I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 73 Becoming a Flying Warrior

Chapter 73 Becoming a Flying Warrior
I didn't expect to have an unexpected gain after going out for a while tonight. Don't mention it, the funding for dog spies nowadays is really huge. So much money, damn, it's great that there are no middlemen to make a profit from the price difference, otherwise I would probably only get three dollars for one piece of information, haha.

After packing the things, Wang Luo found a rope and tied up the three people. It was none of his business whether they lived or died. After tying them up, he dragged them to the crooked tree at the door and hung them all on it. He also wrote a piece of paper on his chest that said "I am a spy".

After doing all this, Wang Luo turned around and left. He believed that tomorrow morning some enthusiastic people would take the initiative to report.

“When the work is done, I will leave without leaving any credit or fame”, this is the carefree spirit we want.

After arriving home, he fell asleep on the bed and did not wake up until the sun was shining on his butt and He Yushui called him from the window.

"Hey, you've really become a hands-off boss. You brought the cats and dogs home and handed them over to us, and you don't care about them anymore. You have no sense of responsibility at all!"

When He Yushui brought the two children over, the first thing he said was complaint.

"Uh, I forgot. Why didn't you go to school today? Did Maodan and Goudan eat?"

"I'd be starving waiting for you. My brother made noodles for me this morning. He's on leave today. He's going to discuss getting the marriage certificate with my sister-in-law, so let's go together!"

"(ノ⊙ω⊙)ノ嚯, fast enough, you got the certificate already? Well, the sooner you get it, the sooner it's done. If you drag it out, things will get worse. By the way, why did you ask for leave? Aren't you afraid of delaying your studies?"

"After your tutoring, my grades have improved dramatically. I feel like I will have no problem getting into a technical secondary school. It's okay to take a leave!"

As he was talking, Sha Zhu came in with a bowl of noodles: "Eat quickly, and then we'll go!"

He ran a lap last night and tried to be a good guy. He was exhausted and really hungry. He felt that his appetite had increased greatly. He didn't know if it was because of his growth or because he had a genetic mutation after turning into a dinosaur. In short, he could eat a lot now.

The bowl that Sha Zhu used to serve the noodles was the same size as the bowl that Qin Huairu used to beg for food. Wang Luo finished off all the noodles in just a few mouthfuls. He was only half full at best, so he took two of the leftover steamed buns from last night and stuffed them into his stomach to fill his stomach.

"You are such a big eater, aren't you? It's a good thing that you are the only one in your family right now, and your parents give you a high living allowance, otherwise you would starve to death!"

Sha Zhu was stunned to see Wang Luo eating so much and said a little surprised.

"I don't rely on my parents now, and I eat well. How can I go hunting now? Forget it, I'm full, let's go!"

He patted his stomach, locked the door and went out.

"What are you talking about?"

I saw a group of three or five old men and women gathered together discussing something, and even an old lady who had been excluded from the chat group joined in.

"What are you guys doing?"

The old lady became excited again when she saw Maodan and Goudan, and stretched out her hand to take Goudan.

"No, we'll leave right away. It's a bit inconvenient for the two children to stay here. I want to go to the compound to take a look. There are many soldiers who came back from the battlefield without children. I plan to give them to them for adoption. They are all veterans with stable jobs and a lot of experience. These two children can live well there."

A short pain is worse than a long one, so Wang Luo told the truth directly. "Oh, send him away, that's good too, haha!"

After hearing what Wang Luo said, the aunt knew that there was no chance. If it was possible yesterday, Yi Zhonghai had changed his mind after Jia Dongxu's family intervened. She had to take back her outstretched hand and sighed helplessly.

"Hey, Xiao Luo, let me tell you something important. It happened last night. Some dog spies were tricked by some flying hero. They were found hanging on a crooked tree early in the morning with all their limbs broken. If they hadn't been found early, three of them would have died. One of them was in the most serious condition. It was said that his chest was dented. It was so tragic. Haha, but we ordinary people are happy! These dogs are beaten to death and that's it!"

The third aunt came over happily and said to Wang Luo.

"Oh my, there is such a good thing. This Flying Knight is really amazing. Tell me, these people have to make trouble instead of living a good life. What are they trying to do?"

Sha Zhu also came forward and interjected.

"Of course not. You see, this guy is pretty amazing. Two young men were able to hang themselves on the tree without making any noise."

"Is it like what the storyteller said? In the early years, there were many chivalrous men like him in our capital. All the little books were killed by them. I remember one was hung on the city gate tower."

. . . . . .

That's enough. Don't leave in a hurry. Listen to this passage first. Beijing people, especially those who live in the hutongs, are not only polite, but also good at talking. You have to listen. They will pull you and won't let you go.

Wang Luo didn't expect that he just caught three dog spies, and within a day, the news immediately spread to Nanluoguxiang, which is several streets away from Yanzhixiang. It turned out that the common people had their own intelligence channels.

Soon more and more people gathered, and some even said they had seen Wang Luo. They described in great detail how they captured the spy and how he was hung on the tree. It was so vivid that if Wang Luo was not sure that he had done it and was 100% sure that there was no one around, he would have believed it himself.

The more they talked, the more outrageous it became. Wang Luo blushed as he listened. He had no choice but to pull Sha Zhu's brother and sister and take the two children away quickly.

This silly guy still feels unsatisfied.

"Why are you in such a hurry? I've loved listening to these stories about heroes since I was a kid. At the time, I couldn't find a master willing to teach me, so I ended up learning wrestling. Otherwise, maybe I would be this hero. Hey, catching spies is awesome!"

"You listened to their nonsense. You have seen her before. If you have seen her before, why don't you find her? We have a lot of things to do today. Aren't you going to discuss the marriage certificate? Is this wife more important than the hero?"

"Oh my, I forgot about this important matter. It's all because the story of the Flying Hero is too good to be true. Let's go!"

Finally, they got on the bus and went to the military compound.

"What time is it? I was thinking of asking you to come over and prepare the food. You have no sense of time at all!"

When they arrived at the gate, Sister Liu Yue was already looking around. When she saw him coming, she first hit Sha Zhu directly to show her dissatisfaction.

"I'm sorry, Yueyue, didn't something happen in our area last night? A flying hero showed up and broke the limbs of three dog spies and hung them on a tree. When I heard that, I forgot the time!"

(End of this chapter)

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