I brought a Jurassic

Chapter 86 Revenge

Chapter 86 Revenge (Subscription Request)

The senior executives of Xiaobenzi held a meeting in a hurry to study solutions. They were all a bunch of old men and they didn't sleep all night.

But Wang Luo was different. He slept comfortably, woke up with the cackling of pterosaurs, tidied himself up, and turned into a little butterfly again to wander around Fukuoka looking for food.

He had relevant experience from getting gold yesterday. I can't find it myself. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack. I don't know how to find someone who can find it. This is easy. Just go find the food factory. As long as you find the food factory and follow their trucks carrying the raw materials, then why would you worry about not finding the granary?

After confirming this relationship, Wang Luo began to search the streets. The first truck he found was a food delivery truck for stores. It had "Nissin Flour Milling Group Headquarters" written on it, and there was also a picture of a pair of chopsticks picking up noodles painted on the truck.

Come on, it's him. Isn't this a truck for transporting instant noodles? And he is familiar with the word Nissin. This company is considered a well-known food company in later generations. It is said that it also invested in that Jinlang food. Anyway, there was a boycott wave in the country at that time. But he didn't know whether it was true or not. Anyway, he was a loyal fan of White Elephant.

After delivering the goods at high speed on the transport truck, the truck finally drove back to the factory.

After arriving at the food factory, we saw a long line of cars in front of its gate. They were all transporting flour. Look, they were connected now. Then they changed their means of transportation and flew to the truck transporting flour.

One stop after another, one stop after another.

In the end, he not only got the location of the flour mill's large warehouse, but also the location of the grain reserve warehouse. This was enough, he could make a living. He had to transport so much grain by himself, he was so happy, very happy. After all, if the people in the country could get some grain, they would not have to starve. Not only did he get the grain, he also found the location of a large sugar factory, which was a bonus.

At night, he rushed into the storage warehouse and began to shuttle back and forth between the Jurassic World and the real world, constantly bringing in wheat, rice and other things.

It’s not over after the storage warehouse is moved. Flour mills, food companies and other places also pack up and take away all the grain.

In order to prevent those tiny crocodile dragons from making trouble and destroying the food, and to prevent the rain from wetting the food, he thoughtfully took some canvas and covered all the food stored in the open air. After all, there was too much food now, and the cave was not big to begin with, and with so much small coins stored in it, there was no space left except for a place for himself to sleep, so now he had to cook outside.

Now he felt a little regretful. In the past, he only knew how to learn skills and fight dinosaurs in this world, but forgot that he should build this place. Even if he could cut down those big trees and make a fence around it, he could grow some vegetables and food inside. It would be better to build a big villa and stay in it, just like a vacation.

Wang Luo was exhausted after the whole night, so he decided to take a day off and started to sleep soundly in Jurassic World. He decided to go to Tokyo for a stroll in the evening after a good rest. It was not easy to come here, so he might as well bring more things back. There were so many people in the country, and the food might not be enough to eat, because the drought would not be lifted until next year.

"Moshimoshi, Ono-kun, are you calling me to tell me the results of the investigation?"

The commander-in-chief, who was waiting for news, picked up the phone and heard that it was from Fukuoka. He thought there was some progress in the bank robbery case and asked happily.

"No, Commander-in-Chief, there is still no progress in the bank robbery case. Even the experts from the capital are confused and don't know where to start..."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by the commander-in-chief's rude scolding: "Baka, why did you call me when there is no progress? Why don't you commit seppuku? I tell you, I finally managed to stabilize the ambassador of my father's country, but you told me there is no progress. This is simply unreasonable."

"I'm really sorry, Commander-in-Chief, we will investigate the real case as soon as possible."

The man on the other side bowed and begged for mercy.

"Okay, then I'll give you some more time to solve the case as soon as possible. You have to know that I'm also under a lot of pressure. If Daddy Country puts pressure on me again, I really can't do anything. Tell me, since there are no clues, why did you call me again? With all this time, why don't you urge your men to go to the crime scene more often?"

The commander-in-chief was very dissatisfied that his subordinates did not find any clues but still had time to call him.

"I'm really sorry, Commander-in-Chief, we may have to trouble you again. The food stored in the food reserves in Fukuoka City and some companies suddenly disappeared overnight. Fukuoka City is currently in need of food support, otherwise there may be looting."

