I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 7: My nose bleeds

Chapter 7: My nose bleeds

"It's not the same as taking a pterosaur egg. That thing won't move. Even with the protection of the mother pterosaur, it can be solved. But this is still more troublesome. I can only use my wits. Forget it. I don't want to think about it anymore. There are plenty of opportunities. I'll go to sleep first."

Wang Luo thought about it for a while but still had no idea, so he decided to take a nap.

He slept until about three o'clock, thinking that the hottest time outside had passed, and he planned to get up and go out for a walk. Otherwise, if he just stayed at home with food and drink, those stupid neighbors might report him.

"Oh, damn, why is my nose bleeding?"

Wang Luo got up out of habit to wash his face and was a little shocked to see the blood in the washbasin. This pterosaur egg couldn't have any virus or something. It's no good, it's no good. I hope it won't bleed to death. I have to find a Chinese medicine clinic to check it out.

Now he felt a little scared. He thought that chicken eggs and dinosaur eggs were both eggs, but he never thought that no one had eaten dinosaur eggs since ancient times.

Wearing big shorts, a cross-body vest, and covering his bleeding nose, he ran to Tong Ren Tang, which was not far from here.

"Xiao Luo, why are you still bleeding from the nose? Young people are just very strong!"

A group of idle old women, including three aunts and Jia Zhang, gathered at the door. Seeing Wang Luo covering his nose with blood flowing from it, they started laughing and making fun of him.

"Hey, I don't think he has a strong body. He just eats too much delicious food all day long. Look around us, there are people like him. They are so skinny that their bones are just skin and bones. Not to mention getting angry, if they eat too much oil, they will probably have diarrhea."

Jia Zhang was happy now. It was Wang Luo's fault for not giving them delicious food. Seeing this, she became sarcastic.

Wang Luo didn't even bother to pay attention to her. These old women were just jealous. They were jealous that he ate well and that his family was well off. If you had the ability, you could be like me, but unfortunately they didn't have that ability.


With a light snort, he ran away with his head held high.

This caused a group of old ladies to talk about him behind his back, saying that he was impolite and needed to be disciplined. It would probably not be long before rumors would spread around the area that the kid from the Wang family was overeating, eating good food all day long, and had nosebleeds from eating too much. In more serious cases, they would even say that he had taken too much supplements and it was not impossible that he would explode and die.

Alas, there is nothing we can do. Rumors are like this, they become more and more unreliable the more they spread.

In later lives, he has seen a lot. For example, a girl works in a big city, earns some money, and dresses more fashionably. When she returns to the village and passes by a group of old ladies who have nothing to do in the winter and would squat under the wall to bask in the sun and chat, within a few days, it is guaranteed that there will be news that she is being kept by someone or is the mistress of some big shot. Therefore, the best way to deal with these rumors is to ignore them and let them do whatever they want.

"Doctor, doctor, please take a look at me. Why is my nose bleeding after waking up?"

As soon as he entered the gate of Tongrentang, Wang Luo started howling.

The doctor, who was treating patients one by one according to the procedure, saw his condition and hurriedly asked him to come forward and take his pulse.

"Doctor, what's wrong with me? Is there something wrong with my body?"

Wang Luo asked a little worriedly.

"Change your other hand!"

The doctor looked like a big shot with a goatee. He slowly asked him to change his hand and took his pulse again. After a moment of silence, he spoke: "It's not a big deal. It's easy to get angry in hot weather, and you've eaten some tonic food, which caused the nosebleed. I'll prescribe some anti-inflammatory medicine for you and you'll be fine. Eat light food for the next few days and don't eat too much." The doctor said it easily, and the people around him were speechless. Listen, is this human language? Everyone is having trouble getting enough to eat, but you've eaten so much tonic that you're bleeding from the nose, and you're still asked to eat light food. Damn, this is so sad.

But Wang Luo didn't care at all. It was just a case of getting angry, no big deal. As long as it wasn't a virus, it would be fine. It seemed like he had to eat more vegetables these days. He could forget about the pterosaur egg and the slender crocodile.

The white-bearded doctor first gave him a few injections to stop the bleeding, then called his apprentice over and told him to get medicine for Wang Luo. He also explained the precautions for boiling the medicine, and it was no big deal.

The total cost, including the medicine and the consultation fee, was 8 cents. I paid the money, took the medicine and left.

"Whose child is this? In this day and age, is there anyone who gets a nosebleed like this?"

After Wang Luo left with the medicine, curious people began to ask about him. In this day and age, his situation was really rare.

"The kid from the Wang family at No. 95 Nanluoguxiang, there's nothing he can do. He has the conditions. His parents are soldiers, and they are said to be of high rank, but they are busy with work and don't go home all year round. When their grandfather was still around, he took care of him. But grandfather Wang passed away a few days ago, leaving him alone to live. He is the only child in the family, so he can do whatever he wants."

Someone nearby who knew Wang Luo started to explain.

"Oh, so that's how it is. I thought so. Well, it's good to have a working couple. What's more, they are soldiers. Look at the life they lead and then look at the life we ​​lead. There is no comparison, no comparison."

Let outsiders say whatever they want.

Go home and boil the medicine honestly, then drink it in one gulp while pinching your nose, and add a tomato to get rid of the smell. That's it.

"Wang Luo, Wang Luo, open the door!"

After school in the afternoon, He Yushui had just walked into the alley with his schoolbag slung over his shoulders when he heard about Wang Luo's nosebleed. As a classmate and friend, he had to come and see. So, before he even put down his schoolbag or went home, he came and knocked on the door.

"Why are you here instead of going home after school?"

Wang Luo was carrying a basket with a few tomatoes in it and was preparing dinner.

"What can I do? I just entered the alley and heard that your nose was bleeding and it couldn't be stopped. Your life was even in danger. I came to see you the first time, but you still seem reluctant!"

Seeing that Wang Luo was still full of energy and the same as before, I knew that it was not a big deal.

"Hey, I knew that those wicked old women would not do anything good. As expected, I guessed it. Okay, I'm fine. I just get angry when it's hot. Are you hungry? If you are, come and have dinner. I plan to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes tonight and roll noodles. Unfortunately, I don't know how to make noodles. As a family of chefs, you should have no problem with this, right?"

Wang Luo spoke very loudly, just so that his weird neighbors could hear him.

Hehe, I like the way you guys are jealous of me even though you can’t have it.

"I have no problem rolling noodles, but you have a sore throat, so why are you eating eggs?"

"Having a sore throat won't stop me from eating eggs. I just added tomatoes and other ingredients to neutralize the heat. The doctor also prescribed some medicine for me, which won't affect my eating or drinking at all. Let's hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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