I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 60 Silence

Chapter 60 Silence
He had thoughts and sympathy, but he had no way to solve these problems. If he was an agricultural major, he could teach them how to farm and breed, and help them, but he was not a major in this.

Even the machinery industry, researching tractors, harvesters and the like, is fine. No, not at all. His expertise in this area is useless to ordinary people. It is of no use at all. Even if money is spent on research, it will cost a lot of money, a huge amount of money, and the country will have to step in.

At least the villagers enjoyed this meal very much. After all, there was meat and the rice was dry rice, which was not easy to come by. In the past, everyone drank porridge or something, and they could only eat a dry meal when doing physical work or during festivals.

After eating and drinking, they harnessed the horse-drawn carriage, called a few young men from the same village, carried their hunting rifles, threw all the prey into the carriage, and set off leisurely with the farewell of all the villagers.

This must be done quickly, otherwise, in this hot weather, the meat will start to go bad in the afternoon.

Carrying so much pork on the road aroused everyone's envy, and even encountered purchasing agents from several factories.

Speaking of which, purchasing for various factories is not as comfortable as it was in the past few years. In the past few years, when supplies were sufficient, everything could be settled by just making a phone call to the relevant units. Even if you went to the countryside to purchase, you had to connect with the village chiefs and team leaders in each village. In order to sell the village's products, these village chiefs and team leaders had to give some benefits. Life was as comfortable as it could be.

"Stethoscope, steering wheel, human resources officer, purchaser" these are the most popular industries. But in recent years, it has become less so. The job of a purchaser is not so easy. Why? There is a shortage of supplies. There are only a few in the plan. If you want to get more good things, you have to go to the countryside to purchase them.

But it is very clear what the situation is in the countryside now. People can't even get enough food, so where is the food to raise chickens and pigs? Even if they raise pigs, it is only to complete the task. But the various units don't think so. Then how can the leaders' canteen entertain guests? Mobilize the buyers, give them tasks, and go purchase.

Okay, that's enough. I can't live the comfortable life anymore. I have to try every possible way to find connections and acquaintances to get some extra supplies. So when these hundreds of kilograms of meat appeared, I immediately started asking about them.

Before they could step forward to ask, Wang Luo handed them his ID. They took it and saw that it was from a military compound. Forget it, forget it. They knew very well what kind of place a military compound was. It was full of big shots. They, the factory buyers, were not good enough. Even if their factory director came out, it would be useless. It was better not to make themselves uncomfortable.

"Hey, Xiao Luo, you're good at this. You hit so many?"

As soon as the carriage arrived at the compound, all the soldiers inside ran out and began to watch. Even Uncle Li Da and his men, who had received the news, ran out. After all, this was several hundred kilograms of meat, and it had to be watched carefully, otherwise someone might come and snatch it. There were also several family compounds of other units nearby.

"It happened today that we entered the old forest and encountered a large herd of wild boars. We killed three big ones and two elk. The villagers around helped to deal with them and transported them here. Otherwise, this tricycle would be in trouble. You can give them some food as a reward. They are short of food. As for my share, you can give it to me. I have enough food and drink. I just want one elk."

Wang Luo was not doing this in the name of purchasing for the money. He just wanted to get a gun to play with, fight dinosaurs, become stronger, and hunt some prey for himself to eat.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. You have become more capable. I thought you only wanted to hunt rabbits or pheasants when you applied for a gun, but you went to hunt wild boars. You dared to touch wild boars. If I had known that you dared to go to the old forest to hunt wild boars, I would have rushed to your house and got the gun back."

He didn't get any reward or praise, and was just scolded. As Wang Zhonghua's old comrade-in-arms, Uncle Li Da had to take on the responsibility of educating Wang Luo in Wang Zhonghua's absence.

"I'm a good shooter. Killing a few wild boars is no big deal. Okay, Uncle Li, do you want to do it? If not, I'll give it to someone else. We met buyers from several factories on our way back!" Wang Luo didn't care. He guessed that he had already reported his excellent marksmanship to Uncle Li Da.

"The good stuff that has come here can't get away. Okay, I know you're a good shot. Come on, everyone, help carry the meat in. We'll have a good meal today. And that guy, weigh it. I'll pay him the price for what my nephew has shot. Otherwise, everyone will say I'm bullying the younger generation. By the way, Xiao Luo, how much food should we give to these folks?"

"We can give them half the value of this meat in the form of food. Any food will do."

"No problem, we still have food here."

After weighing, a total of 427 kilograms of pure meat were found. According to the current market price, one kilogram of this wild boar meat costs 277 yuan, which comes out to 280 yuan. The compensation was a full yuan. No money was charged for the elk, so it was given away for free.

"Uncle Liu, as we agreed before, half of the profit will be exchanged for food for you. The two elks are not counted, and you will be given 200 kilograms of corn. This is 1600 kilograms of corn. You can take it back and share it with your fellow villagers. I don't have much ability, so I can only help you up to this point. We have a long way to go in the future."

After moving the corn from the warehouse to the carriage, he said to Uncle Liu and the others.

"How can you say that? We really don't know how to thank you. You gave us an extra 200 kilograms of food. In theory, this food has nothing to do with us. You just couldn't bear to see us go hungry, so you gave us so much food. Today, I shamelessly accepted it. If you have any problems in the future, just let us know. We promise to do our best. On behalf of the villagers, I thank you and these soldiers!"

Uncle Liu took the villagers who came with him to bow to Wang Luo and Uncle Li Da and chatted for a while before saying goodbye and leaving.

"What's wrong with these folks?"

After they left, Uncle Li Da asked curiously.

"That's what happened. Last time..."

Wang Luo told Uncle Li Da the whole cause and effect.

"You did a good job, you helped the villagers whenever you could. Without their efforts, we wouldn't be where we are today. Back then, every truckload of supplies on the battlefield was pushed to the frontline by them. It's a pity that the country is in trouble now and has to pay off foreign debts. We are powerless to keep them well fed and clothed!"

After listening to Wang Luo's story, everyone present fell silent. They were thinking about the past days.

(End of this chapter)

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