I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 48 Responsible Teacher Zhang

Chapter 48 Responsible Teacher Zhang
Reputation is very popular in this era. As long as you have a reputation, everyone will trust you unconditionally.

Why is it that Yi Zhonghai, the Lord of Morality, has been commanding the world in the courtyard and everyone trusts him so much? It is because he has a good image and reputation outside, so people think of him first and consciously regard him as a fair and just person who respects the elderly and loves the young.

Now that Yi Zhonghai has become infamous, his moral kidnapping is no longer popular. No one is convinced by him. This is what Wang Luo wanted to see. You deserve it. I'm letting you find fault with me, but it's not over yet.

When he went to school, the news of the crackdown on the black market last night had already spread widely. Xu Damao, who is so smart, will definitely publicize the great achievements of Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai and their apprentice at the steel rolling mill. Just wait and see, haha.

"Student Wang Luo, are you healed?"

As soon as he arrived at school and said hello to some classmates, his homeroom teacher, Teacher Zhang, came over and looked at Wang Luo with a smile and said.

"Okay, okay, I won't delay the exam. Haha, thank you for your concern, teacher!"

Our class teacher, Mr. Zhang, is a little old man with the character of an early traditional Chinese scholar. Although he is strict, he is very responsible to every student.

"I don't miss you at all. You're not sick, you just don't want to go to school. You even went to Mentougou to hunt. Tell me, if you're still a student like this, do you still look like a student? If we had the learning environment we have now, would our country have been bullied by others? If you don't cherish the hard-earned opportunities now, how can you achieve academic success in the future and live up to your country and the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the present?"

Without saying a word, he grabbed Wang Luo's ear and left the classroom amid the laughter of his classmates.

If it were someone else, Wang Luo might have resisted, but this was his teacher, and a very responsible teacher at that. So what could he do if he was pulled by the ear?

"Teacher Zhang, what are you doing?"

Holding Wang Luo's ear, he walked all the way and became the biggest conspicuous bag in the whole school. Finally, he came to the principal's office. The principal was a little puzzled that Teacher Zhang came in holding the student's ear. Did this child do something that would anger God and everyone?
"This is Wang Luo. Yesterday, the Shijingshan Iron and Steel Plant sent a letter of praise to him for his bravery in catching five robbers. Principal, you don't know. It's shameful. I have been teaching and educating people for so many years, and this is a huge disgrace. This brat said he was not feeling well and asked for leave every few days. I thought he was really not feeling well.

I didn't expect that he just didn't want to come to school. His parents were away at work, so no one was watching him. He just let himself go. If it weren't for this letter of praise, I wouldn't have known that this kid was talking nonsense and lying to me. Do you think this is reasonable?"

As an old-fashioned person, it was a dereliction of duty for Teacher Zhang if the student lied and didn't come to school. He regretted not visiting Old Wang's house and delaying the student Wang Luo.

"Come, come, Teacher Zhang, don't be angry, let Wang Luo go, drink some tea, and calm down!"

The principal quickly persuaded Teacher Zhang to sit down, took out some of his treasured tea leaves and brewed them for Teacher Zhang before turning back to look at Wang Luo who was standing there: "Student Wang Luo, student Wang Luo, look at you, why don't you think about studying hard? You even ran to Mentougou by yourself and even ran into a robber. How dangerous it was. Do you think I should praise you or criticize you?"

"Principal, teacher, you rob me for just a few bucks? I can't beat the shit out of them. I'm fine, I'm fine. But I made you worry. I was wrong. I will try to correct it in the future."

Wang Luo has become a little inflated since he got the golden finger, and he used some swear words when admitting his mistakes.

"Look, look, does he still look like a student now? He doesn't have the sincerity to admit his mistakes and try his best to correct them. That means you will skip classes in the future. And who taught you to use dirty words? Beat them until the shit comes out of their butts. They are a group of robbers, a group of criminals, not a group of animals. Do you understand?" Teacher Zhang was so angry that he slammed the table and scolded loudly.

"Teacher Zhang, don't be anxious, don't be anxious. I know you are doing this for Wang Luo's own good, but as teachers we have to teach students in accordance with their aptitude. Wang Luo did a good thing this time. He caught these robbers and prevented other people from getting hurt. His starting point is still good. Otherwise, Wang Luo, why don't you tell your teacher Zhang why you didn't come to class?"

"It's boring to stay in school. I already know all the things we learn. Why should I stay in school? I might as well go out and have a look. As the old saying goes, reading ten thousand books is not as good as traveling ten thousand miles. I want to get in touch with this society and make plans for my future life.

In society, I can come into contact with different people and things, and learn different knowledge, such as how to hunt, how to grow crops, what kind of life ordinary people live, etc. There are so many things to learn! ”

In order not to be confined to school, he described his skipping classes as something great.

"You are talking nonsense. You think you know everything you learned in school? With your half-hearted attitude, do you think I will believe you? Will the principal believe you? You are about to take the graduation exam and you are still lying to me. You should review your lessons in the few weeks and get good grades instead of continuing to lie to us.

Doing something wrong is not terrible, we can change it, but lying means there is a problem with one's character, do you understand?"

Teacher Zhang scolded Wang Luo with a bit of disappointment when he saw him like this.

"Teacher, I really didn't lie to you. He Yushui and I are from the same compound. I tutor her every night when she comes home. If you really don't believe me, you can test me, any test you want, I promise I can do it all."

"Okay, okay, okay. I just don't believe it today. Just wait. I'll go to my office and get a few test papers. You do them here and I'll grade them for you on the spot!"

Teacher Zhang stood up angrily and went to his office to get the test papers.

"Look how you've made your teacher angry, Wang Luo. I'm going to criticize you here. Your teacher Zhang is doing this for your own good. You're still young, and your current task is to study hard so that you can better serve the country in the future..."

The principal began to persuade Wang Luo earnestly and did not stop until Teacher Zhang came back.

"Come on, you know how to do it, don't you? Do it for me. As long as you can do it, you can skip school at any time and do whatever you want. But if you make a mistake, you must go back to class and attend class immediately!"

After saying that, he threw the test paper in front of Wang Luo.

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, just wait and see. I'm afraid you won't keep your word and will let me go back to the classroom when the time comes!"

(End of this chapter)

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