I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 50: Always remind yourself, don’t forget

Chapter 50: Always remind yourself, don’t forget

"You don't even need to go to Chief Li for this matter. It's just affiliation with a unit. Their company needs it, and so do we. Wait, I'll give you a call and ask."

Without saying a word, he picked up the phone in the duty room and made a call. After saying a few words, he came out and asked Wang Luo to wait and someone would be there soon.

Not long after, a man wearing an apron and a chef's hat ran out.

"Xiao Wang, who can catch prey? Such a good thing is rare. If you want it, take as much as you can. Our logistics lacks a fixed supply. Recently, we are short of oil and water, and everyone's daily training has been delayed."

During this period, it was not only difficult for the local area, but also for the troops. They could barely maintain food and clothing. Company cadres and soldiers had 58 kilograms of rations, and other civilians who did not participate in training had 37 kilograms. For a meal of rice, each person needed an average of 1 kilograms of rice. Therefore, the company often mixed 2% sorghum rice, % rice, and % white flour together. This "cultural rice" was much more economical.

There were very few side dishes. In summer, there were only common dishes, and in winter, there were only cabbage, potatoes, and radishes. Only during the Chinese New Year would we kill pigs to improve the food.

The military region allocated a daily food allowance of 4 cents, 2 cents, to each soldier, and this standard has not changed for many years. Apart from purchasing food, the remaining space for improving non-staple food is very limited. There is a catchphrase for improving food: "Raise pigs, grow vegetables, and grind tofu", which the logistics department calls the "three magic weapons".

Later, a TV series "Military Songs" gave a very clear description of the army's food during this period. In order to improve the food, the protagonist Gao Dashan led the soldiers to grow mushrooms and raise rabbits in the air-raid shelters, trying every means to be self-sufficient.

The Air Force probably has the best food, and they also have chocolate supplements, but the training intensity of the Air Force is not comparable to that of the Army. Their requirements are too strict, and there is no other way.

So, when Wang Luo mentioned this, the person in charge of logistics and cooking immediately ran out to inquire.

"Look, you know him, that brat Xiao Luo. He got the rabbits and fish we used to improve our food last time. He came here to ask if he can get a hunting rifle. Then we can find him a good job and have him supply us with the prey he catches."

Squad leader Wang pointed at Wang Luo and said.

"Hey, who was it? It's you, kid. Great! You actually have this skill. Tell me, what do you want to do? It's just a shotgun. Don't mention the shotgun. If you can really get something good, I will apply for a Type 38 rifle for you. But you don't want to go to school anymore?"

The person who came was Liu Dagang from the kitchen team. He was a fellow villager of Wang Luo and his hometown was also Shandong Province.

"Xiao Luo is very successful now. His principal has given him special permission and he doesn't have to go to school. Dagang, how about we get him a non-staff purchase? We can buy the prey he hunts at the purchase price as a supplement to our meals. Your kitchen team can report this to the higher-ups. I think this will work."

"You are so smart. No problem, absolutely no problem. Come on, Xiao Luo, follow me to find our company commander. I will make sure everything is arranged clearly!"

In this way, Wang Luo followed Liu Dagang into the office of the Security Department of the military compound. The company commander agreed immediately when he heard it. When he came out, he got the relevant purchase certificates and gun licenses.

Then he followed the shooting instructor of their company and rode the big liberation to the shooting range in the suburbs to get the Type 38 rifle and bullets for the corresponding shooting training. This was not difficult for Wang Luo. After eating the crocodile meat, his eyesight was quite good. After firing a few bullets, he was already proficient in using it and hit ten targets with every shot. "I didn't expect that you have the potential to be a sharpshooter. If you are on the battlefield, you will definitely be a good killer. Why don't you join the army after graduating from junior high school? We need talents like you."

"I have no plans to join the army at the moment. The country is in a peaceful period now. The most important thing is to develop industry and build the motherland. When the motherland needs me one day, I promise to join the army as soon as possible."

"What a pity, but you are right. The key to the country now is to develop industry. Forget it. You are not too old now anyway. Maybe you will be willing to join the army when the time comes. Congratulations. You can now carry a gun and go to work. After you take the gun back, don't forget to go to your street office and police station to register it!"

"Don't worry, I'll make a record when I get back!"

Now Wang Luo can finally walk around with his gun openly.

Even though it is the capital, gun control is relatively lax. In 1966, a piece of the glass of the Great Hall was broken by a gun. Later it was found out that it was a coincidence caused by a child shooting birds and bullets flying everywhere. So during this period of time, if you see someone on the street carrying a gun and riding a bicycle, don't be surprised. It's normal. It's already very good that they didn't pull out the 37 twin-link or Maxim rifle.

"Xiao Luo, why did you come back with a gun? Be careful, someone might report you! Besides, it's not safe. You are not very old, it's too dangerous to play with this."

After going to the street office and the police station to file a case, Wang Luo swaggered back to the yard with a gun on his back. Just as he reached the gate, a group of old women were chatting and sewing shoe soles under the big locust tree at the gate. They were frightened to see Wang Luo coming back with a gun on his back.

In the whole courtyard, Xu Damao was the only one who applied for guns and bullets when he went to the countryside. But after returning, the first thing he did was to return them to the steel rolling mill. It was the first time in the courtyard that someone like Wang Luo brought guns back so openly. Although they were scheming all day long, they were just ordinary people, and guns and ammunition were very scary things to them.

So, the second aunt asked first.

The second aunt was still very grateful to Wang Luo. Some time ago, Liu Haizhong beat away the two younger sons in the family, and it was Wang Luo who provided them with food and accommodation.

What kind of era was this? It was an era where you could find a young girl who had fled famine to be your wife on the street by providing her with a meal. So Second Aunt remembered this meal for Wang Luo.

"It's okay. I have a gun license, issued by the security department of the military compound. It follows the formal procedures. It allows me to hunt to improve the lives of the soldiers. Besides, apart from those few people who can't stand others getting ahead and like to report them, who else in our compound likes to report them, and finally suffer the consequences? Don't you think so? Hehe!"

Wang Luo began to satirize the Jia Zhang family again, saying, "Don't think that I will let you go just because you either hide at home to recuperate or squat behind the fence. I will always mention this to the neighbors so that they will keep this matter in mind and never forget it."

"Giving hunting to our soldiers to improve their lives? That's great. We the people can suffer, but we can't let our soldiers starve. Xiao Luo is really conscious!"

 I couldn't find any information on the specific gun ownership requirements. I wrote this based on previous reports. There may be errors, so please forgive me and don't make things difficult for the author. Thank you all my readers!
(End of this chapter)

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