I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 67: The Zhang Family Again

Chapter 67 Bringing it Home Again

"I can't be separated from my brother. I still have to take care of him!"

Maodan said sensibly.

"That's it. Don't worry, we won't separate. Trust me. I promise to find you a good family. Have you eaten well? If you've eaten well, I'll take you to the street office to have a look."

After they had eaten their fill, they didn't have to wash the dishes. They continued to walk to the street office, holding one child in their arms and taking the other with them.

Only when we arrived at the gate of the street office did we realize how serious the situation was. The entire alley in front of the street office was crowded with people from various provinces who came to Beijing. No wonder there were not many beggars on the street; it turned out that they had all been gathered in various street offices, waiting to be resettled.

At least there are people from the street office and the police station maintaining order. The big pot used in the collective canteen last year was also moved out, and they started cooking porridge. There was no need to think about delicious food, just save your life first.

"Xiao Luo, why are you strolling over here? Whose child is this?"

I happened to meet Director Zhang who was maintaining order, so I said hello.

"Whose children could they be? They are from Henan Province. Their parents are gone, leaving them with just these two. I was thinking of taking a stroll in Houhai, and just as I was leaving the alley, I ran into them asking me for food. I took them home and treated them to a meal. So, I'm here to ask for your help and see how you can take care of them.

I have limited ability and cannot take care of them. I also cannot let them continue begging on the streets. Not to mention the safety issue, just these two children, plus every household is in difficulty now, they can't even beg for food. Fortunately, it's summer now. What would we do if it was winter? Someone might even die.

But after taking a look, I realized that instead of sending them to you, they might as well stay at my house. At least we can still have something to eat. I can go to the mountains to hunt for some meat. Look at you guys, you only have water to drink and you can only be full!"

Wang Luo pointed to the cornmeal paste in the big pot and shook his head.

"Alas, there is really nothing we can do. The number of people is increasing, and the food has not been transferred yet. But we have done our best. Please go in quickly, register the two children, and ask Director Wang how to arrange it!"

After saying this, he continued to busy himself with maintaining order.

Wang Luo passed through the alley where the villagers were sitting and squatting, and finally squeezed into the street office with his great strength.

"I don't care what method you use, you must transfer another 5,000 kilograms of food to me. I must see the food tonight, otherwise what can I do with the villagers I have arranged to come here? Not only today, but also tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, the food cannot be less. This is as much as I can squeeze as much as possible. I have already arranged for many lonely elderly people and children to go to nursing homes and orphanages.

"For those who are young and strong, I can only let them have enough food. I am waiting for the arrangement of my superiors, whether to stay in the capital or be sent back to their original places. I have no choice. I just want food. If you don't give me food, I will go to your house to eat and sleep tonight. If I can't live well, you can't live well either. Don't make excuses for me, bang!"

Before I even entered the office, I heard Director Wang's roar. That voice sounded like he had eaten several pounds of gunpowder. He was worthy of being a man who came from the war years. His military style was fully displayed at this moment.

"I didn't expect that my usually amiable Aunt Wang actually has a tough side. I've learned a lot today." Wang Luo knocked on the door and walked in.

"I can't help it. Only crying children get milk. You always procrastinate without a fight. You don't even look at the mess here. This is a matter of life and death. How can I not be anxious? What are you doing?"

After explaining, he pointed at the two children, Maodan and Goudan, beside Wang Luo and asked.

"Can't you see? It's the same as outside. I came here just to see the specific arrangements of our street office. From the sound of your phone call, I guess there's nothing you can do. Well, then I won't bother you. I'll take the two children back with me. I'll go find my uncles and aunts tomorrow and see if I can find a childless comrade to adopt them. You register them first, and when I find a family to adopt them, I'll ask them to come over to get the certificate."

"Oh my, this is great. It has solved a lot of problems for our street office. You don't know how difficult it is for our street office now. They send people to us all at once. We are powerless and can only ask various departments to come and coordinate. It's okay for the elderly and widows, as there are orphanages and nursing homes to accept them, but there is no way for those who are young and strong.

Your Aunt Wang has some information for you. The higher-ups have issued a document that many factories and enterprises in Beijing are reducing their staff and moving them to the countryside. It is impossible for these young and strong people to stay in the city. They should go back to where they came from. Alas, this grassroots work is really hard to do. You have to consider this and that. It would be great if everyone was like you, not only not causing trouble, but also trying to help."

It's a good idea to solve one problem if we can. Director Wang was very happy when he heard that. It's not that he trusts Wang Luo, because he is still young after all. But the people behind him are strong. It would be great if they could solve the problem.

"Auntie Wang, stop flattering me. I just couldn't bear to see these two kids suffer, so I came up with this solution out of necessity. If it were someone else, I wouldn't bother to care. Hurry up and register these two kids. I won't bother you anymore and will take them home directly. You've come here for nothing today."

He also understood Director Wang's predicament. He was just a grassroots street office director. To put it nicely, he was an official, but to put it bluntly, he was just a grassroots coordinator. He had to liaise with relevant departments above and the masses below. He was stuck in the middle and had a very difficult life.

"Come, come, I'll register you myself. Thank you for your help. You can find the family member later and come over to complete the formalities. It's a blessing for these two children to meet you. At least they have an elder. Come, take it. I won't keep you here. I still have a lot of work to do outside!"

With just a few strokes, he registered Maodan and Goudan's names and hometowns. After handing them to Wang Luo, he went back to his own business in a hurry.

"Come on, go home with your brother. I'll find you a new home tomorrow, one with a dad and a mom!"

He returned in a hurry with the two children.

"Why did you bring the child back again? Will the street office not accept him? Wait a moment, boss, get the basin out for Xiao Luo."

When I entered the yard, I met my third aunt who was picking a bunch of old spinach that she got from somewhere, and I shouted into the house.

"The street office is full of fellow villagers who came to Beijing from other provinces. They eat bland food. I asked Director Wang and he said that they would arrange for the two children to be placed in an orphanage. I thought, forget it, let them stay in our house for one night, and I will go to the military compound to find someone tomorrow.

I didn’t expect that there are so many fellow countrymen coming to Beijing from other provinces. The alley in front of the street office is full of people. It seems that the disaster outside the capital is very serious. Alas! "

(End of this chapter)

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