"What? Baka! Bang! Bang!" The bank robbery case hasn't been solved yet, and suddenly there's another grain theft case. What on earth is going on? The commander was so angry that he threw his beloved tea set to the ground. Maybe the news was too shocking, and he couldn't stand the pressure. He had an attack of blood and his eyes went dark, and he passed out all of a sudden.

"Commander-in-chief, Commander-in-chief, what's wrong with you..."

The person on the other end of the phone was still shouting, and footsteps were heard here. The secretary of the commander-in-chief took over the phone and informed the relevant situation. The staff immediately took the commander-in-chief to the hospital for treatment, but it was unclear whether he was dead or not.

But this is still a small scene. If Wang Luo comes to their capital again to make trouble, he will be skinned alive if he doesn't die. He might even sit in a wheelchair and make the gesture of six plus seven with his left hand and his right hand.

"When I woke up at night, I was full of positive energy. I wielded my hoe and started digging..."

He sang the song he had changed into a mess, ate dinner happily, and then turned into a pterosaur and flew towards the capital city in the little notebook.

He would also look down at the places he passed by. If a place looked like a granary, he would turn into a little butterfly and go down to take a look. If there was food there, he would pack it all up and not leave any behind.

In the morning, he had already arrived at the capital of Xiaobenzi.

At this moment, both Fukuoka and the capital were in a state of panic. No one could imagine what kind of people or animals would move all the food away overnight, which caused panic among the people. They spread the news that a ghost had come to the notebook. There was nothing they could do if it wasn't a ghost, what else could it be? After all, this was a country that produced Ultraman, little monsters, Sadako, and Godzilla. Since they had all these, one more ghost wouldn't be a big deal.

All major media outlets also added fuel to the flames, swarming in to interview the public and report on the incident. As the incident fermented, it became more and more lively, and the entire notebook was discussing it. It even overshadowed the information that the commander-in-chief was in the hospital. What was there to report about an old man? He was far less popular than a ghost.

Some editors, directors and others even made some art works based on this incident. Some superstitious people even wanted to deify this person who came and went without a trace. The scene was simply amazing.

Wang Luo didn't understand what the little notebook said, nor did he know what their media was reporting. He still acted according to his own plan. The capital of this little notebook was a national capital with a lot of good things. Not to mention banks, even various chaebols gathered here. They were very rich. This money was not banknotes, but gold, pure gold. The gold they plundered in the past was not only used to bribe their fathers, but also kept in the hands of various chaebols.

After a series of operations in Fukuoka, it is difficult to enter the major banks because they are on guard. Some even temporarily close their vaults and wait for the right time to make a decision based on the specific situation. Therefore, Wang Luo, who wants to go to the bank, has a low chance of getting money.

Fine, since we can't go to the bank, let's change the location and hang out in the homes of the major chaebols. But before hanging out in the chaebols' homes, he needs to find two people first, the ones mentioned above who made mistakes but were not punished and are still alive. He had already engraved the photos of these two people in his mind when he was in elementary school in his previous life. Decades have passed, and he has not forgotten what these people look like. He even looked up detailed information about their home addresses. At that time, he was out of curiosity or anger, but now that he is here, they should just die.

In an apartment far away from the urban area in Kyoto, a thin old man with a bald head and wearing glasses, who looks ordinary, is wearing their traditional costumes, kneeling on the tatami, drinking sake in a depressed manner.

While drinking, he reviewed his life experiences, including his birth, schooling, joining the army, fighting, and spending half his life in military service. He thought that he could conquer countries one by one with his bravery and turn them into colonies of his own country. Unfortunately, he failed in the end and was almost executed. Fortunately, there were always some fools who were self-righteous and saved his life.

He did not regret what he had done, thinking that he was a soldier and that was what he should do. He only regretted that he had not done his best, which led to the ultimate failure of the country. After the failure, he could only kneel on the tatami, drink sake, and reminisce about the past.

But now he is just an old man and he can't do anything to help the country. The country has been completely defeated and castrated, and is surviving under the comfort of the daddy country. It has not perished, but it is not much better either.

"Hey, Gangci, you seem to be having a relaxing time. You even have free time to drink. I'm curious if you ever thought about the innocent souls you killed while drinking. Don't say you don't understand Longguo dialect. I know you are an expert on Longguo!"

Just as he put down his wine glass, a little kid in shorts and a vest suddenly appeared in front of him, folding his arms and looking at him. The language he spoke was the same language he had heard countless times begging for mercy, but was ultimately the language he ordered to be killed.

 There is another chapter in the afternoon

(End of this chapter)

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