to be present at such occasions. In front of a group of people, Uncle Li was not polite and gave them instructions on the spot: "Your two units are currently ranked top in terms of automobile engines. Go back and seize the time to conduct research and strive to achieve mass production as soon as possible. I have to say something unpleasant here. The state will assign production tasks to whichever of your two units has a faster R&D progress and meets quality standards. Even if FAW can produce independently, it won't work. What I want now is speed and quality. No one can fall behind. Whoever has the ability will do it."

. . . . . .

The two units escorted the relevant drawings back, and Wang Luo's mission was considered accomplished. The rest depended on their respective situations. I can only help up to this point. I will provide the technology, and it is theoretically feasible. Whether you can build it or not depends on your ability.

After finishing this matter, Wang Luo began to have some free time again. He took the opportunity to go to a second-hand store and bought a Leica camera. He began to take a group of little kids in the yard to wander around the capital, including the courtyard where he currently lives. He wanted to use the camera to clearly record things of this era, including architecture, humanities, etc., so that he could use it as a souvenir in the future.

"Xiao Luo, where did you get this camera? It's such a great thing!"

Yan Bugui, who had just returned from fishing with Li Jun carrying a few big fish, saw the camera in Wang Luo's hand and asked with envy on his face.

"I bought it from a second-hand store. It's made of German Leica. It's not expensive. It's a good item. I wanted to record everything about us now. When our lives get better in the future, we can make a comparison. Especially the living environment we live in now. Maybe it will disappear in the future and become high-rise buildings!" "That's a good idea. If it really becomes high-rise buildings in the future, future generations will have no idea what kind of life we ​​are living in now and what kind of environment we live in. Well, I have nothing to do anyway, so why don't your uncle personally introduce you to our living environment. As a teacher, I have more say in this regard."

Yan Bugui teaches Chinese and can be considered a native Beijinger. Although his hometown used to be in the suburbs, he is still considered a Beijinger, so he has more say in this regard.

"That's great, come on, you talk, I'll record it and take pictures."

"Let's go!"

After handing the catch to the three aunts, he began to introduce Wang Luo and a group of little kids behind him.

"Do you know why it is called a Siheyuan? There are some particulars to it, especially for a very complete Siheyuan with three entrances. There are more particulars to it. Every part is not redundant and has its own meaning and function."

Yan Bugui was talking incessantly, and some curious neighbors came over to take a look. They realized that he was introducing the Siheyuan and taking pictures. Isn't this a good thing? It is also good to take a picture as a souvenir, and listen to Yan Bugui's introduction by the way. Although they are also old Beijingers, they don't know much about this aspect. They only moved here after the founding of the People's Republic of China. They used to live in shanty towns. They heard it was strange and came to watch the fun.

"Si" refers to the four directions of east, west, south and north, and "He" refers to the combination of the two to form a mouth shape, which is the basic feature of the Siheyuan. The Siheyuan buildings in Beijing are elegant, ingenious and numerous, and the most typical ones are those in Beijing. The Siheyuans in Beijing are large and small, scattered all over the place, some are located on busy streets, and some are located in quiet alleys; the large ones cover several acres, and the small ones are only a few feet; some are single-family, and some are shared by several or more than a dozen households, forming a living environment that meets people's living needs, inherits traditional culture, and maintains harmonious relations between neighbors, forming a social network with family courtyards as the center, neighborhoods as the main lines, and community areas as the plane.

Actually, in our country, as far as I know, each place has different house architectural designs and different courtyard houses. The ones in Beijing basically represent the northern architectural types. In the south, the most recommended ones should be the Hui-style courtyard houses with white walls and black tiles. Unfortunately, I have never been to the south and have only seen them in books. There are also Suzhou gardens, which are so beautiful. If you have the opportunity in the future, Xiaoluo, you must go and see them and record the good things of our ancestors. Now I always feel that this popular reinforced concrete building is easy to build and saves money and labor, but compared with traditional buildings, it has no soul and is a little lacking. "

Wang Luo never expected that although Yan Bugui had never left the capital, he was so familiar with traditional Chinese architecture.

"Uncle San, you have chosen the wrong major. You should teach architecture, not Chinese. With your knowledge of traditional Chinese architecture, you will definitely make a difference in architecture in the future."

Wang Luo joked.

"Xiao Luo, that's too much. This is just a little personal hobby of mine, just like fishing. It's pure nonsense. I can only teach elementary school Chinese courses. I can't learn such a profound subject as architecture."

"That's true, but I think you should get more exposure to this knowledge in the future. Our ancestors were definitely the ancestors of the West in terms of architecture. This is the culture and wisdom of our ancestors. Let's take our current mortise and tenon structure buildings as an example. They have unparalleled advantages in terms of artistry and earthquake resistance. It took thousands of years of practice to reach the current level. How can it be compared with the things of the West that have been around for only a few hundred years?"

"Hey, what Wang Luo said makes sense. I agree. As everyone knows, I am a carpenter and I know a little about this. Some carpenters today cannot make furniture without nails. That is absolutely wrong. A good carpenter does not use nails. He relies entirely on his own skills to splice the wood together. Furniture made with nails cannot be compared with mortise and tenon furniture in terms of practicality. To me, it is garbage."

At this time, my eldest brother-in-law, Carpenter Wang, came to deliver a few finished stools to our home. This happened to involve his area of ​​knowledge, so he interrupted and started talking. He usually doesn't like to talk much, but when it comes to carpentry knowledge, he has a say.

"That's right, brother-in-law. When I was free a few days ago, Bang Geng and the others used popsicle sticks to make similar toys. If we use something similar to do an earthquake resistance experiment, we don't need a very large earthquake, a magnitude 6 earthquake will do. Ordinary cement houses can't survive it, but our Chinese buildings can definitely survive a large earthquake over magnitude 8. In ancient times, any building with this kind of mortise and tenon structure has never collapsed except for those caused by man-made things or fires, such as earthquakes. This shows how strong the building strength is."

"So, the old-style buildings that still exist are indeed strong. It's not just the mortise and tenon type. Buildings like the Zhaozhou Bridge in Hebei are still strong after so many years."

Yi Zhonghai took over and gave the answer.

So everyone gradually transitioned from discussing the structure of a courtyard to discussing the differences between ancient Chinese architecture and Western architecture. Although everyone was not a professional, they knew a little about architecture, and the more they talked, the more interested they became.

Wang Luo, who came from later generations, had deep feelings about this aspect. Our country's infrastructure in later generations was absolutely amazing, and the nickname of "infrastructure madman" was not for nothing, but it generally followed the Western architectural style, especially various bridges. This type of building was easy to build and cost-effective, but it could only be used for a few decades at most. It would be amazing if it could be used for a hundred years. There were very few truly century-old bridges. It's not that no one wanted to return to China's traditional construction methods, but there were many factors to consider, the most important of which was the lack of traditional architecture. All universities taught Western architecture, and Chinese architecture was generally used for maintenance. Only some old people understood these, and there were not many young people.

"We have strayed off topic. Let's get back to the point and continue introducing our Siheyuan."

Yan Bugui brought the topic back to the topic.

(End of this chapter)

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