I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 76 Doubts

Chapter 76 Doubts
They have already told us about their difficulties, and they are also talking about the greater good of the country. No one can force them to treat us. Well, there is no advantage to be gained. They shook their heads helplessly and sighed. They couldn't have a good meal.

"Xiao Luo, where are the cat and dog?"

The old lady searched everywhere but didn't find the two children, so she started asking you. She still had some fantasy, hoping that Wang Luo hadn't found a home for them so that she could adopt them at any time.

"Ah, the child has been adopted by one of my uncles. They are from the same hometown. Don't worry, he will definitely live a good life."

After hearing what Wang Luo said, the aunt's eyes suddenly dimmed.

Let it be bleak, and don't care about Wang Luo. If they wanted to adopt a child, they would have done it long ago. There are so many fatherless and motherless orphans in the orphanage now. Yi Zhonghai just wants to take advantage of a ready-made one.

. . . . . .

At night, Wang Luo slipped out of the yard again, planning to start practicing flying over the capital. He had already set a goal. He wanted to take a long-distance flight to visit Xiaobenzi and get some food from their home. That is, to minimize the losses in time while the disaster is not at its most serious. It seems that this is all he can do at the moment. If he can save as many people as possible, he will be worthy of his identity as a time traveler.

To be honest, flying practice cannot be delayed, mainly because he also wants to make a little money like he did last night. He is a little addicted to doing business with no capital, especially when the golden gold is in front of him. Everyone who sees it will like it. What's more, although his monthly salary was not low before, he was also a high-level worker. It is not as satisfying as robbery!
But not long after he climbed out of the yard and turned into a thin crocodile dragon and walked away, he felt that the situation was a little different. The patrol intensity in the capital had been strengthened a lot tonight, and people from relevant units were walking back and forth at every street corner with guns on their backs. Little did he know how much impact the incident he caused last night had on the people of relevant units.

It was said that early in the morning, three dog spies hung on a tree were discovered by the public and the police station was informed. This was a big case, so the relevant units immediately sent the people to the hospital and took away the discovered documents. They couldn't let the people die, and maybe they could get a lot of useful information.

The little guy was the most seriously injured. After all, Wang Luo's shoulder hit his chest and all his ribs were broken. The ribs hurt his heart and lungs. In addition, he was hanging on the tree for a whole night. He died not long after being sent to the hospital. It was still relatively lucky for him. The sooner he died, the sooner he could be reborn and become an animal in the next life.

But the tall guy and the man with the goatee were still alive. Both of them only had their limbs broken. At most they suffered a little, but they did not die. When they were rescued, they faced interrogation. They did not hide anything because it was useless to hide it. The sooner they confessed, the less suffering they would suffer. They really thought that the relevant authorities would be kind to them.

Anyway, they could not escape the fate of a peanut in the end, so they might as well confess everything. They did not have the courage to fight to the end. Following their clues, the relevant departments launched a surprise attack and arrested a group of evildoers.

I won't go into detail about the arrest process, but what made the investigators curious in the end was how this so-called "Flying Knight" got into the secret room, how he suddenly appeared, and who he was.

"My dear leader, I have said everything I should say. I know I will be shot in the end, so I just want to suffer less. I have explained everything clearly to all my superiors and subordinates. Is there any need to hide anything else?"

When faced with questioning by investigators, the man with the goatee and the tall man gave the same answer.

"There were three of you at the time, and we went to the secret room. It was so small, and there was nothing covering it. Didn't you notice there was someone there? This doesn't make sense at all. Did he jump out of the ground?"

The investigator took notes with a pen and paper while questioning Goatee.

"I don't know either. After everything was explained, we were about to leave the secret room when a masked man suddenly jumped out and shouted "Where are you going?" We were shocked. Before we could react, he attacked and knocked one of us unconscious with just one kick. I had just opened my mouth and hadn't said a word when he slapped me. The strength was amazing. After all, I am the person in charge of this capital city and have received relevant training. During the training, I also met many martial arts masters, but I have never seen anyone with such great strength. Just look at my mouth full of teeth, and they were all knocked out with just one slap.

After that, I fainted. I didn’t see clearly whether it was a human or a ghost. As for what happened to the little guy, I don’t know either. Anyway, when I woke up, you appeared in front of me.”

Goatee still couldn't believe that he was arrested for no reason.

When the investigators handed in the confessions of the two men, everyone was scratching their heads thinking about this question. Judging from their confessions, they definitely did not lie, because there was no need to.

"Leader, is there really someone in this world who can cast spells, become invisible, or even walk through walls?"

Finally, a young man couldn't stand it anymore. If science couldn't explain something, he could only regard it as metaphysics.

"What nonsense are you talking about? The so-called magic is just a trick used by charlatans to deceive the people and make money. How can we believe in it?"

The leader took a deep puff of his cigarette and answered his subordinates' questions.

"Then how do you think he got into the secret room? And his strength? According to the autopsy, the little guy was killed with just one blow. All his ribs were broken. The fatal injury was that his ribs were stuck in his internal organs and he died.

There are also confessions and injuries from the two people. They are telling the truth. It was really caused by a kick and a slap. I admit that they were very strong, but I have never seen such strength. And according to the goatee, the man was not tall, a little over 1.6 meters tall, and he didn't look strong. There are too many suspicious points here."

The young man laid all his analysis and doubts on the table.

"Let me interject. According to the autopsy, the little guy who was beaten to death was killed by his shoulder hitting his chest. I know there is a martial art in our country called Bajiquan, and they have a move called Tieshankao. It seems that this little guy was beaten to death by a similar move.

As for whether the Iron Mountain Backrest can exert such great strength, I need to get to know some martial artists before I can get evidence!"

Another person put out his cigarette and explained.

"Your explanation is reasonable. There are many talented people in our country, and there are many people who know martial arts among the people. His strength makes sense, but how do I explain how he entered the secret room? I don't even know how to write this report. Who will believe it when I submit it to the higher-ups?

And who exactly is this elusive guy? We must understand all of this clearly. Now it seems to be beneficial to us, at least it helped us destroy an underground organization, but in the future, will it be harmful to us? In my opinion, this kind of person should be incorporated into our department and should not be allowed to stay outside. You see, the whole city is discussing this matter now!"

(End of this chapter)

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